Sagat thread

So i picked up sagat. I found the tigerknee a bit useless too. I have a hard time containing oponents in the corner with low tiger shots. Any good tigershot patterns/traps?
What to do against a good chun li player?

usally when you start off you should throw out a low tiger shot that way the opponent will jump and you can tiger knee him back where he came from

If your opponent is in the corner, you should be fb’ing from very far away or else stand closer to them and wait to dp them.

the only use i see for the tiger knee is to hop over fireballs or to get in close after knockdown.

^ that’s something else too. Using it for transportation after a knockdown is KEY to landing crossups. Whiff a few knees after an anti-air DP/FB to switch sides or put you in range for crossup.

you can use it to punish blocked dp’s, where crouching hk misses.

Bad Sagat match ups

what are some bad sagat match ups i already sagat vs blanka i can find anyone else maybe chun li but pretty much it that i know of


I didn’t think he had any. Talking about O. Sagat anyway

I’ve heard Boxer is a somewhat bad matchup for him, though I’d like to see the info that supports this. I know Boxer can TAP, headbutt, and low jump over many of the low tigers, and once he gets in, it’s fisticuffs, but who doesn’t have that type of difficulty with Boxer (Besides Gief, Blanka, and Honda).

Sim is very good against Sagat. One major thing is that he can drill/spear over low tigers and hit his arms from really far away. So Sagat loses his main game of lowtigerxN.

(Last few matches)

Bad example, I know. Daigo is just a beast with Boxer :sad:

i think vega does okay vs sagat but still, sagat has an advantage.

he can react to tiger shots easier than any other character minus sim and once he gets his ambiguous crossup dives in, its hard for sagat (or pretty much anyone except blanka) to get out.

sagat can avoid the ambiguous crossups by staying in the corner but he gets poked to death in the corner.

however, all it takes is a few well calculated tiger uppercuts to turn the tides so just gotta man up and balls out vs vega.

Yeah, I’ve seen that, but then again, it’s DAIGO. His match with Valle was MUCH closer.

Back to the topic, why did the topic creator put Chun and Blanka as bad matchups against Thaiger?

Merged a few posts into this thread…

Question for the pros out there.

Is it true CE Sagat in AE, in regards to his Tiger Shot’s speed and recovery, handles like O. Sagat in ST? if so, is using CE Sagat or Super O. Sagat a better way to practice on AE?

What is the exact movement for the tiger knee? The hardest hand motions in the game are the D,DF,F,UF + attack (that’s the tiger knee with the kick button right?) and the half circles.

I don’t like not being able to do the tiger knee as it is a quick move against projectiles.

Do you guys usually jump and buffer the movement, or do you do it from a standstill? I always end up jumping forward when I try from a stand still. Any tips?

Sagat prevails

Old sagat is my primary character. I ruled a lot of wins tonight in CTF.

Outstanding performance too.

Tiger knee is DB,D,DF,F,FU kick. The FU is forward up, so follow the motion quickly then tap kick.

It’s very similar between CE and Old Sagat. Still old sagat recovers faster in Tiger shots. It’s about a half second difference.
The Tiger Knee however is very different, Old Sagat has farther reach than CE and HF Sagat and can hit opponents in crouching stance easily.

Old Sagat is a winner.