Sanwa Clear Push Buttons...FINALLY!

Im going to wait untill the price drops. They are way too much atm :XD

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using tapatalk. Pardon my spelling.

Hey these buttons will be presented in September at the fair in Tokyo. I will at the end of that month, I live in Spain and I can send to everyone if ANYONE wants a book, you can send a private, prices and more information is possible.
The photos in large size.

I’ll be in TOKYO for the Arcade Show in mid Sept. Yeah!


Hey Mark are they the same mold as the OBSF30’s?

I see a new addition to your chun li stick!

I win. :lovin:

People, ask me any questions.

Nice pics ! Thanks for the hi res photo’s.

Pictures for BlindWithOneArm.

Do the 1.4 KNserts fit without modification? :slight_smile:

BlindWithOneArm asked me that too.
But I don’t have any. :sad:

They are the same as OBSF-30 though.
So KNserts v1.4 will fit loose?

Well, I just played with one in an OSBF. They fit fine, but there’s nothing to keep it from moving around, and if it rotates enough, the LEDs will get in the way of the plunger.

So, BWOA, what I’d do is disasseble all of the buttons including taking the microswitch out. Put the KNserts on the bottom of the button housing with the LEDs in the spots that the windows are for the plunger prongs. Use a pin pin to mark where the VCC and GND through holes are and drill them. Solder the wires or pins you’ll use to the KNsert. Put the microswitch back in, and put the KNsert in so the VCC and GND holes line up with the holes you drilled; that should put the LEDs centered on the main body’s prongs; thats where the large empty spots of the plunger will go, so there should be no interference. Use a dab of glue under the KNsert to secure it in place.

I am so jelly right now. >_<

Plz get them LED’d as soon as possible! Preferably OBSC30-CB and CW first!!

Dude, these light up beautiful!

They’re so beautiful… ;_;

done! I’ll post up pics when I get the set finished… Ordering the knserts from LL tonight

But where are the Sanwa buttons with the solid body and plungers but the clear plunger covers like the Seimitsu PS-14-GNC?

You mean the original OBSC-30 buttons? Yeah, unfortunately those are long gone my friend. Sanwa produced them some moons ago, but discontinued them for whatever reason. Some members still have some and they’re working as good as ever, but unless you’re willing to shell out a large premium for these buttons, you’re unlikely to get your hands on them. Still, you could always do mix-n’-match with these clear ones and regular Sanwas based on jdm714’s pictures. Not the exact same, but I think it’d look good.



Beat you d3v.

Baited you d3v.