they cudnt join caus foreign teams were given preferance over jap teams.did pyro and frank get knocked out in the last chance qualifier tourney?
and ekin,bout sf4,i seriously doubt its comin.1 of the sf2 producers once admitted that 2d fighters r no longer a viable business option in 2days world-thats jus a fact that were r all gonna have 2 accept sometime.
Around 30-40 teams signed up for the last-chance qualifier, but due to time constraints (and this was known before) only 16 teams were to be selected to actually be able to compete in the qualifier by a random drawing. One foreign team was allowed to bypass the random drawing and enter automatically, which was Ricky/Justin. Pyro and Frankie were already qualified from the American SBO Qualifier.
The top two teams from the last-chance qualifier were allowed to compete in SBO. Those teams were Ricky/Justin (who won) and Issei’s team (who got 2nd).
Mopreme and I were selected in the random drawing and got a chance to compete, but we lost in the second round.
Man Chemuru does stuff that none of them makotos do and its lovely but J seems to get farther in tourneys. But the way Chemuru wins is amazing, he does the jab short link like its a Yun chain. Hes all about the fakes. J’s Makoto is more all around and less fakes. Seems like J focusses on what your gonna do next while Chemuru dosn’t care hes gonna do what hes gonna do regardless ya know.
its a shame if Hayao doesnt enter sbo, he is a fuckin beast. i guess ill have to look forward to the deshiken/ushi/goemon team and the yamazaki/zangoef/YSB. gotta see Boss’ makoto too
Holy crap I just realised that there have been heaps of tournaments in my area. And there’s one right near where I live and where I work.
Anyway, in the tougeki page, the ones with red spots are the real qualifiers, with the preceeding arcades in the same table are pre qualifiers.
I’m a little confused with a E4 though since there are no red spots there. In any case, if they just forgot to put one there, it means there are 5 spots in the kinki area which includes kyoto, osaka and wakayama.
Yda, Hirochan and Dainama took kyoto E1
Sako, Haitani, teruchika took osaka#1 E3
Chinta, PinoAB7 and Messatsu something took wakayama E5
E2 and E4 qualifying teams will be determined on the same day.
And hayao doesn’t wanna attend because, well, he’s not interested. he’s still a beast.
I’ll be attending the tournaments in E4. And I might just get lucky if the tournament is as low as the ones in wakayama.