I don’t play either game so I can’t really give my opinion of which is better, but I will say that I think you could do both if you rotate them out every other meet.
TvC isn’t going to be at EVO. I need to play more HDR tho’, since I’m going to EVO this year.
Marvel is always going to have a spot in Seattle’s heart, but people need to start looking forward. Do people here not give a shit about trying to represent? And if not, fine, but the people that DO want to put Seattle on the map, you drag us behind. I’m not gonna sit back and just watch Marvel be played in a tournament stand point…
I found it pretty funny when Mandel said: “I’ve been playing Marvel since I was 17…I’m 26 now…What the FUCK!?”
In the long run, Marvel being in our tournament scene is a deterrent on our scene as a whole. Play it for fun, sure…but why are you playing tournaments/ranbats when no one here is even TRYING to get better. You already know who is going to win the tournament anyways, it’s not like you have the motivation to try and get better at it to change it…So why the fuck do you guy play the shit all the time?
I think it’s fucking stupid that people want Marvel in our TOURNAMENT scene when those players don’t even try to get better…TvC will at least attract different players that might attract them to different games/practicing to get good for evo.
People need to open your minds to where the future of fighting games are going. A game that’s 10 years old is STILL being played in tournament over here…with the SAME fucking results.
If Tatsunoko vs Capcom doesn’t have a spot at EVO/NEC/SB4, I don’t see why we should make it a part of our tournament scene. If this is an import only game that most people don’t have the means or motivation to play, I see it going the same way as the KOF 98 scene. Small and unloved except for the few who are part of it. So why ditch the most hype game out there for it?
Couple questions:
Are TvC and HDR going to last? And will they be at evo? I hear that HDR is the same thing with better graphics, better music, but limited additions. Also a few people said TvC is imported and therefore
and that is sucks.
2 things come out of this for me. 1. Didn’t Stan Lee say something about MvC2 being released on Ps3 and 360? If it did. It would draw all those other people from their basements out. you know those people that show up at the arcade and think they’re bomb cause they can beat the game, but have no idea there is a competitive scene? There are plenty of those. Check youtube for way too many submissions of this. (Not referring to you Dann. Props on beating the game). Evo would find a way to incorporate marvel if that happened.
and 2. Marvel isn’t always about doing the same stuff. That’s what’s so tight about it. The game breaks when you focus all your energy on it. It evolves. It is alive. That and everybody can have such a variance in style. but more importantly the first part.
Just some thoughts.
I hate marvel but even I wouldn’t try to pretend like we could replace it with ANYTHING at zach’s. You fuckers love that shit.
(Of course I’m not against playing new games, though.)
I accidentally voted for Marvel when I meant to vote for both.
I don’t think I did all that bad at EVO last year considering how shitty I was playing and how fucking nerve racking it was for me there, lol. Not going 0-2 in either ST or 3s was my goal and I did 2-2 (out to Watson) and 1-2 (out to Gootecks) respectively, although I still think the bracket I was put in for 3s was BULLSHIT.
I think we could squeeze in TvC tournies here and there to mix it up a bit.
I’m going to be focusing on SF4 personally cause I’m having fun with that, it’s really too late for me to get into Marvel, and I am actually starting to hate HDR a bit, plus TvC… I dunno what the fuck is going on in that game but fuck it looks good so I’ll mash my way to something.
It is never too late to get into marvel! I just started a few months ago.
I blame the HUB for that though, what else is there to do?
I will try to hold SFIV sessions at my apartment every now and then or something, and I can have one marvel setup too provided people have sticks that work with PC. Ideally I’d have 2 SFIV setups or whatever (360 and ps3) and a marvel one going.
Anyways, what I’m trying to get at is that I think we need to have a bunch of smaller sessions as individuals and groups, and coagulate on a big night like Zach’s or something and meld our knowledge together.
Different pockets of people playing together and then all coming together would create big enough differences in play style to support progression as a whole for the community. It’s just a matter of who wants to do what and where.
You are 8 years to late in Marvel…it’s WAY to late to get into marvel, give me ONE good reason to get into it…it’s FUN? Yeah right! Getting infinited and guard broken, then run away storm’ed all day aint my definition of fun. “Here let me set my brain on react mode so that I can try and win.” I’d rather play a game that actually rewards me WELL for knowing what my opponent is going to do.
And what we NEED is players that are trying to get down. I have a feeling that I won’t really know until May or so…however Dan, you have to realize that the scene here is stubborn.
ST won’t play the game because they can’t cheese people into losses…Marvel won’t play because it’s not marvel…Tekken and VF players are rare to get into the new games as it isn’t a 3d fighter. 3s, what’s that game? Cvs2, we had a scene?
It’s really going to get down to the new people in our group like you, james walton, rickclops, Hwnd or whatever his name is…people like that…you guys are more open to what to play as you haven’t been consumed by the poison that the rest of the scene has…
And if anyone takes offense to this, by all means, hit me back man…I’m looking at a few people, not everyone…lets face it…Seattle NW fighting game scene may as well be as harsh as the Seattle freeze.
Quit your hating, Mike. Marvel is more complex than a 3x3 Rubik’s cube could ever be. And it’s never too late; I started playing Marvel in late '06. When I joined SRK, I had no clue how to do an infinite, guard break, or any of that. You can argue any fighting game is reaction-based.
As far as I know, most everyone is hyped for SF4, and the people who have tried Blazblue have liked it. People not wanting to drop a dollar a match to learn a beta version of SF4 when its coming out in a 3… 2… 1 months isn’t that bad. I can’t think of anyone really who has objected to new games, except TVC which has very little chance of being played competitively at EVO. It could be great if its entered, but why would it be seeing as how it has so many console drawbacks.
Please tell me when the last time Marvel evolved. Cause last I checked the last evolving thing from that game was the Sentinel unblockable…and that was back in 2004 I think? If that’s the case then I stand corrected. You haven’t been doing the same shit the past 6-7 years…it’s only been 4-5 years.
and how much variance in style can you have when you are either rushing someone down, or running away?
Sorry but if a game isn’t going to be offered at the biggest fighting game tournament of the year, it sounds like it is too late to get into that game.
But I’ll break it down like this. IF for some reason Marvel shows up on the ticket to Evo or SB4, and you guys REALLY REALLY want to include Marvel for the 4th season, you better be planning on going to said event and throwing down for the city. Cause if not, then you’re wasting a lot of other’s people’s time, and taking up TV space for some random session for ppl that are planning on going and reppin Seattle.
Um, but isn’t TvC pretty unlikely to make it also? Your argument works… but not for supporting TvC (if you are?).
Here’s how TvC is gonna happen, if you guys include it in a tourney:
1st tourney - decent turnout, people who havent played it will enter if its cheap enough
2nd - Less entry
3rd - Even less, or maybe won’t happen.
More mainstream games have lasted less than a month or two, and what maybe 2, 3 people total in the scene have a copy of TvC?
You guys are kinda moving this thread into a “stop playing marvel” thread, as opposed to “hey which game do you guys wanna play” thread.
Honestly, SF4, HD Remix, and Marvel should be the main 3 games, as those are the ones that are going to have any staying power (HD Remix might be pushing it). If you guys want everyone to focus on a game, pick SF4. Mainstream enough, easily obtainable, and semi fresh yet familiar. It will be a lot easier to push that also if you dont have 50 game tournies running at the same time. Put 3-4 SF4 setups in there, and you have an arcade.
And there’s my hate for the day.
Oh yeah, and people should play poker
I think the current discussion may be evolving into something more counterproductive, but I’ll bite for a bit I guess…
It’s not too late to learn rom, ahvb, unblockables, and short short+psy. In fact it’s never too late, you have until the day you die to do that. I’m thinking it is too late, to make a legitimate name for yourself in Marvel. One where you’re bringing something new and fresh to the table. I’d say you’re about 4,5 years late on that. Whether you play casually or in a tournament is one thing, but this thread is about playing at least seriously enough, to wanna enter a tournament. A series of them. If you wanna enter a Marvel tourney just to see where you stand, then cool, that’s great, absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I’m merely presenting the point of view that some of the non-Marvel peeps have.
And Theo let’s be honest, do you play any of the following teams?
Because if you do, you’re more than likely doing the same shit you’ve been doin that you’ve seen elsewhere. All games reach this point. Sure you could do something new every match, but I’m pretty sure you don’t. No disrespect intended of course.
Again, I made this thread to discuss which game (if not both) we should have for season four. One thing that I find is hard to do, is to try to like, convince people to play new games. It has to be something they wanna do. Because anything more than that is reaching a point that all of us old school Seattle peeps are familiar with. You know what I’m talkin about and you know who I’m talkin about. I think peeps just gotta understand that this is a new age in fighters and that people really, more than anything, just want Seattle back on the map. Tempers flare when it comes to home turf cause we’re out to get ours.
Anyway, glad to see people voting, it seems that from the looks of the poll, we might as well at least give both games a try for a while =/.
It’s my turn…BITCH.
To be quite honest I would like to have the ranbats focused on games that are going to be at Evo this year, and I state now since my confidence for TvC to be at Evo is now shaky, if it’s not going to be there then it shouldn’t be in the ranbat. But if it is well shit. The point of the matter is now is the time to start getting ready for the world stage. If you’re trying to go and represent cool, if not, that’s cool too. Honestly I’d love to see Seattle back in the first 2 Evo’s where we had 20-30 people representing in all different games. Are those times dead and gone? Nope. Even if the old school heads don’t come around there’s a lot of new blood running around to make it happen, the only problem is they are running around cock swole about a game that afaik, will NOT be at Evo this year (just like CvS2, 3S, ST, and the Guilty Gear games).
I can only state my case for so long, if people don’t want to man up and try and learn a new game from scratch,then go back to what’s comforable. And enjoy playing in the B.Y.O.C. room. But if you want to step up to the first world tournament for 2 games and see where you stand not only for yourself but for our scene then get your head in the game son and let’s get this gwap.
Close thread. In fact, shut shoryuken down for the rest of the day because no one is making a better post than this.
I don’t play games, like Marvel, just to compete at big tournaments If that were the case, I would play no game because I have no chance. Just like how I competed in our dorm Madden competition a few years back, not because I wanted to join the EA Champions league we have now, but just because it’s plain fun. It happens to be that Marvel is the game I have the most fun with.
I can respect that, I was kinda under the assumption that if anyone were playing a fighting game you were ultimately looking to play against the best of the best outside your region to see where you stand.
But if that’s what most ppl are playing marvel for (for fun) then why push to have it in season 4? I was under the impression that the ranbats were a stepping stone to get ready for the real thing. A tournament training room if you will.
I think playing Marvel in a tournament is fun because I can measure my growth as a player. I can’t compete against half the people at Zach’s but I am still better than a I was a year ago, and tournaments give that sense of finality that you can’t get from casuals.