I voted! Do I get a sticker?
Chibi still didn’t send me mine =[
Ima sad shark.
voted. also why there 3 MLP? >_>
I can’t believe I missed Alex =[
I could harass him about anything Stanley-related =/
Also I’m not that good at auditioning and Alex’ voice wasn’t very clear so can anyone post most interesting parts please?
Cliff notes from the Alex portion:
The Player 2 accurate sprites is particularly interesting to me.
Alright, looking into a new monitor since recent unpleasant events have left me with Newegg credit instead of real money.
I had to do a google search for ASCR since I have no idea what that is. Something about contrast so… better… color quality I guess? Worth the extra $10? Completely unnecessary? How much better can colors possibly look?! Alternate suggestions? Definitely want speakers included for Cupcakey purposes.
Also, this week was friggin’ AWESOME! Damn you late arrivals for making us feel cold and lonely for the first two hours. Traffic was ass that day x.x .
I thought it was known fact for a while already. Anyways thanks for all your typing! =O
I’m really like current style of graphics but it’s sad to know that pixelart didn’t make the cut. It probably was pretty bad back then though.
It was news to me, but it was very likely said before. A lot of the above was mentioned in previous interviews and blogs/journals over the last few years anyway.
The pixel art may not have been so bad actually…
But I’ve always sort of thought that when pixel art gets to this quality there’s no real point in not just drawing them. Though I imagine pixels save way more resources storage and access-wise.
Maybe it’s far cheaper financially plus a dozen other reasons and I just made an idiotic statement but I’d love to know why companies like Arc Sys insist on making more and more detailed pixel sprites instead of taking the plunge of the Skullgirls route - whether it’s out of nostalgia for pixel art, or if there are legitimate reasons.
Yeah, I agreee. It’s pretty detailed anyways.
I’m not sure. I think KOF guys are doing it for the sake of it despite not being the best solution financially. Or so I heard. And Arc are drawing over 3D models AFAIR which is supposedly chipper. But I don’t know for a fact. I think Mike was talking about all that earlier but I forgot everything T_T
If it’s for fighting gaming, I recommend picking a monitor from this list
The amount of people who voted for everything BUT skullgirls is depressing… IDK why there are actually people out there just trying to hurt this game.
Because you like it. Someday you will realize that and the guilt will drive you mad!
All fighting games must have manly men or they suck immediately, even if I don’t know anything about the game mechanics. Stop letting it depress you.
Oooh nice. Seems like quite a few of those monitors are within the $200 price range I need to work with as well. Not seeing speakers as an option for many of them, though D: . Although it should be noted it’s for use as my desktop monitor as well… which is also for gaming. So I guess it’s pretty much for the same thing. The Dell S2330MX one seems like the best bang for my buck. It’ll be about two weeks before any of this happens anyways.
It is not that they hate it or want to hurt it. They just don’t care. The game kinda faded out. I still enjoy it so the rest can do as they please.
I have to say; the actual front page article comments REALLY needed this. It may be a bit late now, but it really hilights things for those that may pass on watching a 5 hr video and gives them something to talk about. It kind of turned out that the complaints of Cupcakes absence of front page in this thread were only repeated within the eventual front page post- and was about the only comments made within the article. I am all for the success and potential of this game, but think a compilation of informative clips would do much better to kindle interest. I know that this takes manwork to do, but if there was someone that could compile hilights of Cupcake tournaments and Mike’s explination of changes for something like a “Friday Night Fights” where at the end it has an ad for Salty Cupcakes “Come see for yourself!” I think if at some point such a promotional video were made I think it’d be more effective than a stream or recap.
Here’s another bit if insider srk info. When we do get tipped about big stream recordings its useful to give us timestamps for where important info like that lies. Helps us get the important stuff on paper quicker. If you think YOU can’t take 6 hours of your life to watch a stream recording I certainly can’t take 6 hours out of an eight hour work day just to write one front page post. I’d get fired.
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Here’s a bit of SRK outsider info - if you posted the stream when it was happening then you wouldn’t have to write a recap. And we’d get more viewers.
[edit] Seriously, you’re never going to be able to reconcile SRK posting weekly links to Big Two and WNF/TNR with SRK not posting a weekly link to a developer-run showcase of an unreleased version of SG with special guests and (until recently) weekly changes. There is no way. Also, Keits is a nice guy, from all my interactions with him, I dunno why he’d say no.
Yo… When it’s put this way… I can see it not going up because not everyone likes it, but still. I still see sfxt on streams. There’s no reason to not post the stream every week. Not blaming anyone for it not getting up before now, but it really should be posted starting next stream.
I mean… I don’t know what more I can do than attempt to type up a post and see if it gets through. According to Ian we now just let Salty Cupcakes go to the sidebar rather than giving it a full post. So it is on the upcoming streams list… or at least it should be. I don’t actually control that in any way shape or form.
Seriously, that’s how things work in the SRK editor room. You write up an article and if it makes the cut, Keits or IanToTheMax publishes it. I have and continue to write articles promoting Salty Cupcakes, but the final posting decision is theirs. I’m doing all I can but literally, LITERALLY, I have no more power to get Salty Cupcakes on the frontpage no matter how much I want it too. At this point, asking me to get Salty Cupcakes on the frontpage is like someone asking you to make the patched version come out quicker.
However, unlike people asking you to magically make the patched version appear in their lap like a Christmas present from Santa Claus, there actually is something you can do here. You can write to SRK Tips, or even Keits or Ian themselves, and ask why Salty Cupcakes isn’t getting the frontpage pass. I can’t speak for them, but I am sure they can speak for themselves. Personally, I think Salty Cupcakes not hitting frontpage is criminal, but I just have no way to make it happen.
That doesn’t stop people from doing it all the time. :^P
And anyway, I’m not asking you, I’m just saying your defense is BS. Guess I’ll ask Keits.