Salty Cupcakes: SG Thursdays in LA

Drive down to South Carolina?

Established weeklies!

Are you real enough.

INSIDER SRK INFO! Not really, just common sense. New info makes it far more likely to get posted to the frontpage. Last week there wasn’t a whole lot of new info.

If it were up to me I’d post it to the front page every week, but final posting decision goes through several other people. So blab your mouth off Mike Z and front page is a shoe-in. :slight_smile:

This just in, hold a button during the load screen to change panty/bloomer colors. Valentine has the most colors due to shimapan combinations!

Wait… we need “new” info for a weekly stream that a game needs desperately so it won’t die? Why do the other weeklies get a shoutout? Are they dropping some leaked Capcop assassination lists or game info we don’t know about? I’m not trying to be snarky. I’m genuinely curious and confused right now.

What time is the stream again? I keep forgetting and seem to tune in an hour or so after it starts. “Next Tourney - SkullGirls Oct. 25 at 7pm PST” 3h15 mins to wait.

Don’t get me wrong. I love skullgirls. It’s my game of choice. But you can argue that it’s not the place of srk writers to choose which games live or die. Yes skullgirls needs it but we would be playing favorites if we posted salty cupcakes just cause the game needs it. Also you are right other streams get shutouts but streams like the big two or the break or so forth are edited, separated into individual matches, and hosted individually as opposed to a multi hour stream recap.

I’m just being honest with you guys here. There are lots of things that can get you Front Page. Quality is one. New info is another. But we can’t just post it cause “the game needs it.” That’s not our place.

Like I said if it were only up to me I would Front Page it every week. Heck if it were only up to me I would make srk a 100 percent SG site. But it’s not.

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You guys, it doesn’t need front page to be noticed. Just tell your friends and all that noise.

Besides even if it did get front page, that doesn’t exactly mean more people are gonna watch it. Chances are if you’re interested in Skullgirls, you already know about Salty Cupcakes. Anyone who isn’t interested probably isn’t going to watch the stream just because it’s right there on the front.

I mean that doesn’t mean don’t try. Tweet the link and/or put it on Facebook or something.

There was a clear increase in viewers when srk had it on the front page. I would have thought the fact that there was an audience among the srk readership that was interested enough to watch the stream would mean it made sense to put it up.

Like I said I’m gonna try to get it up :slight_smile: Just giving tips for how to get it past the edit shield is all.

But by featuring some and not others, they do that anyway.

I’m gonna call huge BULLSHIT on that one - WNF and TNR are multi-hour stream recaps, and they get a “THING GOING ON RIGHT HERE” post every week even though everyone already knows. They get posted weekly even though it’s nothing new (same games, same combos, hell even same people at the top). I just would like SRK to extend that courtesy to non-sponsored events, is all. (^.^)

Is the stream running late?

I don’t understand how posting THE sg weekly on the front front page could be considered biased nor does it grant an unfair life span to the game. Especially since its the only place to see the patched version, I would think that alone is newsworthy.

I completely agree with this. There is already favoritism going on, naturally. SG deserves some love via favoritism as well. We have rpg and dev willing to put skullgirls related things on the front page… SG “is” a good game.

Though the one thing i would say is wait till the patch comes out to put it back on the front page… If that doesnt happen, then we will get srk advertising and people will see the new patch being played and say “cool, this looks good, but i cant play this version so meh”

I think we should be going the strategic route… That having been said its nice to see mike fight for his game. Its good and the world needs to know.

We really need some top notch vid makers to make a promotional video of the reasons to give the game a second chance, rather than “boring” patch notes.

But it should wait till patch is out imho, strike while the iron is hot etc… There is an old sports analogy about not hitting your peak to early… Whatever that analogy is, thats what we need to do, not hype up a game that isnt out yet, for a second time. (YEARS of friday night fights)… I think it will just piss people off, more than help at this stage of the game.

But its just an opinion.


Should send me one so I can test whether EU-US crossplay works now!

Well I’m just laying it out here guys. I typed up a front Page post for the stream tonight. No typos or anything. :wink: anyway it didn’t get the editors clearance. So I’ve literally done everything I can. If you really want it to be front Page material you gotta take it up with keits or Ian now. It’s out of my hands. I sure as hell wouldn’t mind seeing it hit the Front Page more often. Either way I’m pulling for you and I’m always trying to get sg content up there.

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Alex Ahad appeared in Salty Cupcakes this stream as well as other members of SG Team! I’m so happy Alex confirmed that Umbrella is a lefty. My headcanon is actually alive!! :rofl:

So yeah, as far as not having unique crap, we had Alex show up and answer questions.
RPG, your argument hurts. How bout TNR & SC in the same announcement for next week? :^P

Ian and Keits are EiC? That’s like 2 Keits.

Front page is doomed.

Just call the next Cupcakes stream
"Potemkin legend MikeZ talks about his view on GGAC+ on XBL/PSN and might play a bit of Skullgirls"
to snatch Viewers