School of K'un-Lun - The Iron Fist Combo Thread

After you jump cancel f+H, don’t use j.H straight away. You want them to be low to the ground when you go for st.M


  • Some XF combos. One for normal hit and another for overhead hits:

  • Going to work on Throw combos next.

  • Few optimizations on a couple combos coming soon.

It may not be as high damage as most of the combos previously mentioned but this is my go-to BnB combo to reliably take out an opponent who is sitting at 800,000 health or less, is at least halfway to the corner and has a tendency to block high. IMO this combo is effective because it is actually pretty hard to mess up. I like to start it by dashing in under the cover of a decent lock down assist (I’ve just started using Chris’ gun assist for this purpose. I was using Trish Low Voltage before that but decided it was a waste not to use one of her traps)

1 Bar

728,500 (805,500 w/ Chi L activated… I usually only go for this combo in this situation)

Dash, c.:h:, :f:+:h:, forward jump, :h:, :s:, land, :m:, :h:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcf:+:h:, :dp:+:l:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcf:+:h:, :qcf:+:s:, Volcanic Roar

I often follow the combo up by going for an air throw or immediately setting up Trish’ ‘Peekaboo’

If Dragon’s Prey is used instead of Volcanic Roar at the end the damage will be 875,600 (952,600)

I’ve found it much easier to hit human opponents with the incoming sweep than with a stray :m:, or :h:. If the sweep is blocked, I’ll do :f:+:h: and immediately skip to the OTG part of the combo.

While I’m at it, here is another combo that starts off low that I find less safe and must be done in decent proximity to the corner:

1 Bar

800,100 (831,000)

Dash in under cover of assist, :qcb:+:l:, :qcf:+:m:, :dp:+:l:, :h:, and then do the above combo, starting from :f:+:h: (second hit)

performing :h: rather than c.:h: after the crumple makes it more likely that your opponent may recover in the middle of the combo so your timing must be a bit more precise than if you had used the sweep. It adds 8,000 more damage to the combo though…

If the first and second attacks are blocked I usually use the OTG overhead and GTFO or use the defensive chi power up to hopefully absorb what’s coming.

Thanks dude, I’ve been meaning to add his combos from his lows.

Quick question for you: Why are we not considering :h: as an appropriate combo opener? I’ve found that I will sometimes throw out a :m: that won’t connect but the following :h: will carry me the extra distance to land a hit… In short, whether for good or bad, a good amount of my combos need to start with :h:

Sorry if this is something we should all know offhand.

The speed of :m: makes it more all purpose whereas :h: is slower so a bit riskier to use. Also, you will be able to do the same combos no matter which normal hits first so it doesn’t really matter. :h: is very good though, it trades speed for range.

First I thought that IF’s best/only air options are throws, but usually the opponent will learn to anticipate it and tech/throw, so I tried to find another option.
I’ve found that after landing an air :m: chain another air :m:, delay a landing :s: into dual palm.

Example: (dash forward jump) air :m:, air :m:, (delayed) air :s:, :b: :h:, :qcb: :l:, :qcb: :h:, :qcb: :s:, (dash), :d: :h:, :b: :h:, :qcb: :l:, :qcf: :h:, :dp: :l:, :qcb: :m:, :qcf: :h:, :qcf: :s:, :dp: :atk::atk:

I’ve only tested this a little bit in training mode, but it can convert if the air :m:s hit at the peak the opponent’s jump.

Hey hawkus nice air-to-ground combo. Is it possible to fit in a st.:m: before the dual palm and would it get you any more damage? Also, do you think that would work if hidden missiles hit them while they were jumping? I would test it out myself but I can’t until the weekend, but I can’t. Again, nice combo, I always feel like I have zero options with IF when opponents keep jumping and teching my throws.

I made a combo myself yesterday. It’s stupidly impractical if you ask me, because it starts with a crouching :h: and doesn’t corner carry like most of his other combos, and I think it does less than 900k with 2 bars.
cr.:h: :f:+:h: xx jump j.:h:, j.:s:, land, cr.:h:, :f:+:h: xx jump, j.:h:, j.:s: land, st.:m:, :b:+:h: :qcb::h:, :qcf::h:, :dp::l:, :qcb::m:, :qcf::h:, :qcf::m: xx :qcf::atk::atk:, :b:+:h: (dual palm), :dp::atk::atk:

The most important thing is to land the air :s:, and if the opponent is low enough in the air, a standing :h: can be added in. I would prefer to go straight into dual palm, because it is more reliable and has surprisingly long vertical reach. Also it has an important use of smacking the enemy down.

For the hidden missiles, and I would theorize while the missiles are hitting the opponent, jump-dashing with an air :h:, late air :s:, dual palm would land. I’m not too familiar with hidden missiles, but I think that it would only work if it lands no higher then a normal jump.

ok thanks for the reply. I am pretty sure I will be able to combo after missiles. They don’t screw up hit stun that bad and if I learn the timing I don’t think it should be too hard.

hey first time posting here on SRK =). well heres a few iron fist combos i uploaded.the video was a bit rushed as far as quality goes but you can see whats goin on. [media=youtube]c391R45ShUw[/media]

Been a while since I posted anything proper in the IF forums, but I have a couple of combos to post, though without the damage and meter specifics but I’ll update those later. This is for Iron Fist/Dormammu teams, the Wolverine assist part can be replaced with other assists which leave them standing:

st.:m:, st.:h:, Beserker Barrage assist + :f:+:h: xx :dp:+:h:, dash st.:m:, st.:h:, :f:+:h: xx :qcf:+:l: xx :qcf:+:m: xx :dp:+:h:, st.:h:, cr.:h:, :f:+:h: > JC > j.:h:, j.:s: > land > st.:m:, :b:+:h: xx :qcb:+:l: xx :qcf:+:h: xx :dp:+:h:, :qcb:+:m: xx :qcb:+:h: xx :qcb:+:s: > wall bounce > :b:+:atk::atk:~:h: xx :qcb:+:l: xx :qcf:+:h: xx :qcf:+s: xx Volcanic Roar xx Stalking Flare, Charge 1D1C, :qcb:+:h:, Flame Carpet + Rising Fang assist, Dark Matter xx Dark Hole xx Chaotic Flame

Builds around 3.2-3.5 bars
1,000,000-1,050,000 for the first 2 bars
1,200,000-1,250,000 3 bars

The damage and meter depends on how the 1D1C hits.

That requires both assists (ie. you need Dorm’s assist unused because when you DHC it enables you to use Iron Fist’s Rising Fang), but using just Iron Fist/Dorm:

st.:m:, st.:h:, :f:+:h: xx :qcf:+:l: xx :qcf:+:m: xx :dp:+:l:, st.:h:, cr.:h:, :f:+:h: > JC > j.:h:, j.:s: > land > st.:m:, st.:h:, :b:+:h: xx :qcb:+:l: xx :qcf:+:h: xx :dp:+:l:, :qcb:+:m: xx :qcb:+:h: xx :qcb:+:s: > wall bounce > :b:+:atk::atk:~:h: xx :qcb:+:l: xx :qcf:+:h: xx :qcf:+s: xx Volcanic Roar xx Stalking Flare, Charge 1D1C, :qcb:+:h:, Flame Carpet + Rising Fang assist, Dark Matter xx Dark Hole

Builds around 2.5 bars
1.1-1.15mil for 2 bars

I’ll check the meter build again on this one when I’m home and get more accurate damages for it but you get the point. These are both no-chi starts. Works well for stuff like :f:+:h:~:a2: xx Chi OS throw attempts (combos on hit, gives you pressure on block, throws if they don’t tech, assist comes out if they do tech etc).

I’ll make a vid eventually, but for now my laptop isn’t up to the job :confused:

part 2 of my iron fist videos showing some more ways to continue crescent heel,level frank to level 4 and more.[media=youtube]EMphNOh60yg[/media]

Here is a video a make for a competition, hope you guys like it.


It does around 1.05 million damage, starting with No red Chi, and building 2.4 bars with 1 assist

3 Bars

DASH, M, H, →H, :arrow_upper_right:JUMP, H, S, LAND, M, H, ←H, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←L, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→L, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→M, →↓:arrow_lower_right:L, H, ↓H, →H, :arrow_upper_right:JUMP, H, S, LAND, M, ←H, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←L, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←H, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←S, ←DASH, ←H, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→M, →↓:arrow_lower_right:L, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←M, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→H, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→S, ASSIST2, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←M, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→M, →↓:arrow_lower_right:L, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→H, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←L, ↓:arrow_lower_right:→S, ↓:arrow_lower_left:←MH

Finally got my new laptop and got around to making a video of this. Second combo!


Thanks, man. Hey can you help me by putting some solo throw combos up on YouTube? Current ones are outdated and we don’t have all of them. Don’t have PS3 so I can’t do it myself at the moment.

Yeah I’ll be able to sort that out either tomorrow night or thursday night. You’re on about the two throw combos at the bottom of the second post right?

Yeah, I’m suure there’s better ones but even if there isn’t they still need videos attached to them. After that’s done we can move onto more team specific things.

Dude did you do these combos on high damage settings or something? I’ve done the first one and kinda done the second and the damage is nowhere near :confused:

Oh and the second combo’s “:dp::uf::l:~:atk::atk:” is waaaaaayyy hard, wtf.

I did those combos when I first made this thread and haven’t touched them since so perhaps the numbers are inaccurate. Are you sure you’re getting the Chi cancel on the super?

Yeah, getting Chi cancel on the second one is hard as hell. It’s mainly there to show it can be done.