Well im fucked i live like 20 minutes from dallas lol fuck this place xD along with the cowboy stadium, hope the owners catch this shit!!
Japan works fast.
EDIT:How do you fuck up the forums AGAIN?
Has the guy who brought over the virus been arrested for h
you wanna make people explode when their blood is literally a death sentence? You need a flame thrower man.
Lucky Kurt Russel is still in country or you would all be fucked if it gets outta control.
I didn’t even read the article or know how the guy looks, but he is white right?
EDITE: OK I lost this time
Has to be white, if it was a black dude with ebola hed be dead already, doctors standing their ground n shit.
Again you guys are seriously over reacting. In that African shit hole the transmission rate is 2.5 people per infection. And that’s in region with no infrastructure and infinetly more ignorance.
It’s not 1918 levels of pandemic death yet, and it’s transmitting at a rate half of influenza. Relax for now, and if you’re that worried stock up on food and learn how to hazmat.
Hazmat didn’t help the researchers, 240 infected, half of which died, last 3 were the americans, who survived…and none of them know how they got it because they’re still going by the “it’s not airborne” assumption.
That wasn’t Japan. It was the politically incorrect board of 4chan (/pol/) trying to troll Africans into believing the doctors were all worshiping an Ebola god so they would die. They went this route because some of the tribes in Africa are still incredibly superstitious. Although according to the supernatural board (/x/), the racists politically incorrect bastards were properly trying to summon an Ebola spreading demon so they try to counteract it with a similar thing. They chose Paul Bunyan: it didn’t catch on.
^ wut?
He’s talking about 4chan, it makes sense in a “doesn’t make sense” sort of way because 4chan.
That wasn’t proper hazmat protocol of the required level. Stop freaking out over bull shit.
Wearing a plastic suit you take off and not sanatize isn’t hazmating. Having a piece of shit tent where a door that isnt sealed is half measures. Having incompetent staff or a simple human mistake with shit hazmat protocol isn’t indicative of the situation. It’s all been half measures.
This is why the government won’t ever disclose alien life to the general public. Hamster rationilization.
Mewtwo is all you need. Team Rocket to save the world!
So Jerry Jones IS a actual virus after all.
Jerry Jones is the probably the reason CBP allowed that guy into the country.
NBC freelance cameraman Ashoka Mukpo has been confirmed as being Ebola positive during a filming trip to Liberia. He will be flown back to america for treatment and his crew will be observed in quarantine. Idiots need to be told they should be wearing full environmental protection hazmat with fully enclosed suits. If it’s not “casually transmissible”, why the hell are people catching it left and right? Are we to believe that the people in the region are rolling around in each other’s feces, and that american visitors are forced to participate? Oh, and earlier, the cdc amended their statement about Ebola’s transmission viability, stating that being within 3 feet (no physical contact) counts as “contact”. Way to state, without actually coming out and saying it, that Ebola is airborne as transmissible as the common cold.
The only question is this: how many people have actually visited the ebola stricken countries and have touched ground in this country and have brought the virus into the US? It is almost impossible to say that it is only one person.
However, I gotta say this for a fact that the ebola outbreak is something to be concerned about but don’t think it will turn into an epidemic. Or I could be fucking wrong and we can’t contain the damn thing. Time to wear PPE at all times I guess.
BTW this thing can also be spread by sex too so watch out if that girl you meet at the bar is puking. It might not be the alcohol.
Maybe I’m thinking worst case here, but I’m scared we may not be able to contain this. You’ve already seen what that one dude in Texas caused. They have to go and see who he had contact with over the period between his entrance into the country and his treatment. Then they would have to find out who those people had contact with, and so on.
There is one thing that I must state though: anybody who believes the government at face value about the risk of this disease is in denial. The government has a vested interest to not be honest about the risk because it doesn’t want to spread panic. On the flip side I won’t also trust anybody who is vehemently anti-government as well because they have a vested interest to as well undermine the government. I want somebody who is not part of the government to explain to me how big the threat truly is.
However, from the evidence I can tell you this: go look at how long this virus has been ravaging in these African countries since December of last year and look at how many cases of the flu we get per year and you will notice that the incidents of ebola outbreak is much smaller than occurences of the flu. You can make your own deductions then about how freely the disease is spread.
Turns out this dude is black. Hi’s face was plastered all over the evening news.
Pics or it didnt happen. Also inb4 links to domestic terrorist charges.