They wanted too hefty a venue fee. They said they were willing to “work it out” but they still wanted something on the back end. I’m trying REALLY hard to keep the venue fee cheap, as my old weeklies in game on taught me that five dollar venue fee attracts no one. The other problem is staying open late. Most people don’t want to stay open for the amount of time it takes to run a weekly.
$5 venue fee is expensive? O.o
Ahh fair enough. I’ll try my luck at looking for a venue. Any other east coast places you been having in mind?
In one month you’d spend at least $20 just for permission to go into a place and play a game. Thats more than a wow subscription -more that the game itself, really- and doesnt include money you’ll probably spend while there: tournament entry fees, money match money, food, etc. While, it’s not a small fee it adds up pretty quickly and some people are not in situations where they can just spend money all willy-nilly and call it small change.
I wouldn’t call it “willy-nilly small change”, but taking additional costs into consideration, I can see where it could end up. But it can’t be free, and anything below $3 doesn’t seem like it would be enough to help with overhead costs.
This is very true. Maybe if the venue owner is nice, they’ll give top 3 or winner of the tournament a free food item or something. That way instead of splitting a pot between winners, there just wouldnt be a tournament fee to split in the first place.
Yeah, the nicest thing about Frootsii (among MANY nice things) is that they want us there. Can’t hardly argue with that.
Did I really say the food crawls up your urethra? I mean, it sounds like me, but…man…
That sounds painful. Not sure if I want to go anymore.
Who am I kidding? ._.
Has anyone considered just making NY/NJ meetups a bi-weekly event? That’d help reduce costs a bit. I mean… we gotta do whatever it takes to get people out there, right?
How did this happen?
You sure did. One of the patrons in the corner even asked the employee there if HE said that. She sounded amused and horrified.
I’d actually like to do a 7/3 pot/venue fee split. Anyway in response to questions about other places around here, I’m looking into some food places. There’s a falafel place in Jersey City that seemed interested and stays open till four but then was afraid the crowd would choke out other customers.
The problem is a 5/5 split drowns the pot… and we need these people to come EVERY WEEK. Because if we drop below ten ish people lots of venues won’t think its worth it.
You should send me a devkit with the latest patch so I can revive the GTA scene.
And me because I want to play it.
And to me you shouldn’t because Mail Delivery Service of Russia will lost it anyways >_>
Ya at frootsi, we actually seem to attract customers and they ask stuff like “what is going on?” “Is this every week?” and some customers (since its a hotspot for the 16-30 crowd) try the game out and give there feedback. Plus since the owner has sooo much good food, everyone playing is constantly eating or drinking something. Win/Win for all.
So let’s try and get this on the front page tomorrow, yeah?
oh mikez you mentioned a bald ms fortune last salty cupcake, who was that for anyway?
I think it was a just a shout out to men who love shaved pu-…um… heads. >_>
No, it was for someone. I’m just not sure I should say again. :^P