Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA


Mike, when will you upgrade from a toaster to a microwave?

When a bunch of people get together and buy me a microwave.

Although the stream quality last time was pretty good, once the nice capture card person arrived, considering it’s mostly limited by the internet there. So I’m not sure what having a microwave would even do. >.<

umm REALLY sorry about this but the new nice capture card I realized is internal for my PC. So I would have to bring my tower. (thought it was external)

Wow. That’s Megaman-Dan-level, right there. <3

And uh, since you spent Eightysixed’s money on a cap card that you can’t use remotely, to quote Parasoul, “Your boss won’t be so merciful”…?

[Double post]

Alright, screw it, I just went ahead and ordered one of the Roxio things that we’ve been having nicely volunteered previous weeks, for myself. Should arrive on Wednesday.

But I thought that Roxio was the one that didn’t work for xsplit. Whats wrong with me bringing my tower -_-

It’s not recognized by XSplit itself, but the screen-region thing we’ve been doing works fine. And it ALREADY WORKS, meaning no three hours figuring out how to make the new thing work. Plus, since we’re doing screen region, I realized last week that I can have the cap card program recording in HD video to upload to youtube later.

If you want to bring your tower, go right ahead, this’ll be backup in case yours doesn’t work. :^)

This is a very ominous post #666

Have you decided what channel that’s gonna be uploaded to on youtube yet? I remember you saying on stream that you might try to get it on the official Skullgirls channel which would be awesome if you could pull it off. It’d be nice to see a channel for a game on youtube actually post videos after the game’s release.

It’ll be the official channel as long as it’s just raw game footage. That channel is governed by ESRB ratings. >.<
I tried to upload one of the 2hr recordings from last week’s, it’s been “processing” for like, 3 days now, so I doubt it worked. Gonna try to convert to another format I guess.

Aww sweet Mike bought a cap card!

Is it time for Mike Z to make another combo vid now?


Definitely showing up this week considering I missed last! Hope you all can make it.

^ Yeah, Wing’s got a question from me to ask Mike Z lol

Ugh this is one question I’d never thought I’d ask ANYONE!! Haha but sure I’m actually intrested what mike will say.

LOL I swear to god, Mike better not break my heart. XD

…the heck? What is this, high school? “Hey, Brianna, ask him if he likes me.”

Whats the question?

WingZero is going to hand Mike a slip and it’s gonna say “do you like me, circle yes or no, do you have a girlfriend, yes or no, want to see a movie, yes or no”.