Serious: Need RC Elec. Assistance [Video Inside]

I was going to post this in character specific thread but I figured this thread has more traffic…

I use to be able to rc elec somewhat consistently and yes I get tired of asking people how they do it and lately it’s been terrible. Actually for maybe a month now it’s been like this and every time you ask someone for help all they can really do is suggest the inputs. I have a video here which clearly shows I hit the inputs 100% and I still get a roll… Can anyone explain what’s going on? I think I do it pretty fast also so I never thought it was really a speed issue. It gets frustrating practicing for hours per day and still ending up with inconsistency like this. The reason why I end it with a :mp: :hp: now is because sometimes I miss the :lp: input off :hp: :mp: :lp: so it’s just an extra punch input to make sure I get elec. out.

My exact inputs on the video:


Ok…listening to ur fingers hit the buttons, I think ur starting piano a little too early. Try doing it a split second later.

The piano method should just flow.

Your’s sounds like you had a bigger pause between the start of the piano and the roll.


Should flow like…


You are defanitly doing it to early glory. Dash and then wait a sec longer before you start. I saw the first time i watched the vid that your starting way too early.

i third the too early notion. try beginning ur button pushing at the apex of the dash and make sure uve hit the first 3 buttons before landing. the speed of the button pushing is fine, just the separation between first three pushes and the last pushes is too large.

jab strong fierce roll fierce… easy



Works for me everytime…

Let me know how it goes…

That is what he is doing, and it’s going bad.

There’s no way that the first fierce should overlap a dash input. You are starting the first drum roll too early.

Hmm, seems to me he’s rolling before the Lp.

anyway, yea, looks like your doing the Hp. Mp. Lp. to soon…

You need to read his inputs backwards. In the video he does dash into electricity, so that explains the 3 forward inputs. If you read it again, you’ll see he does: dash, fierce, strong, jab, roll.

this is the best tip i’ve ever read. after trying to rc electricity for so long, i’ve sorta got the timing down due to this tip

Actaully there’s an easier way of doing rc elec that doesnt really require any timing at all. I talked with trent online and he told me all you need do is flick your wrist in a see saw motion. In fact you don’t even move your fingers. From fierce to roll then roll to fierce. I took the liberty and embarassment in being a nerd and recording how I do it. Makes things alot easier and its’ easy to whiff multiple rc electricities for meter building. The inputs should be as followed:


I recorded this becuase I really believe it can help give a different approach/opportunity to those who can’t rc elec well.

The result.

You are teh winnar.

That’s the perfect timing, just make sure your hand doesn’t get tired mid match or something.

Make sure your ending in fp and not mp…

It helps to mention WHY!!!

Fierce electricy hits for 1 frame every second frame. Strong hits for 2 frames, every 4 frames. And jab is 4, 8. So fierce only has 1 inactive frame between hits, reducing the chances of an opponent whiffing through you.


Thanks for vid demonstration, Glory! :tup:
-I get pissed off too getting the speed/rhythm with no RC result like fierce, strong, jab, jab, short, fierce. It wouldn’t register the roll or I get it 1/5 times. Your way/friend makes it easier to do cr.short to elec. :clap:

just wanted to add my thanks - this thread got me RC elec’ing like silk. great thread!



Is that a double tap of LP+LK?:wow:

so wasssup with the: