Serious: Need RC Elec. Assistance [Video Inside]

thats the pro way of doing it, because u dont hve to dash
u can simply input those and u will get rc electricity
the reason being: when u do LP, the amount of time it takes for lp to come out is identical for the timing u need to do the following MP - HP (ie very fast), as soon as the lp recovers ur at the (lp+lk) state, and thus ur cancellnig the roll

try it!

yeah i only asked because i NEVER rc’ed elec. with the:


now you’re telling me to DASH first then do that HP style? never knew that lol. i stood there whiffing a HP like a complete bum

It seems like Blanka (Or any character with similar moves like Chun, Joe, etc) could get counterhit out of a technique like that involving whiffing moves, even the jab.

Does this mean that the first half of the motions should best be buffered during another move like RC Hop so that the roll motion (and the following) are done the second he lands? Like a wakeup reversal RC?

Or is this all just a matter of timing, like whiff the jab so when RC elec comes out it stuffs whatever Blanka saw coming his way?

I don’t like the idea of standing up to do that s.lp whiff though, I’d rather whiff a than a s.lp. Blanka’s fat enough as it is.

to be honest, a whiffed lp has so little recovery its practically unpunishable, whereas a hop is quite long, and whats more, a better player will just throw u as you land
because a roll cancel is considered a roll, a throw will counter it (even if electricity has already started)
thats why u see people grab out of electricity

so if im on the floor and blanka is standing over me,getting ready to RC elec. can i just throw his bitch ass?

if he meaties it (you get up while it’s hitting), no you’re screwed… only way out is parry/jd/counter/reversal. if he just does it as you’re getting up (to beat your RC or super) you can throw him.

whats this reversal shit? i sometimes get it out on the screen and dont know why. my bad for asking,but i dont have this at home to know anything. and can you explain meaty attacks too?

reversal - special or super move performed by the defending player on the first free frame following hit stun, block stun, knockdown, air reel, or throw tech

note: in cvs2 you can do a roll as a reversal

meaty - causing an attack to hit midway into its attack duration in order to decrease the period of time between impact and the natural end of the attack, giving the opponent less time to recover before following up with another attack; most commonly performed after a knockdown

im taking a stab in the dark here,but for MEATY attacks:

standing by a knocked-down opponent i do cr.HP with sagat early before he wakes. and when it connects,is that a meaty? and what are the uses of reversals? any frame advantages? scrub here,just tryna’ elevate.

For the reversals thing, if say sagat is poking the shit out of you with s.lp over and over again, you can go for a reversal RC ball between them. since there’s so little space between the s.lp, that’s pretty much the only thing that’s going to get you out of that little bit of faggotry. It’s probably a shitty example and I’m all wrong.

there are tons of uses of reversals, wakeup uppercut for example
no frame advantages for reversals but for meaties, the later the move hits the more recovery you get. since i dont know the frame data for c.hp, ill use cammy s.hp. the move has 4 hitting frames and leaves you at +10 hit or block. if you do it meaty, or time it so that it hits on the 3rd hitting frame, you’ll be at a +12. this is why you can do that sagat c.hp meaty and combo xx low tiger shot.

indeed that can be a reversal just as long as you roll on the 1st free frame. but you can just backhop out of the s.jab shit.

Everyone has their preference.

I personally do lp, mp, hp, roll, fierce. But lots of people start from fierce.

Good luck with it glory, don’t spam it too much, good players catch on quick.

are meaties generally as a rule of thumb either for a)mind games when you want to trick your opponent into thinking they can reversal dp you or b) to work the guard bar when they’re too scared to dp ?

use meaties on people without good reversals (aka characters that dont have a dp like sakura, bison, blanka etc. In cvs2, you only have 1 frame to do a reversal roll and thus only 1 frame to do a reversal roll cancel. so if someone does a meaty on you and you eff up your roll cancel they get a combo and if you block it, they get a nasty gaurd string/setup. dragon punches as well as other special moves/supers have a larger window for executing reversals. so if you do a meaty on a grownded opponent that can dp, you’ll prolly get dp’d if they can do that sort of thing on reaction.

conclusion: try to only use meaties on characters without dragon punches.
test it: choose c-ryu and sagat. record sagat to do c.rh dash meaty c.hp. with ryu try uppercutting, supering (lvl2 or 3), and rcing or even just rolling so you get “reversal” to appear.