Season Four Discussion Thread

I’d like to see what our community can do with TVC if we put some time into it. It could be pretty nuts, or it could be super boring.

It’d be hard to practice outside of meetings like zach’s though, since you would need modded wii’s and an imported game and maybe a stick.

I’m interested to see what’s going to happen though.

I love TVC. The game feels great, and I’d love to get good at it. I think holding consistent HDR and SF4 tournaments would be great, and we could switch between TVC and Marvel for every other gathering if neither is going to be at EVO.

I still really want to play TVC and Zach’s is pretty much my only opportunity.

The poll results are completely even* for Tatsu, Marvel, and both. I think that should mean both get a spot as is. Anyway, I think we should delete the poll and open up a new one with SFIV, HDR, Marvel, Tatsu, and Smash**. Am I missing any games that have a potential for a scene here besides VF5?

Really though, I think we should delete this thread because it’s been counterproductive for the most part and Evo details will be posted in mid February so we have an idea of what games will be played and what systems will be used.

  • I say even because I’m not counting “Tanishathrowins” and “Ja Rule”. If you’re from Ohio, why are you in our Seattle poll?

** Some people genuinely have fun with the game and I’ll bet a limb it’s gonna be at Evo again with the high turnout it had last year.

5 games at once? Or were we doing like a top 3 kind of thing. Cause having a mini major at Zach’s everytime does not sound fun at all.

Luigi edit: If there’s smash maybe we should go with the EVO rules…since it seems like it’ll be like that again if they have it this year.

I just meant a new poll with the five games for people to choose from. Multiple picks possible (up to three?). Because this thread really has degenerated into a “Don’t play marvel anymore” or “Drop marvel? A travesty, I say!” thread. It needs to die with the quickness and make room for a decisive, productive poll in February when SFIV comes out and Evo details are released.

If no one said it before…would you have realized it before? It’s Seattle, IT’S MAVVUL TOWN BABY! Marvel heads needed to hear that shit.

This not productive enough for you?

couple quick reflies ( yes that’s a joke)

Marvel continues to have new stuff all the time. I won’t get into that though, cause I don’t think you are interested in Marvel. And people have all sorts of variance in marvel, you included. You are more patient then I am (when rushing or running) and use different patterns than I do with Mag/tron and Sent/tron. It’s not just rush or run. Same characters different style. I understand some people want to play new games though.

Good Point that that’s what it’s about for a lot of people. Gettin Seatac back on the map (although I’m with you Dann!). Secondly, does every game reach that point? Maybe it depends on the person playing. I know Row and Samb amongst others continuously come up with new stuff.

Also, someone needs to get their video game degree and hack marvel. People found out how to change the colors and the music, now it’s time for guile to have a 4-way airdash and for Ryu to have a teleport or invisibility or something.

Although planning is good, is this not a relevant point?

Sorry if this seems off. I only slept five hours cause of school this morning and I’ve been up all day. It’s kind of hard to think.

P.S. I think we’re coming up next week. The Law, Sambeast, SG and I. Peace out.

i agree with that post, there should probly just be a poll for all the games rather then “TvC or MvC2?”.

i recently moved to the northwest so i havent been to any of your tournaments here (and it sounds like this is mostly just Seattle, where i dont live anyway) but hopfully soon i will come to some tournies up there. but since i dont have much experience with the scene in seattle i can only speak for myself as an outsider lol but i voted for “Both”.
i was leaning towards TvC though since imo it kinda makes sense (IF your in a situation where you have to leave an old game for a new one, or not play the new one at all) that since their both Vs’s titles you would go with the newer game, since it is almost untapped and has more potential (im not saying that TvC has more potential then MvC2 as a game, but given the circumstances i think the new game would have more potential in its FIRST season then the older game in its 10th season). But like i said im new here and i dont know what everyone likes so i can only speak for myself, and its deffinitly a tough choice which is why i went with both. that way people can at least try the new game, rather then voting for the scene to just remove MvC2.

I like this discussion, let all the marvel hate out of your systems because I know for a fact that nobody is going to hold a session for TvC over marvel. Outside of Zach, nobody holds shit on a consistent basis. I don’t even know why it takes some wack ass new games to get people hyped for competition. You either have that drive or you don’t, hopping on a bandwagon is no replacement for that, ever.

If anything, we should just wait it out until February until the games are announced. I am pretty sure SFIV will draw massive numbers, probably enough to where not that many games are even needed for evo.

Pablo speaks the truth. Marvel is straight mind games and execution which is why its a fun game. If TvC was that shitty game placed in the dark alley at evo with 2 chars then it was trash. Horrible. So simple. SUcks. The 3 games I played made seem like a fighter that collects dust a month after release. SF 4 is the game that will make the FGC improve in all aspects. The biggest is new challengers getting into fighters because of SF4. Evo this yr will prob get 400+ for SF4. Even my hood friends are hyped bout learning the game.

Ps Marvel is “that” game tho

This is sad but true, I had given up on Marvel back when Lanwerx was still up and running. I just realized that my time for this game was done when I was getting scraped by ppl I used to mob on back at Silver Coin, Game Town. Now if I could play the big 6 like I could play Tron then maybe my outlook on the game would be a bit different, but alas that’s not the case.

Hype for competition, wait, how is anyone hype for this marvel ranbat? Why don’t you just give your money to row or jmar? None of you marvel players practice to get better anyways?

Also, I’ve been throwing MNF since OCTOBER…I realize that this isn’t as nearly long as Zach’s sessions are, but check it…I was TRYING to throw down and have a consistent session going every week on monday. You either came, or you didn’t…the people that came are good, the people that didn’t are not…fact of the matter is, thats not cool for making allegations like that…

Its sad that so many people don’t see the advantages of “out with the old, in with the new.” All I know is, I can’t change perspective.

I always practice to get better at Marvel. Everytime I play, I am working on blocking rushdown more affectively, working on mix-ups and becoming less predictable, and beating the top four more and more consistently.

Hahahah. I have to wonder, how much money those two have made from Marvel. I can see it now…

Whoever runs Marvel tourney-Alright! Signups for Marvel in the kitchen!
Pablo-Yes I am interested in giving Row or Jason that gwop!
Theo-Yeah they deserve it!
Dan-Yeah, I don’t play to become the greatest in the world but, I do believe Row and Jason need money.
Kuenai-Where are my UPKICKS?! Here’s Row and Jason’s money!

I kid, I kid. I <3 you guys. Never forget that.

Couple of points I wanna combat really quickly…

No one on the winning end of the Ban Akuma thread had anything to say about the outsiders that voted in that poll, why now? And really, Smash? That was like a 2,3 tourney fad. Why should we vote on SFIV and HDR? I’m not quite sure why we should to be quite honest. Are they not guaranteed for Evo? Don’t people actually play those? LOL Smash. Who do you play in Smash Jamie? My Pit is the SHIT!

The only “wack ass new game” in my opinion is TvC. As another person who likes to play many different games, how could you not understand why people are hyped off the new games and what they bring to the table? It shouldn’t need explanation my dude.

Yeah, I just have dedicated Marvel cab for shits and giggles. I like watching it and my six dreamcasts collect dust. There is a reason many of us have been playing the game since 2000, and it is the same reason people still play it to this very day. Like my nig SamB is saying, it is “that” game.

And no one is “good” at SFIV yet, that shit has been out for a few months. Also, so what if Jmar and Row beast on us? What does that have to do with anything. The same exact shit is going to happen in SFIV. I can already tell you that Mandel is probably going to be top 3, free. How is that any different? That does not change the fact that I still aim to improve, no matter how old/new the game is to the scene.

The only explanation I think of is that those old games are still better than all the new ish combined. People are straight blinded by the hype right now, which is understandable. I am just coming hardbody at anyone talking down to my favorite fighter (MARVEL) and throwing it right back.

I for one will play the shit out of SFIV, if this is what it takes to “restart” the Seattle fighting scene then I am all for it. I just don’t want people thinking Marvel is weak all of sudden. It never will be.

Ya know…out of everything, I think this is the most important point to convey. Though I don’t agree with marvel, I can appreciate someone willing to go out of their way to restart a scene.

SF4 is gonna be goodshit and I will be playing it competitively but its not gonna be “that” game like MvC2. SF4 is what the fighting game scene needs. But SF4 will not bring great videos like this…


:sad: I hate you. But really I agree with you there. I don’t play in the marvel tournaments because I think it’s just giving up money to Row, Jason, and Rat. I play marvel casuals because it’s my favorite game, and not having the frustration of handing money to the big three every other friday as I try to improve probably helps.

Dunno if you noticed, but I haven’t been on the forums much recently. I never really took notice of the thread. Either way, I think decisions regarding Seattle scene should be made by those in the seattle scene.

I don’t play smash. Personally, I have fun with it if I don’t take it seriously, but there are people around here who have (or had) a lot of love for the game and adding it to our scene. It adds a lot of numbers to EVO because there are as many or more players for smash than SF or marvel.

Exactly. What’s the difference between SFIV and marvel in that sense? JMar, Row, and Rat dominate marvel. Afro cole and mandel (and some other new challenger, I’m sure) will dominate SFIV.

I will play the shit out of SFIV for sure, but I’ll probably stay out of the tournaments so that others won’t have to listen to my “Where’s my fucking SHORYUKEN?!?!?” mid-tourney. That, and giving away $5 to cole every gathering would be kind of a nuisance.

I don’t know, giving money to me every two weeks sounds pretty cool to me. Shrug I like it, RUN IT!

Cole <3

Yoyoyoyoyoyo. It’s like this. Mandel was playing Jamie but it don’t matter. Sam put JMar in the losers last time (2-0) and this time I ain’t gonna let Jmeezy 3-1 me. I’m gonna Threo him.

And this ish might help evo know wattup


:50 on through.

Episode 14 is hilarious.