SBO '06 3rd Strike Qualifier Results

This is gonna be sick and Ino’s back after a near 2-year abscence from the scene! Bring back CvS2!

Another reason behind Boss picking Makoto might be that he lost to a Makoto both on SBO1 and SBO2 (didn’t attend SBO3) :lol: :rofl:

Boss and mester couldnt join the last chance tournement at sbo3, mester walked out of SBO hella mad.

you mean global ime?

Huh? why? Arrive late or something?

heh i hav eno idea

Didn’t Justin/Ricky win a last chance tournament to qualify? That’s what I’ve read.

Go to if you using pc and search for japanese language pack and/or global ime this is how i installed mine

they did win but apparently boss/mester couldn’t join. i heard that they didn’t care for the last chance qualifiers or somethin.

this info was posted by oriku (aurik, who is currently in japan) on our forums - thought you guys might be interested!

i dont know those guys :frowning:

So J is the best Makoto in Japan?

Deshiken is in! More results

1/21 Kyouto Y Da(Hugo),Dainama(Dudley)/Hirochan(Oro)
1/21 Oota DeshikenKFG(Ken)/Ushi!?(Urien)/Goemon(Yang)
1/22 Fukuoka yasu(Ryu)/Bakkasu(Necro)/Goemokofu(Ken)

1/15 Kanagawa Issee(Yun)/Misawa(Ken)/Majunia(Chun)
1/14 Mie Yukiotoko(Gouki)/Momochi(Yun)/Naga(Ken)
1/14 Kyouto Shouhei(Dudley)/Saru(Yun)/Hige(Ken)
1/15 Kyouto sako(Yun)/Haitani(Chun)/Shiroitachi(Makoto)

1/09 Okayama Munakata(Dudley)/rkf(Ryu)/Jinden Takanori(Yun)

Eric J you’re da man

DeshikenKFG <<< he deserves to win this… simply a smart beasty Ken…

hurray goemon and sako

You should go here:

Also Tokyo Ranking Fighters 3S tourney video update:

Namijin vs Y2J both Ryu
Yamazaki (12) vs Thanatos (Oro)
Y2J vs Raou (Chun)
Finals: Thanatos vs Raou

Uni (Necro) vs Raou
shirubito (Gouki) vs Eda (Dudley)

Haitani and Sako specialize in Vampire Savior.

OMFG! INO is back… so he is in the team with Mester and Raoh?