And we’re admitting tons of third world kids from central america with stuff like Tb, leprosy, and bubonic plague (a couple cases popped up just this week in…where, Colorado?) and NOT TREATING THEM before just sending them out to various states with no warnings. These kids are showing up in schools (their “refugee” status means they don’t need to be up-to-date on immunizations), aka THE #1 public petri dish with stuff that someone applying for entry into the US would be turned away for. In fact, the current outbreak of enterovirus america is suffering is common to Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador…3 places where the bulk of these kids are being shipped from before being dispersed to american neighborhoods and enrolled in schools as “homeless” rather than “migrant/refugee”. The cdc was aware of this for months, but, well, you know…we just seem to keep importing health risks and are told by the PTB that we have nothing to worry about…until we have a problem that could have been prevented, and “Don’t worry” becomes “What does it matter at this point?”
America seems to be wising up to this administration’s bullshit and how whatever it seeks to supposedly improve worsens (and how Hillary looks like a continuation of business as usual). Maybe this is all part of a plan to cull the population and start out with a bigger base of people who are largely even more ignorant in even MORE areas than most americans are now (potato contraceptives, anyone?)…the dreamers, who are coincidentally, an underclass that needs help permanently.
Florida fucking up again: Sarasota man was checked in Friday due to ebola-like symptoms after his trip to west Africa…but released today (Sunday) because his fever wasn’t high enough. Try KEEPING HIM for 2 more days you morons!! If it’s ebola his fever will rise later!! This incompetence is deliberate. They didn’t even TEST the dude, they just put him in isolation and watched him. The WHO is sitting back, nodding, rubbing their hands together and muttering “Ehhhhhxcellent.”
Liberals believe the world is overpopulated, and many have to die to restore a “balance”…and by no strange coincidence, we have such lax security for a potentially extinction-level event…with an administration chock-full of liberals. This all points to one thing: we all know presidents are just puppets, manipulated and spoon-fed what to say and do behind the scenes…so that means the hnic’s handlers want this to become a domestic crisis. Virologists say nothing can help the affected African areas, especially Sierra Leone and Liberia.
5 million more will die, but there’s nothing anyone can do about it, except die with them or risk bringing ebola back to their country of origin’s shores. We just have to let Ebola run it’s course there, and do everything possible to prevent it spreading overseas: Ban air travel both ways, blood screenings at hospitals instead of just looking at people, etc. Leave the idiots who traveled there in the hotzone. They knew the risk. Cut the affected areas off. They cannot be saved. They are the drowning people who pull their would-be rescuers under to drown as well.
Obama was right about one thing: he IS fundamentally changing the country. In a few weeks, how many of you will feel safe using public modes of travel and transportation? How many of you will still hug and kiss someone who’s coughing and sneezing (I don’t know what retard WOULD, anyway…that’s how you get sick)? I think it’s only a matter of days, possibly hours before we get an unscheduled televised speech from the CDC and the Pres. telling the truth and saying that we have now, and unknown number of infected in America who are urged to seek help. I really hope this doesn’t get as bad as I think it will…but really, what about ANYTHING this administration has done since 2009 has given anybody with common sense any assurance in their competence?
Nah, that’s dysentery. Spoilers: you don’t want THAT, either. That shit has ruined many a game of Oregon Trail.
Woo-hoo! Nothing can stop me now! Everybody’s alive, healthy and well fed…this pioneer stuff is EASY! Aaaaaand I just died from the squirts.
Eh…plague is around Is around in the USA because of random wilderness animals, not little kids crossing the border. Plague is also alive and well in Madagascar for the same reasons.
Considering how unsanitary people are when they cough or sneeze on public transportation, you might wanna worry…some. Ebola is present in ALL body fluids and semi-fluids: blood, semen, jizz, sweat, poop, piss, poopy piss, tears, snot, and saliva. Lets just see what kind of dispersal a sneeze can get with droplets of saliva and snot. Our sneezes propel tiny droplets, fine enough to float for a distance and spread pretty widely, at speeds of around 35 or so mph, for a distance of around 10-15 feet. On something like a subway car, bus, or plane, that’s pretty good (or bad, in this case). Sneeze dispersal alone meets MY criteria for “airborne”.