I just realized that it’d be cool if they’d make ball tops to match!
Wow…I hope not. Although then it would be more unique to have them.
I think the white clear ones without a color looks so fucking nice and because they look so clear LED Mods are gonna look so vibrant I love seimitsu but this might be the first set of sanwa buttons I’ll own. I feel seimitsu clears feel a bit cloudy these don’t look it but that could just be me. If sanwa makes these premium limited type shit, Ill be so disappointed in sanwa once again. This will be the first sanwa product I have high hopes for don’t let us down sanwa with that lame shit.
Does anyone know for sure if you will/will not be able to insert artwork into them. I’m working on a new stick and I’d like to be able to use the button cut-outs.
Ha, wait till you guy’s see the pricing. YIKES!!!
Jump on over to the Rollie’s!!!
How much , can you give us a clue?
Yes, for sure.
Only the Full Clear of course.
Not the Half Clear because just the Body.
This is great news! Now maybe more shops will have Seimitsu clears in stock when I want to place an order.
The only thing that sucks is that we had Seimitsu doing runs with clear plungers (something we will showcase but will not have for sale) we put the Seimitsu project on hold when we found out about these However, based on conversations with Sanwa will have Rgb led mods for these ready for launch. These should be NICE!!!
Darn, I was hoping Sanwa would try to compete a little bit more by pricing around the same as Seimitsu. I guess if I need clear buttons, I’m going to get the Rollies since they are cheaper than Sanwa and Seimitsu even with the Sanwa switches. :tup:
Ouch, my wallet is in pain, but I may have to drop on a few, I am contemplating all black, all white, 6 black 2 white, or 6 white 2 black for my PS3 TE-S(mine has the white artwork with ryu and ken). I am thinking all black or 6 black and two white would look good. Any suggestions? I don’t want colored buttons, and if I was to change the artwork(I probably won’t) I would stick with something uniquely bland to call my own, with no text whatsoever.
No 24mm means I’m saving my money. It’s a shame, they look nice. That price is obscene though.
Supply and demand. Limited quantities right now, so the price is high. Once they’re in wide availability (and the shiny newness wears off), you’ll see the price come down.
I was going to snap off an order today, but im going to wait until other retailers get them and see if the price stays the same or not.
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The black and white ones look fucking sick.:nunchuck:
I’m all over the green.
Any place other than Arcade Shock selling these? They’re sold out of several colors. I need some new buttons, and I’d like to get them before Summer Jam (which is at the end of the month).
When someone gets the clear black sanwas in can someone compare how “smoked” they are compared to the seimitsu equivalent?