Alright i can get 6 hits consistantly. You just need to pause between the first and second srk’s but how the hell do you get 7?
I’ve never got 7.
Alright i can get 6 hits consistantly. You just need to pause between the first and second srk’s but how the hell do you get 7?
I’ve never got 7.
Seth’s awesome.
I play him as much as I can when I’m not main lining the cyclone into my eyeballs.
If you’re farther away when you shoryuken you’re more likely to get 7. Also, it’s a lot easier to get it on Sagat or Abel because they’re fat. It’s really easy to get at the end of a round because of how weird juggle properties are after the KO.
i moved from ryu to seth but im finding that im getting owned faster if they catch me, his low health is a burn.
most good ryu’s and ken will shoyu on reaction and even if i try to Dhk (off a wall jump) i still get hit
also is teleporting a viable way to get away from wake up pains?
When you’re outside the corner backward teleport is good indeed. Of course on prediction they can do something about it, but if they were trying something else or often even waiting for something you get out of jail free.
There are many ways to punish wakeup back teleport, but most of them only punish that specifically. IE Ryu ultra, fireball, Fuerte run into rsf/quesadilla (?) bomb. I think you can also punish it by jumping right as he teleports to hit him with a jump-in as he lands, but I’m not certain about it.
However, if someone crosses me up on my wakeup, I will always back KKK teleport out of that crap. Seth’s teleport makes mixups harder for the opponent because it gives you another option.
Elfs Ultra also works off of a backwards tele(PPP) Version.
My question is why is it I can’t dive kick after a j mp juggle off of a sonic boom. It seems I can only get a max of a 5 hit combo.
Stupid juggle limits in SF4.
And yeah, I really never use PPP back teleport, ever.
is seths normals bad? i dont see any decent explenations about them…
They’re not Ryu’s normals, but they’re not bad like Abel’s or Dan’s. If you want the simple tl;dr version:
far, far s.hp, and are his pokes. Close s.hp, close,, and cr.hp are combo tools. is his best jump-in and his cross up. and are his best air-to-air. cr.lp,, and are blockstring tools.
cr.hp is your best normal for starting a combo mid-screen, but it’s really slow. Close is better in the corner for starting a combo because you can link to Close s.hp is unsafe on block but still a very fast normal that you can cancel into sonic boom to make it safer. and cr.lp do shit damage but are fast enough to make Seth’s blockstrings good. doesn’t combo from much besides a jump-in, so it’s mostly used in footsies to cancel into sonic boom or to do j.hp -> xx Hyakuretsu. is usually only used when linking cr.lp -> xx whatever. Close is better than cr.lp in combos but doesn’t make an airtight blockstring. Far is a very nice poke. Far s.hp is obviously his dhalsim poke which is very useful. I like far because it’s a very manly move, but it’s not commonly used. is the crossup and really damn good. also crosses up and is generally used for tick throws.
These are the normals that suck (or are inferior to other normals almost completely, even though there are exceptions):
Close s.lp, close, close, far s.lp, far, far,, j.lp, j.hp,
props thanks kiku!
which teleport do i do on wake up if im in a corner?
You don’t unless they cross you up (in which case do backwards KKK teleport). You cannot escape the corner with teleport if they aren’t moronic enough to let you teleport next to them.
You don’t, teleporting when in the corner will always have you near the enemy. If cornered block and be ready to tech a throw, or if they throw out something you can see, fierce shoryu/EX shoryu it.
what’s the best thing to do when i get a FA lvl 1 hit on an opponent who is in the air?
You can try lp shoryu -> stomps, just stomps, s.hp xx Teleport -> SPD mixup, s.hp xx lp Sonic Boom for chip damage and block advantage, ultra, or Hyakuretsu -> stomps, depending on their health, how high up they are, and screen positioning.
or u could dash foward and hit him with in which case he will be reseted ur opponent that is and u can do a SPD.
i hope you’ve tested this
I’m having a tiny bit of trouble linking mp from 2 jabs but it’s coming with practice, any tips on it?
I’m having A LOT of trouble doing headstomps in the corner off of lk lightning legs tips please?
There are no tips for the headstomp off legs. The guy has to be completely in the corner so try using mk or hk instead of lk, it moves them further but when the guy is “released” from the kicks you are always the same distance from him. The headstomps have to be done immediately after the opponent is released. Just takes practice.
As for 2 jabs to strong, just need to practice, the only other tip is you can use the opponents lifebar to see when you should be hitting strong by watching the “blip” travel down the border.