another tourney tommoorow? i need my revenge against lord voldemort
Yeah tourney tomorrow megaman!!! I need the practice if I want to be the BEST Valentine!!! LOL
And we should wait for everyone to show up this time, bunch of people showed up after we started the tourney last Thursday.
My body is ready! I got annihilated last week x.x. Also, I’m assuming there is an HDMI cable for whatever console my monitor is being hooked up to, ya? Just note that you need to set that console to 720p (my monitor is old)
I want a sandwich.
There’re 2 HDMI cables yeaaaah.
And please remember the red/white to headphone jack CABLE. <3
The Evo2k13 lineup announcement is around the 1st week of December. I think it’s time to go in hard! Hype it up! It was the hypest side tournament at Evo. It wasn’t even official and was close to MK numbers (or SC5, I forgot which one).
Keep the Salty Cupcakes coming!
My money’s on SFxT 2013 over us. :^P
I’m more excited about the updates and announcements we will get from the Skullgirls team than I am about Skullgirls in EVO. It probably ain’t happening anyway. Damn… I’m a debbie downer right now. I’ll just keep playing the game and posting videos. If it somehow gets into EVO over SFxT I’ll go, but… that is not likely.
I bet on the black horse.
But you never had a black person at Salty Cupcakes, so that’s hard for me to do, as well.
hahahaha yes there are dude!
For anyone who lives in San Diego (CA) area. Fanboygaming hosts a Fighting Tournament every Friday at the Microsoft Store on Fashion Valley Mall so it’s a different fighting game each week & yes, they put up side tourneys, as well. They told me to try to get Skullfans like me to come over & play this game. They haven’t posted the date, but I bet Skullgirls will be a side tourney next to UMvC3 (main tourney on Nov. 2nd)
Man I would love if this was the reality we were living in, but it’s not. SCV had 416 entrants, MK9 had 256, Skullgirls side tournament 102. Besides which, Evo was months ago; since then interest in the game has dropped off a cliff (only 16 people for Skullgirls at Season’s Beatings).
i would actually prefer that SG wasnt at evo officially next year. if it was an official game, i dont think the numbers would be strong enough for it to make it back again the year afterwards, and after that, its chances of getting back in again after that would be almost nil i reckon. probs better that theres just a more hype side tourney in 2013 and then try to make it for evo the year after.
im bringing my stick for once
Keep me posted, wouldn’t mind making a drive if its for an official tourney
I agree with this. lets not shoot ourselves in the foot by hyping it up then not having anyone show up. Im still excited about the game and enjoy going to the cupcakes hangout. if tehres a huge side tournament next year. i might finally make the trip to EVO instead of watching from home.
@KidPanda - you live in LA and you don’t go to Evo? For shame! You have it so easy.
As far as Evo goes I’d bet AE, UMvC3, TTT2, MK (or Injustice depending on donations), then either P4 as the anime game, KOF13, or VF5. Next in line in donation order would be SFxT 2013 and PSAS. After that, due to not being released yet, would be BB next, GGAC+R, and after that probably SG. Or hell even MvCOrigins or new Jojo’s.
Yea i know. I just never really had funds or means to head out there. i was a loner Dottie, a rebel.
excuses aside, I really want to and can make the trek out now.
It’s live.
Mike wins the grand finals against Megaman after switching to a 3 man squad (Fillers/Bella/Hsiencock).
I really just wanted to get certain people to be quiet about how Peacock sucks without Parasoul or Double.
Anyway, why no frontpage this week, SRK? :^P How bout next week?