July 17, 2011, 11:46am
Sanwa OBSC-30.
And rtdzign did not do a complete imitation.
The real ones have colored Plunger under a clear colorless Cap.
The ones that rtdzign made did not have colored Plunger under clear colorless Cap.
I thought you said December.
I heard wrong?
i wanted to do another stick in dec. but now i want this instead and it comes out in sept xD
Now, let’s see how long it takes them to make screw-in buttons available in more than 7 colors. :wink2:
(Not that I’d switch if they were, since I prefer Seimitsu buttons. They feel more diesel which is better for my playing style.)
A couple of those clear blue for my chun li TE would be dope, definitively gonna pick those up.
Now they do this. After I’ve gotten used to playing on Seimitsus.
Curse you Sanwa, curse you. I may have to grab a set of these for my VX
Also, hey whats up TechTalk, long time no see.
July 17, 2011, 1:17pm
Now you can have your buttons arts and your slaplaplap too.
Where you been Luca?
A sabbatical if you’d like, been modding in my spare time still- but mostly writing and playing Arcana.
I will say I’m happy these options are out there, i’ve had some problems with the Rollies (specifically them not wanting to come out of button holes and the tabs snapping).
I swear to god if these don’t come in 24mm I’m going to cry.
Took awhile but nice to know its in the works.
Hopefully these aren’t limited runs. I might in fact pick myself a bunch of these for my second stick ;D
Good Sanwa, now get on those Cherry switch JLF PCBs ;D
July 18, 2011, 4:58am
Wow, something from Tech Talk actually made the front page.
Techtalk readers and arcade stick lovers, take notice! Sanwa is finally releasing a set of clear and half-clear pushbuttons. Previously, players who wanted clear buttons only had Semitsu as an option. Those that prefer the feel of Sanwa were just...
At long last! I didn’t think it would happen so soon. Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this news to us.
July 18, 2011, 6:17am
They need to put out orange buttons. So I can finally make that Orange Juice Sanwa stick.
Dat slaplaplaplap.
With Cherry switches in, they slapklapklapklap.
want to buy a set of six of all the colors