I don’t know what’s wrong with you guys. There were ~10 people playing Tekken 5 tonight, and some people (Billy + 3 other people) stayed after it closed for an additional hour or so (?!?). The game’s not good until Panda unlocks.
pandas unlocked @ seatac zach i figure it’ll be a month till kicks gets him/her
did they make panda buff? or is it like comparable to the panda in other tekkens?
she has some ugly moves
Kuma/Panda got some cool shit, but…it’s still Kuma/Panda.
Bitch my Panda will beat your Marduk down!
Markaho man I need to play against more Steve players to know what the fuck you are spamming with that guy, good shit :)…
Utada is the queen bee so bow down bitches.
yea, im easy brezzy and you are just plain stupid. I released my devil inside on the kids at wunderland today. Asuka is on point, feelings will be hurt but you will be ok as long as you carry them with you. :tup: :badboy: :devil:
Tekken 5…is really really…FRUSTRATING. Good lord. Shit’s irritating when you lose because you missed something. So far I’ve experienced like 2,3 absolutely worthless sessions. This one that happened yesterday being the worst one. Where did all these random fucking scrubs come from?? Get to Kicks and see like 10 coins on the fuckin cabinet. Unacceptable.
This is one of the reasons that ‘selective’ gatherings (3-4) people are so great…especially if they already have a firm grasp on the system & their character. Otherwise, just waiting…waiting…waiting…
How bomb would 2 machines be?!
Tekken 5 w/ its averaged 40% combos…if you miss one opportunity…that can definitely be the game. Tight execution may be needed. Then again, it can be what separates players…like all fighting games.
Frustration is the learning zone…use it. If you have to roll to a machine before everyone else gets there or go when others aren’t around – do it.
Frank: Please punish the knees…you’d only give me bad habits if you didn’t.
I’m also waiting on a response to WCMaxi, as to what the National tournament settings will be. I feel like the damage should definitely be 120%. I guess it is the Korean tourney standard settings. Some of the grossness would be a little bit gross?
Hopefully I’ll see you guys tomorrow night @ Kicks (~8pm).
Mandel should shut the fuck up. I dream of having 10 quarters waiting on our T5 machine.
Geez, you don’t know how lucky you are to have COMPETITION!
Ric-A few of us went to Seatac today (me,Sean,Frank, and Jeff) and man the frustration was still at an all time high. I’m still gonna play this game and I’m still gonna stick with Hwoarang and Asuka. I knew it’d be tough going but not this tough. A lot of the times I lose I can’t exactly pinpoint what was responsible for me losing outside of me missing something crucial. So with that said execution practice is in line some time soon. Also it feels like the characters I use aren’t that good, but then again my guess is that it’s because I still haven’t used those characters to their full potential.
Saige-I understand how lucky I am to have competition in Tekken. But let’s define what you call competition. Competition being access to players of at least decent skill. I most certainly have that. But when there’s 10 coins up of random niggas that I know aren’t gonna play this a month from now, (ESPECIALLY when I’m still trying to learn this game along with how I’m gonna use my characters) that’s not competition. More like a waste of time. I lose to random scrubs all the time. Not exactly learning material if you catch my drift.
Korean T5 National Results: http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=57
Hwoarang user gets top 5. He’s a good character…but extremely complex. You’ve definitely chosen a tough route. The reward will be substantial, once everything starts coming together…but can you hold out?
Asuka, as I see her now, doesn’t have a whole lot of offensive tools. She seems to be more reactive…and having a 10-frame jab doesn’t help!!! She DOES have the tools to react…but this game isn’t in favor of mistakes. LOL. Evidently, she is also extremely linear and opponents can just walk to her right all day. shrugs I don’t know.
I guess everyone could go the easy route and learn Steve? Even if this was the case…we’d have certain players be better w/ him…so it wouldn’t guarantee a win!!!
Also…you watched those Korean vids I posted the link to, in the Seattle thread @ TZ, right? What did you think of the Bob users poking patterns, spaced moves, move usage? Were there moves that you don’t use? How did he use them? What moves DIDN’T he use that you use?
Much of Tekken 5 can be animation recognition, as well. Certain things are abusable at different stages of competitive play. Once they are abused enough, players can see & counter appropriately. Until then, we all have to work on seeing and punishing w/ max damage!!! That’s hard for everyone, but some can adapt faster than others…standard.
Anyways, hopefully you come out tonight so I can observe and give some advice.
Korean T5 National Results: http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=57
Asuka, as I see her now, doesn’t have a whole lot of offensive tools. She seems to be more reactive…and having a 10-frame jab doesn’t help!!! She DOES have the tools to react…but this game isn’t in favor of mistakes. LOL. Evidently, she is also extremely linear and opponents can just walk to her left all day. shrugs I don’t know.
I being Asuka player myself, say you couldn't be more right. I played yesturday and people we were bitching about how they think my entire game is based on 3 ring circus, and im like duh, do you have a better way 4 me 2 approuch Kaz, Steve, and Brian players if i want 2 try 2 rush you down, NOOOOOO, hell i hate it when players that don't even play Asuka and tell what not 2 do. F > 3 and ws 3 are my best options 2 luanch cats 2 get juggles, but i had 1 player tell me thats suicide, but he kept on eatting so i didn't care. best combos i have range from 30% to 65% but getting them started is a bitch and half. I need other ways 2 get my shit started. but the slowness is holding me back. someone help a nigga out
T5 Tournies @ Lanwerx…
Right, so I have gotten the “go” for running T5 tournies @ Lanwerx. Now comes the hard part, eh?
When should we begin? How often should we have them? Sat. or Sundays? (I’ll talk about weekends, below, as if they are on Sun.)
Begin: This is a bit difficult, due to the fact that PDX is already having a tourney on the 9th of January. Do we Seattle players care?
Frequency should take care of any scheduling difficulties – We will go w/ bi-weeklies, minimally. Bi-weeklies give a ‘local’ event and a planned ‘monthly’ for out-of-area competition enough time to make whatever plans they need, in order to attend.
We could possibly have one this coming Sunday…then the next would be on the 16th.
We could go w/ the 9th, then the 23rd.
We could even go a bit extreme (but understandably so…) w/ weeklies. Regionals start in February. That’s quick!!! I can’t stress enough how important tourney time is…
So…post up your opinions…
weekly would be bomb cause it gives everyone a good chance to show up. as long as i get a week or 2 advance i can get the days off. schedule is done by friday. also are ppl planin on going to pdx on the 9th? If not then havethe first one on the 9th. and do we get a regional?
I don’t want the showing to be thin though…
That’s what I’m trying to determine: weeklies or bi-weeklies? If the showing is too thin for weeklies…bi-weeklies will work. Having consistent weeklies would be bomb though…
Seattle does NOT get a Regional. The closest Regional will be in Vancouver, BC. Only the TOP 2 SPOTS from that Regional will get a spot @ Nationals.
As for going to PDX on the 9th…I know no one that is planning the trip.
Well in my somewhat limited experience with Asuka you just have to know which launcher to use and when, although I’m sure you know that. In terms of launchers though, I find myself using d/b+2 and f+2 the most since d/b+2 goes under highs and f+2 is great for punishing whiffs. I think she’s best played in a way that makes your opponent scared to hit buttons which sorta offsets her lack of offense. You don’t necessarily have to launch people to get combos on them. You can always do 1+2, it’s safe on block and it’s mid. When it hits you know what time it is. There’s shit like d+2 which on ch, knocks them down so you can combo 1+4, 1,2,3. Same with b+4. And let’s not forget f+1+2, run up 3+4.
Ric-I think weeklies are hella dope but I think bi-weeklies would work out the best just because it gives people time to plan for it. As for Saturday vs Sunday…I’m not too sure. Maybe alternate? For me at least I think Sunday tourneys would be the most convenient.
I vote for bi-weeklies at this point in time, mainly 'cause transportation is an issue for me and I wouldn’t likely be able to afford weekly tournies assuming I don’t get a job anytime soon. There’s a very good chance I’ll be working for Penny Arcade in the near future, but I dunno when.
Anywho, when would be an ideal date for the “main” tourney? Having it on the same day as the 2d stuff would ensure a large attendance, although things could get pretty crowded given T5’s popularity right now. Plus, having so many players in T5 and other games could be a pain in the ass if all tournies started at the same time.
That being said, holding T5 on the same day as the 2d games still seems ideal. I’m just being a little aprehensive 'cause I run Guilty Gear and playing in T5 at the same time would be kinda overwhelming. Frankly, I’d prefer to hold #R tournies on their own weekend, but the general 2d tournies are more appealing to out-of-state players.
I think we’ll work something out. I might try to start Guilty Gear way earlier, like 2-ish, to get most of that out of the way.
wait, as in you’ll be in the comics too?
Hah, not really.