I uploaded Nemo’s matches.
I uploaded Nemo’s matches.
I did NOT know you can cancel to Seiei-Enbu from Senkyutai on block.
Also, goddamn Mago
nsb on USTREAM: This is Nagoya Street Battle live channel. ??? stream2 http://ustream.tv/channel/nsb2 Blog http://nsb.blog.shinobi.jp…
nsb2 on USTREAM: This is Nagoya Street Battle live channel.??? Blog http://nsb.blog.shinobi.jp/ Twitter http://twitter.com/team_nsb Pla…
nsb21, KOK and kindevu(!!) inside, the stream is airing RIGHT NOW
Gamerbee(Adon) vs Humanbomb(Yang) FT5
Yang player at the Beginning of the video
Another Yang player at 2:26 with alt costume:red
Another Yang at 7:01 with same alt
Another Yang at 8:34 with alt:purple
Another Yang at 13:05 with same alt
Another Yang at 42:17 with purple
Another Yang at 46:54 with purple
And Yang at 53:01 with purple
And Yall should see another Yang video next to the video. It a Sagat vs Yang alt purple image video
good use of Yang’s Super 30:37, 42:28. End the combo with a crossup that beats mash dp.
it looks like Nemo and other jp players use the super that way alot.
Hey everyone, I just recently started a YouTube channel that will have footage of Rom’s Yang and mine. One video up so far, stay tuned.
More new videos. This time it’s my Yang against Kurokiba, a local Deejay player. It’s an interesting match, I can’t dive kick for pressure or do my cross up shenanigans as much as I want to. Also his LK Dread Kicks go under my lows, but I can bait that out and punish with st. LK xx Slashes.
That was good stuff against Kurokiba (Played this guy a bunch in ranked before, really solid DeeJay indeed)! Hawaii only got AE machines about 3 or so weeks ago and I’ve been playing Yang non-stop since. I like the st.LK into rekkas and I liked the empty dive kick whiff after U1 into EX command grab.
Really enjoying playing Yang.
Shirtless Yang!!!
more of this 666 yang
omg, this super is so crazy O__O
more of the 666 yang
it’s actually the 1st part from RoseSFIVAll56’s post, before mohamedo fought 666
That is why Yang’s super is better than Yun’s. This can be done anywhere on screen - it doesn’t have to be activated in the corner. I see people are now just doing c.mp -> dash -> repeat, seems to be working better than c.lk -> c.mp -> dash
He starts the super in the corner and uses yangs ultra to make it do any good damage midscreen. I’m not saying that yangs super is bad(It is really good) but while it may do a little more damage yuns super is still much easier to combo into, works better midscreen, always takes the opponent to the corner and has safer resets. Yang may have more stuff found out about his super in the future but right now yuns super is better.
eh, to each their own. Damage is really all that matters as far as I see it. Genei may carry someone to the corner, but neither twin has any severe issues doing that anyway. GJ does balls for damage from what I’ve been seeing and how I’ve managed to use it - in most situtations, you will have Ultra at the time; forget Genei Jin and combo into close MP xx EX Zesshou -> Ultra 1. Will save you an EX meter, still carry to the corner or set up Oki and do much, much more damage.
I see this thread needs some more footage to study so here are some vids from the Topanga 5 on 5. The footage includes 3 grand master Yangs: Nemo, Acqua, and Ikarioyaji.
I’m assuming that was an anti-backdash OS in the ACQUA vs Shiro match at 0:33, but does anyone know the inputs for it?
No wonder top Yangs seem to use U2 for 90% of matches. So much more utility at such a small cost. Although I wish both versions of U2 did the shorter animation. The long-winded SF4 Ultra animations have gotten old heh.
Either way, Yang looking extremely solid!
the backdash OS works the same way with U1, ultra2 just allows dp fadc to actually do damage [and be kind of a threat because of that].
Ah nice. Thank you for clarifying. :karate: