just came back from watching be kind and rewind. funny shit
btw square one movie theater doing a special rite now. show you student id, and get movie ticket reg popcorn and drink for 9.99 plus tax.
btw i cant be on the 5 v 5 . =(
my cousin called, and invited my family to my baby nephew celebration this sat. i cant not show up for it. so justin cross me out of your list plz
and g3 is banned from team sauga.
team sauga should be
ex matt
if i read the list of who going to be in lockdown correctly
It’s really a matter of perspective. The G3 guys are very good at games they actually give a rats ass about. They just don’t happen to play CvS2/MvC2/3S.
Nope… ask the Lovegetty guys. G3 basically only play Guilty Gear and Melty Blood. They’re all very good at both of them. Guilty Gear has just as big, if not bigger following than Marvel around the GTA nowadays.