that was my old car.
[x] Gerjay blows it.
[X] Noodleman blows it
[X] ExMatt blows it even harder
[ ] Noodleman wins
[x] Ex_Matt wins.
[x] Noodleman blew 2 - 0 lead.
On a related note…
Is Sauga interested in doing a CvS2 5 on 5 at NLDIV? With Byron coming in from Calgary I think it’d be fun to run a rematch. Everyone is pretty rusty but even still, way better than we were for the first 5 on 5. No money on the line, just something fun.
There’s a lot of players coming from Sauga who can fill the last spots.
[X] Thanks god that was 2 years ago.
[ ] Gotten better
[x] down for a 5on5
[x] G3 are banned from team sauga.
lol teddy can fill that spot again 0-5 :tup:
Yuhin can take a spot since he’s coming.
:wgrin: Someone dust off Calvin and tell him to show up so it can be a true rematch. :wgrin:
Sauga should get Roger since hes on our team for the marvel 5on5.
I’ll take a spot since I already played in Team Marvel.
cvs2 team should be me, hayvren, matt, poeta and james
ship it ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I don’t know why, but i like this team.
I’m in 3S for the clutch win
team sauga 3s
howard (yellows4 killer)
gerjay (5-0 against team TO)
me (someones gotta play chun)
matt (didn’t get to play last time)
poeta (so he can forfeit and we still own)
I played u jackass
I beat Jack and Quan. I didnt have to play after that.