Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

I added some of these, but I didn’t put the ones with a jump-in on there.

Is the C.HP - J. MP - SRK combo character specific, or does it just have problems connecting after a dizzy/crumple? I seem to miss with the J. MP occasionally. = \

I think I’ll try to tandem first from now on.

It’s character-specific, but works on everyone in the corner (it has weird timing in the corner).

is it me or do you have to Not jump right away to do it? Is there a vid of anyone doing it?

Yes, that’s exactly what you have to do, otherwise you cross them up.

NEW COMBO FOUND :stuck_out_tongue:

FA DC cr.lp s.lp s.lp x qcf.p FA DC cr.lp s.lp s.lp x qcf.p FA DC cr.lp s.lp s.lp x j.d.mkx3

Just for fun :slight_smile:

“Full Meter: neutral -> s.hp xx hp Sonic Boom xx hp Super: 490 Damage”

Instead of s.hp x sonic boom xx super do s.hp xx super, i think it does more dmg

It doesn’t. S.hp xx super does more damage than s.hp xx hp Sonic Boom xx Super, but if you put the jump-in on there, because of the way damage scaling kicks in after the second attack, you should put in the sonic boom.

Note that I’m putting in the jump-in on this combo because it’s a stun punisher, so deciding between FA3 and neutral to start it off is important for damage.

Does crossup, cr.hp xx 623lp, x3, not work? Whenever I hit on crossup it seems like I can never land close enough to do this combo and I end up either needing meter or just doing, xx 214mk.

Sorry for the number notation, I’m a GG/Melty player at heart.

No need to be sorry about the notation, that way is clean and easy to read. No there’s no issue with landing it as a cross up, just make sure that that crouch fierce comes out right as you hit the ground and that you cancel the second hit into 623jab.

I’ve kept trying it and it doesn’t seem to want to work out on crossup at all. Non-crossup, I hit it 100% of the time.

As a matter of fact, it looks like on some characters (tested on Sakura), the second hit of the cr.hp after a crossup actually whiffs, causing the enemy to not launch.

Looks like I’ll just stick to, xx 214mk or, cr.lp, xx 214 mk.

That combo doesnt work on Sakura on a crossup. It won’t launch her due to whiff (as you can see). I think it also happens with El Fuerte. There might be more people xup c.fp doesn’t work on.

OK so the c.HP, j.MP, c.LP combo works on these people.

Fei Long = Yes
Cammy = Yes
Akuma = Yes
Gouken = Yes
Dhalsim = Yes
Blanka = Yes
Chun Li = Yes
Ryu = Yes
Honda = No (Can’t get j.MP)
Zangief = Yes (No after a long range FA)
Guile = No (Can’t get j.MP)
Ken = Yes
Seth = Yes
Bison = Yes
Sagat = No (Can’t get c.LP)
Vega = ???
Balrog = Yes
Abel = Yes
C. Viper = Yes
Rufus = ???
El Fuerte = ??? (Can easily do it after a FA)
Sakura = Yes
Rose = Yes
Dan = Yes
Gen = Yes

With Cammy, it is really fickle if you want to do it after an FA. Zangief sort of has a similar problem but can be sorted by waiting about half a second than when you would normally hit c.HP after a FA.

In the case of Vega, Rufus and El Fuerte, i’ve had varying degrees of success, especially with Vega. With Vega i’ve missed the j.MP, hit the j.MP but miss the c.LP and had it all work. It hardly works on Rufus, but sometimes it does. I think it has something to do with their animation but i’m not sure.

I at least know that it doesn’t work on the women, except C. Viper, thus proving that C. Viper isn’t a women. Not only can you do crossup j.HK, c.HP on her, you can also follow that up with LP Shoryuken, Headstomps, which as far as i know, only work on Zangief, Abel and Gen (AKA the manliest characters.)

Wouldn’t the FA cr.fp problem be solved by using jab tandem to pull them in first? I.E FA Dash, Jab tandem, cr.fp xx whatever

quick question

Got a quick question as to the rationale behind something I’ve been seeing a lot of seths do. One of the major tools I see people using are combos like this: xx cr.lp -> xx mk Hyakuretsu: 182 Damage, 355 Stun or some very similar variant, throwing in an extra cr.lp or usually used after a jumpin or cross up. For me, especially on live the link between the cr.lp/lk-> is pretty difficult and I usually end up getting DP’d out of the combo so I’ve started replacing the whole beginning of this combo with a modest and cancelling into mk lightning legs.

This alternative doesn’t seem to be significantly less advantageous stun or damage wise to combos like the one above, so what’s the deal? Chaining jabs gives you more time to FADC away if you’re blocked. I also realize you can’t do a tick SPD from either. But still, it seems like the safer option to me.

Online is better because it is less effected by lag, but overall the main reasons the xx cr.lp -> xx is better are.

  1. You have more time to hit confirm.
  2. If blocked you can go into a sonic boom for spacing and chip.(You can do this with the too but this gives you slightly more space and like I said before more time for hit confirm)
  3. the first hit is slightly quicker.

I’ve actually gotten spam dped out of xx sonic boom

When the mk cancels Seth seems to step forward when he throws the boom.

Test it out, do it with xx and then xx with the boom and with teh he moves forward.

Kara boom time for controlling space? Go out and research those of you with training mode!

You can’t kara with, it’s only when you cancel from it, which you can’t do on whiff generally.

Also, that xx Hyakuretsu link is the most important link Seth has. If you don’t do that shit, you are gonna have to work hella harder to get damage in. You need to be able to do that reliably. Otherwise your reset off a divekick is a lot worse, since you get less damage and stun and you don’t get the knockdown.

kara everything

Haha yea, looks you can use it to do a kara engine too, though you come forward less than with the boom. Could be useful for shuffling people into the corner for a stomping.