I support you on this quest!
Actually I’ve got a question, after a Shou you walk forward and attempt a cross-up or ambiguous cross-up to catch quick risers, right? What do you do if they don’t get up quickly? There enough time to set yourself up for another cross-up?
there is enough time but its difficult to get to the right position and make the jump but i do believe u can safe jump again.
You can safejump again OR go for a crossup.
The crossup can be done so that it’s anti-shoryuken but you have to be quick about repositioning yourself, it atleast works on Ryu as I’ve done it successfully on him in a match a few times.
You can’t safejump against Ryu though, so that was kind of a bad example, I just wanted to say that you have enough time to setup another anti-shoryuken j.hp against him.
Against safejumpable characters you can do double safejumps, like against Sagat.
The second jump has to be a straight jump, otherwise you won’t have time.
It’s pretty wonky with the timing imo, doesn’t feel natural at all, so some practice mode to get that shit down is most likely needed.
So since you can’t mixup where the hit is going to come from, when you’ve taught them to respect the safejump you mix it up with empty straight jump, c.lk, st.hp x lk tatsu, st.lk x hp sho or something like that.
So more jumping then? Do you do anything else? Like backing off then a surprise over-head or whatever?
I only use her overhead if it’s enough to kill them, otherwise you’re giving up pressure by using it.
Unless you have them in the corner, then you can keep pressure after the overhead.
[media=youtube]4wwzn6zc6Ew[/media] i recorded this a while back, practising some sakura combos, are their any other bnb i should be practising?? let me know
nice sakura you have there
btw i just found out an amazing combo which i found out by mistake fighting a friend of mine.
I don’t know if you guys knew already, it’s B&B to super anyway here’s the link:
basically is jump HK+ HP + lk tatsu + c.HP --> Haru Ichiban (Sakura’s super )
It’s better then c.MK + shu -->super
Guys just reply and give me your opinions
after the cr hp throw in a mp shou then cancel to super
yeah nice one , gotta try that.
I had this combo posted a long time ago, but forgot to post it here,
So far I can confirm that this combo works against Ryu, Balrog, and two others, I need to go through the roster and see which others this works against.
i didnt understand how that worked the first time i thought about it but im guessing you are hitting with the last active frame of the lk tatsu which allows u to connect the cr mk which would normally be impossible to do so. good find
You can get even more interesting stuff if you connect lk shunpu after an ex shunpu, j.hp reset.
For example: lk shunpu, c.hk or lk shunpu, st.hp (not close hp)
I don’t know when you posted that, but I found that a long time ago haha. But good to know about the other combo you posted.
Just so I have some self satisfaction, I found it a month before you posted haha
I did a funny combo the other today: EX Hadoken from full screen and then EX Otoshi. :bgrin:
Ironically you’d have got more damage from a regular Hadouken
A combo I like for style is j.hp, cl.hp x lk tatsu, c.hp x mp sho x fadc, cl.hp x lk tatsu, c.hp x ex tatsu, ex hado, hp sho
Can anyone tell me how to safe jump, like foward throw walk or dash foward jump lk, jump delay lk etc?
Sakura have any setups for safe jumps? Forward throw puts you at cross-up range, making it safe® since reversals usually go the wrong way and/or are beaten by the cross-up. Back throw puts them way too far away to get close for a jump-in. That only really leaves c.HK at range I suppose. Essentially you’re just aiming to land a late/meaty jumping attack as they get up, as long as they’re not Ryu/Ken/Akuma if you hold back whilst doing it you’ll recover in time to block the reversal (apparently can safe jump the 3 aforementioned but the timing required is stupid tight).
A easy one that can remove 50% of life.
Jump MK, Standing Strong Punch, Ex Shunpukyaku, Anti Air Shinkuu Hadoken.
It’s crazy the amount of damage such simples combos can do.