On the other side of the country but will for sure be tuning in to watch the stream, thanks for the update and your support for streaming the event.
The patch version is sooooo fun to play. If you guys can make it out, you should totally come!!
Haven’t played patched version.
Still holding that shit.
Yo if there is mic available get Mike Z on the commentator spot. Let him tell that everybody don’t know shit about fuck lol.
“I cant see very cleary, but I can still make out val’s rockin tits.”
Stay classy, Skullgirls chat.
Danielle Mcrae A.K.A PAINWHEEL is watching the livestream! Come join us!!
Because I wanted to.
I asked who that girl was and no one told me! She was my favorite characters voice?!
If you missed the Skull Girls Tournament last night, here is the archive. It starts at 1 hour 30min http://www.twitch.tv/eightysixed/b/335263521
Watched part of the stream, and will catch the rest during the weekend. Good shit!
Meant to ask this on stream chat: I don’t suppose there will be some sort of Skullgirls presence at Canada Cup later this month? I imagine not, and it’s completely understandable.
MegamanDS, I love you because 2:19:50! :wgrin:
That move was completely necessary!
[edit: Boy I hate the way the forum software works sometimes]
This was left on my profile, but I want to publicize it because it’s so cute.
By AlxReaper.
Yay, in-jokes! :^)
glad ya liked it :3
LOL SweaterBee!!!
I… I… what… why… Why? WHY?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU PEO–Oh hey it is kind of cute.
Also, fffffffffffffffffffffffff D:
I do a lot of unnecessary stuff when I play
I didn’t get to do my pointless snapback combos this week.
Get ready for this thursday stream again!
There can Bee only one! …/hides
You said something about bringing another monitor, right? I got my crappy monitor I use ( I have a female hdmi to male dvi plug in for it). Display only, no speakers on it. Everything from that night is a blur. A beautiful 5am sleep deprived blur. Oh, and R/W female to Male headphone jack, ya?
If we can get a down-res capture card then yes, we’d like another HD monitor. Speakers I can bring, I think. And yeah, R/W female to male headphone jack so that people on the XBox can have sound, whee…
This is just to state that I find the lack of Ravidrath on SRK disturbing…
I miss him… But I know people would bombard him with “those” questions.
Wherever you are my Keikaku friend… much love! o/