Hello and Welcome to my HSS-0136 Work Log.
The Sega HSS-0136 is a 1 player equivalent of the larger and more famous Sega HSS-130
which is a fully functional replica of a Astro City Control panel made for the Sega Saturn and later the Dreamcast.
The Sega Virtua Stick HSS-0136 is not to be confused by it failed US counterpart
The Sega Saturn Virtua Stick MK 800112
The MK 800112
Keep in mind this project is far from complete at the time of writing but I hope to provide insight and assistance to others hoping to do the same mod.
First I got a Dreamcast Variant of the HSS-0136 Virtua Stick. Re-branded as the “DC GAMEMATE”
Before tear down
The Words DC Game mate and Fighting Stick are just foil labeled applied to a preexisting Sega Saturn HSS-0136. Yes at the factory the Sega Saturn HSS-0136 was converted quickly to Dreamcast with a few foil labeled applied on the top panel and this
A Sega made Sega Saturn to Dreamcast converter.
Too bad this one was broke before I received it too. Some of the wires from the dreamcast cord came loose. I tried to re-solder them back to the board. but unfortunately they were in the wrong order. As when I used it I burned out the controller ports on my Dreamcast.
Ok, lets go Repair the Dreamcast controller board.
Using this guide
I replaced the burned out Resistor-Fuse with two 10 ohm metal oxide resistors I got from Radioshack. A less than $2 repair.
There is the location of the bad resistor-fuse, I neglected to take a picture of the completed repair
but you should see how its done in that Instructible link I gave above.
The red and black wires on the controller board are from a unrelated mod where I replace the cmos battery with a standard 3 volt coin battery.
Okay back to the HSS-0136 Virtua stick.
I manage to peel off the top panel art with out destorying it, by soaking the whole top panel in HOT water then carefully and slowly pealing off the art. Remove the panel from the rest of the arcade stick first before water submersion.
A scan I did of the panel art
Inside I found an Ascii Joystick and knock of buttons, both are Bantha fodder.
Earlier HSS -0136 sticks had Seimtsu parts, later on (especially the DC variant) Sega to save money switched to Ascii made parts. HSS-0136 with Ascii parts have 29 mm button holes, so just like the Sega Agetec stick for the dreamcast the button holes needed to be widen or a replacement panel needs to be made. [S]I also suspect the holes for the joystick mount is off from Sanwa/Seimtsu standards so I have to drill new mount holes later on as well.[/S] LS-40, LS-55 and LS-56 fits in where the stock Ascii stick was.
The button daughter board. Note the cut Ribbon cable.
You have to unsolder each button, or snap the buttons off, as in a mod you not using this daughter board again. I saved it to test the traces to find out the wiring order.
I will add more as my Project progresses.