Sagat thread

CE Sagat also doesn’t have a crossup, cancellable s.short, different tiger knee, has unblockable reversals, etc.

He uses similar firetrap, but everything else is different.

i ve been playing hyper fighting sagat and been trying to find some differences between hyper fighting and st sagat only differences i found was st sagat tiger knee took more longer to complete than hyper

oh yeah i think the tiger uppercut invinceblity frames for st sagat is more than hyper fighting

There are alot more differences, I wish i had the time to explain between
hyper fighting SAGAT and O.ST SAGAT

who has some advice in the old sagat/ chun matchup for someone who sucks…not me …a friend of mine…

can you anti-air with anything other than dp?

anything else would be helpful as well…for my friend

Standing RH can be a half-decent anti-air, but I’ve seen it lose to various jump-ins. I’ve never been able to stuff Guile with it, but it’s been a long time since I’ve played O.Sagat. Uppercut is usually your best option for anti-air, and when it’s not, you’re often better off just blocking the combo.

so the basic gameplan is tiger shots and when they jump in tiger uppercut.


is it best to use sagat’s tiger uppercut with jab only or any punch button

I’m trying to find some match videos of the japanese player Yaya playing as Sagat, I haven’t had any success on youtube, but also wasn’t sure if he had a kanji/japanese name. Thank-you for the help in advance : )


Some more differences.

CE Sagat has better high tiger shots. The tiger knee from OG Sagat as that dude hinted at hit’s differently than CE Sagat, I think it has to do with the first bit of animation hitting low to the ground so it’s better in combos. CE Sagat also doesn’t have the 2 hit mk into shot or uppercut.

It’s all based on the fact that he can charge up and create fear with his super. That wins a lot of the fireballer matches for him. You can use that fear to make him actually play, which means you can get mid and close range and fuck him up… or you can turtle up with the meter and bait a shot, then super on reaction.

Basically you charge up ASAP and turn the fireballing into a beatable skeleton strategy. Imagine the match changing once you get full from a fight with Ryu to a fight with Ken. Once you have meter, he hasn’t got a prayer to trap you.

The fierce TU does the most damage.

^^^ When u face ppl that can play well n makes very few mistakes u most likely won’t even get to use TU at all at that point jumpin RH takes the place since it’s “safer”.

EDIT: It’s MUCH harder to throw out continuous low tiger shots in AE compared to ST.

Why does O. Sagats fireball do so much damage?

Becuase it is part of the Hammer Brothers Suit… :lol: -felinki

Search for his posts…

I would not call Boxer a “weak” matchup for Sagat. Daigo is an amazing player but Sagat is one of Boxer’s toughest matchups. Maybe it’s 50-50, and that could be “weak” for Sagat, but the only character I would call weak for sagat is Dhalsim.

sim is sagats worst MU but boxer is #2 simply cuz he can go through ur tigershots to get close and when that happens ur only chance is to bait a turnppunch and counter with TU or if they are far away throw out low shots to bait the jump n when they do throw a high shot to knock them down from the air…rinse n repeat! though against better players like afrolegends this is MUCH easier said then done.

ST vega can be tough for sagat too cuz his speed+poking ability easily pressures sagat into the corner giving him very few options to do anything about it however don’t be afraid to get aggressive and rush that shit down it catches many vegas offguard cuz they expect u to crouchblock in the corner so when u throw out jumping RH’s they panic and start jumping which is when u should TU FTW so i would say this match is 50/50

chun can be a pain in the ass cuz her jumping ability and spinning bird kicks can throw ur TU timing off and if she gets u in the corner theres nothing u can do about her lightning kicks u just have to take the block damage and DON’T try jumping RH’s cuz her jump kicks will ALWAYS beat yours out in fact they can beat out TU most of the time unless u do it very early just try to stay grounded and keep her far away and be ready to TU on reaction cuz misreading a jump for a SBK or the other way around can cost u the round but i dunno how i would rate her cuz after u learn to read when jumpin is coming and when a SBK is coming the MU gets alot easier so i would say this is 60/40 in chuns favor.


Actually what you should do is throw another fast tigershot. In this fight Sagat should be using fast tigershots 90% of the time. Throwing a slow one allow Balrog to avoid with his headrush and locks Sagat out of throwing another one because his first tigershot is still on screen. That allows Balrog to start applying his pressure.

With using almost exclusively fast tigershots Sagat can rethrow one once Balrog lands from his headrush.

^^^uhh what game u talkin bout? in HF it don’t work and for AE it’s possible but i haven’t played ST in a while so i dunno if thats what game u talkin bout.

Super Turbo.