just go to the events
Yeah man just come an hang out. There’s probably a dozen or so really good players and the rest are :-/ (lolol <3 you guys). We’re all a friendly bunch. Nobody’s gonna trash talk you or demand a money match etc. All of us will give you tips in person.
for those staying in my room at warzone
it will be 20 bucks each
Killer instinct, samurai shodown, tournament fighters.
Lets gooo
@ Killabyte: I’m not sure, I usually just throw casuals randomly. I’ll call you though when I do. Also message me your number.
@everyone: Is anyone going to WCW and is leaving sunday morning?
@Sam. Well… Pools are being played on Saturday afternoon… you just planning on going up to hang out or something?
someone bring a set up for the room
pools start at 4
see you all there
Anyone staying down in SD this weekend and hosting casuals?
i can bring a 360 and one stick.
Gl all you guys going to wcw
i got a 2nd 360 stick. bring your stuff.
why did they have scrubby SD players on the stream…waste of everyones time…
Hey guys quick update. The three masters of San Diego (Chris King, TLGenghis, Steinmania) made it to top 10 in teams.
Lacey, Mr. Certified, Chris King, and I Took top 32 in singles. Viscant is in top 8 winners in HDR.
ClakeyD owns my soul.
“I killed san diego’s only chance of making it out of pools… in winners AND in losers” - Gootecks to the box arena about me.
Make sure you guys sign up, login, then register for Winter Game Fest 2011!
Hosting casuals at my place today 5-10pm (Monday) PM me for infoooooooooooooo
co happening?
Well SD. Lets take our WCW results, and compare them to a major after League is finished. that will be the real indicator on how successful these next 3 months will be.
Hope everyone drove home safe.
New thread…didnt even know! Is CO happening tonight? Id like to play tonight there if possible