Anyone willing to teach me a little Sagat on 360 SSIIHD? My gamertag is under my avy (just click it) if you’re up for it. Would appreciate any help I can get lol.
I’ve done this so many times, I had no idea people consider it a rarity. If the first two only hit once, you can go for a third. It’s most easily done using a short TK from max distance, a forward TK almost immediately then an RH TK to finish it off. I did some testing and it looks to do more damage than your standard 2x RH TK. But you gotta practice hitting a short TK from max distance, thats the tricky part. Also, I didn’t test this on all characters, it may need a different setup on some people.
I should note you can do this with any strength TKs, that one is just the easiest. As long as you know the max distance and use a forward TK as the second one, you can start with any strength TK. You can do all 3 RH TKs, but it is very timing intensive and involves taking a step back after the first one.
I’ve been using a faux-crossup online the past week or so. After a throw you can either:
- Do 2 immediate RH TKs to be right up in there face as they get up.
- Take a step and a half and do 2 RH TKs to land just on the other side of them as they get up.
If they start to catch on by watching if you step or not.
-Take a step and a half, do 2 forward TKs to land in front.
Once you’re next to them you can just keep throwing and doing it over if they don’t soften. I’ve beaten scrubs using only this tactic for 3 rounds. It makes me smile. Against good players, you obviously can’t just loop this all day, but it’s a good way to start a combo against reversal hungry players. Although now that the direction glitch is getting more prominent, this won’t be viable again until after the patch.
Here’s a quick and dirty combo I’ve been practicing.
Jump RH cr MK link to st FR combo to 2x RH TK.
You gotta hit :r: FP when you link so you can just :d: :df: into the TK. Otherwise the FP -> TK is pretty tough.
Have fun fellow 'Gats.
Hey King, would love to send you an FR and get some matches in, definately need some tips on how to harden up my Sagat.
Gat doesn’t dominate shotos like he did in vanilla st but even toned down in remix he has a moderate advantage because he will always win the fb war just be careful because ryu has a shorter startup time so if you try to fb on wakeup or when the fb is close to you you’ll be hit out of your fb startup animation so you’re better off blocking it and then doing an fb.
Why are you trying to reversal dp if your opponent expects it and can punish it?
If you don’t like playing the projectile game then don’t use gat because no matter how close or far you are or who you’re up against that’s what you’ll be doing most of the match. Shotos are pretty easy once you learn to zone them from far away, close the distance and punish their fb’s with j rh, and make them scared to dp you by punishing with short fb.
Mid range is the optimal space in this match because you want to be far enough to not get poked to death but close enough where you can punish drills with dp instead of having them completely whiff which happens if you dp too far away.
Basically just look to punish any jumping attack sim does and pay very close attention to your spacing because you don’t want to get caught up in sims fb+long range poke traps and j rh yoga flames and super:tup:
I always use rh tk every time and I get triple tk’s a lot you just have to make the first tk get a glancing blow (lol pokemon commentary) so you do it late and make it just BARELY connect with the opponent.
anyone got tips on sagat vs. ryu? i swear i keep getting my ass handed to me by this pad player for like three days in a row.
All he does is sit back and bait me into getting into these fireball wars with him, and just when I get situated trying to fend off his spam he jumps in and roundhouses. Either two things happen from here:
A. I guessed the roundhouse and previously threw a short/jab tiger so I have enough recovery to TU, and it hits.
B. Same as above, but trades.
C. Don’t recover fast enough, get hit by the j.RH.
D. Recover fast enough, but the TU is stuffed.
when he hits the RH, he goes into the shoto sweep and repeats the pattern all over again, which is pretty frustrating because most of the time either C or D occurs.
A good counter that works sometimes against his tyranny of jumping roundhouses is to throw a neutral jump RH of my own, but then if he sees me doing this he’ll just jump tatsumaki in and beat it, then go into a sweep AGAIN. So frustrating.
Is the only key to this match in who can stay calmer in fb wars? I don’t get frustrated often but it kills me inside that i KNOW THIS GUYS GAMEPLAN EVERY SINGLE TIME and I still lose convincingly over and over and over.
I have found that Sagat’s fireballs outdo Ryu’s… so just punish him with continuous tigers if he tries to get in a projectile war. When he goes for the RH jump in, I either TU him if I have the timing, or I believe standing RH works as well.
Patience is key.
Anyone have tips vs Chun? Friend of mine plays her. I have trouble keeping her properly spaced because of her jump and j. mk.
My previous post should help (seriosuly why can’t people read every post before asking for help?)
First of all if you keep losing to the same tactic you’re obviously doing something wrong so doing the same thing that jsut lost you the match isn’t going to magically work so try different strategies and see what works.
So you geti nto an fb war which you obviously win eventually since gat’s are faster then shotos but on your fb recovery he tag’s your arms with j rh…so you simply anticipate the jump and punish with fierce dp it should beat him out clean.
If you’re not beating out ryu’s jrh clean you’re not anticipating your opponent well enough and/or your spacing isn’t right because if you’re to far away your dp will whiff so you use st hk which is a great AA and has better range then his dp.
What do you mean properly spaced? gat has a good matchup against her but her jlk n jmk are really annoying because they can stuff gat’s dp pretty easily so you have to do it very early so the maximum height of your dp hit her fast. Also lightning legs is really a bitch so don’t get too close n watch out for them after chun lands fro ma jump. Chuns in general are forced to jump a lot against gat so jsut keep making her eat dp’s all day.
Well, I play a more turtle-ish Gat. Usually bait jumpers into TU and TKs. But yeah, my TUs get stuffed by her or she ends up slightly above my TK, so I get beat out.
Standing RH is a good anti air. bait the jump and standing RH them.
I only recently picked up Sagat and I love how he’s able to control space at long distances using variations of his high and low Tiger Shots at different speeds. His Tiger Uppercut takes chunks off too.
However, I’m having slight problems against opponents once they get in real close since Sagat is such a big target. As far as his normals go, what are some of his highest priority moves, or moves that are commonly used because of specific properties?
Some that I’ve found to come in handy are his s.Roundhose which, when timed right, seems to act as a fairly good counter for bad jump-ins as well as the Hawk Dive. His c.Forward leads into a low Tiger Shot nicely, and the s.Strong combos into a Tiger Uppercut fairly well too. Aside from those, I’m still trying to get the hang of him in close-quarters fighting.
Crouching strong and crouching forward are good pokes and other normal moves can be easily linked after them…not to mention they’re both interruptable into special moves. Standing short hits low, so it’s a nice alternative move to have if you need it.
But…if you want to really set off your combos, the two interruptables you didn’t mention are close standing fierce and the first hit of standing roundhouse (which hits mid, btw). Talk about whoa! Do a search for his ToD combo. It’s been mentioned quite a few times in this thread. It’s one of the meanest ones around.
Sweet, will do. Thanks!
wich are sagat worst matchups??
Dhalsim is easily his worst matchup. Vega also probably has an advantage now, and Ryu has a slight advantage because his super can take away your Tiger Shot game and Sagat no longer has better fireballs.
Akuma, Sim and Vega.
Sim and Vega simply have advantage on shotos and that carries over to Sagat as well.
Akuma is Akuma. Nuff said.
Ryu…nah. I would call that pretty even. Sagat has the better lockdown and Sagat will win a fb war. When Ryu has meter that just means Sagat can’t be stupid.
Super is just one aspect of the game and you gotta get the super first.
Gat vs:
ryu 5.5-4.5 like emblem said gat wins the fb war which is what most of the fight will be about and fake fb doesn’t help at all unless he’s aggressive n pins you in the corner. Super doesn’t help ryu as much now because gat can super through everything as well, and from mid range it’s easy to punish super with jrh, don’t forget the glitch where if you’re very close you only get hit by the first hit and can go through the rest lol. Overall it can go either way but gat definitely has a slight edge as long as you don’t forget his fb startup is a tiny bit longer then ryu’s and don’t do double fb’s when he has super.
ken 5.5-4.5 basically the same except using your tk’s is more important since it’s death to jumpin against ken and get your reversals down or you’ll be knee bashed all day.
honda 5.5-4.5 this matchup becomes 4-6 if you get close so it’s important to stay away all the time no one likes being taken to the ochio store which is open 24/7. As long as you bait n punish jab headbutt on recovery and watchout for crossup buttslam, don’t forget hhs has a vulnerable hitbox in front of it. Even with the advantage of fb’s they are still either high or low but as you mixup your fb’s keep in mind honda will try to trick you just the same with jab n firece hb’s.
chun 6-4 whether you turtle and force chun to eat dp’s all day or play aggressively not allowing her to build meter this is still a pretty good matchup just watch out for lightning legs they can be very gay and you’re going to have a very hard time against her jumpins if you don’t dp early.
blanka 4.5-5.5 he can punish your fb recovery all day with jrh and he will because it’s pretty easy but just remember that is all he can do because your fb’s eliminate his entire ground game so he won’t even be able to build meter fast. Also keep in mind he takes extra damage when hit out out a roll so if you look to punish even one it helps a lot and will scare him into jumping which even in a trade will be in your favor.
geif 6.5-3.5 keeping geif out is hella easy a decent gat can beat a very good geif much easier then the opposite just remember to punish kick lariats with short fb.
guile 6-4 while gat has the advantage you better hope the guile you’re against doesn’t know to take advantage of the fact that he recovers from his fb much faster then you. If he throws an sb at you and jump in while you’re in blockstun you can still dp him just be very fast and if you can do that consistently guile is fucked. Also just like with claw you can stuff his pokes with jrh which will make him more eager to use flashkick letting you do more fb chip.
sim 3-7 although sim still cleanly counters gat I honestly haven’t played a sim that could consistently beat me with him. I’ve played a few good sims but for some reason I just don’t have as hard a time against him as other people tell me they do, did they nerf yoga flame or did it always lose to gat’s jrh cleanly? actually almost everything sim has loses to jrh and when you scare him into blocking tick with jlk and throw him and whiffing tk to bait drills and punishing with dp is something you should periodically lookout for too. That being said this is still one of the most lopsided matchups in the game.
hawk 6-4 dive and dp are harder to punish then geifs lariat and greenhand but otherwise it’s still a somewhat easy matchup.
cammy 6-4 fb her all day and if she tries to backfist sweep that shit, although her being so small really makes it annoying as hell sometimes especially when I whiff super:rofl:
fei 6.5-3.5 simply put there isn’t anything he can do outside of short wing and even that is still easy to punish late.
dj 6-4 this is probably my favorite matchup because it’s alot of fun both players have to be very mindful of what the other can do and use those tk’s they’re pretty safe here.
boxer 3.5-6.5 Like with honda but just much much harder because with buffalo and the best rushdown it’s a lot easier for him to get in then for you to keep him out and he simply has a better damage output then you, oh yeah and don’t forget the best super which is hard to hit out of (psychic jump back rh) and it;s completely safe on block.
dictator 6-4 unlike shotos gat’s fb’s don’t cleanly lose to dictator st hk and gat’s st hk does wonders if he tries to get cute with headstomp or bait you with a devil while letting you quickly advance with tk’s to corner him which is what you should be doing because from full screen dictator has the advantage. It’s much easier to punish pc’s with fierce fb instead of a dp and I emphasize again not to give dic any breathing room keep pushing your way forward.
akuma 5-5 sirlin said it he showed damdai (considered to be one of if not the best akuma users currently) that he does decently against him, valle told me on xbl about a month ago gat has a good matchup against him, and even I beat deathscythe (a better player then me) with him 9 games straight I only played damdai once but it was a very close match he barely won. The point is play agaisnt him like you do shotos and he’s really not a bad matchup let alone as scary as other people seem to think just don’t use tk’s agains’t akuma’s jrh lol.
claw 4-6 it’s easier for claw to walldive punish gat then against shotos (which was already easy) but here’s a post from graham showing why it’s not too bad a matchup for gat and although it’s referring to vanilla st it still applies:
I wouldn’t say that it’s 3.5-6.5, but it’s definately in Boxer’s favor. One of the problems I think is that Sagat has to take risks to get Boxer off of him, and contextually speaking, starting distance is basically “in” for Boxer, so you really have to find away to get him off you before you can start zoning him. He does have tools though, the problem is as I said before, they are all risky to some capacity. S.short will stop low rushes with very good success at any reasonable range, and s.strong works well too if he’s just outside of sweep distance and you are trying to contain rush punches, although it’s definately riskier than s.short because it’s even more protracted and lastly he has his c.rh which is the riskiest of all but will net you a knockdown to work with. The other problem with this matchup is that if you take too long getting boxer off of you, by the time you do he will likely have meter at which point he will invalidate whatever zoning you might have forced upon him. Sadly Boxers Super is free from anywhere on the screen if he catches Sagat firing one off. Once Boxer is in he will do his normal patterns of whiffing normals in your face you keep you locked down and beating/punishing you out for making mistakes, sometimes unconciously too because Boxer simply has better normals then Sagat, and you have to deal with that. The good thing is if you manage to push Boxer back, you can really zone him hard, so that should be your base goal in the matchup. On second thought it probably is that bad lol, Boxer is tough for Sagat. =(
Even if gat manages to push boxer away from him he still has to guess right every time it’s so annoying hitting boxer with a million fb chips only to have him get in and do double the damage in half the time. Most of the fb’s that actually hit boxer will come from gat anticipating buffalo and doing a fierce fb but then boxer can jmp over that which he will after the first or you know whiff rush into headbutt throw:wasted:
I don’t really feel like I have to guess much once I get him off though. If he headbutts through low tigers he is forced to block another one which just pushes him back again (some players like to immediately low rush after headbutting over a tiger shot, if you do the tigers as fast as possible he will just eat another fireball when he tries to low rush, I personally double tap all my tiger shot inputs, since the timing is slightly different to throw another one when a tiger goes passed a character and off the screen then when they block it). I try to let the boxer player fall into a pattern of trying to get around the tiger shots, and then I will throw a different one to catch him. If your paying attention to the spacing you can TK/S.Fierce whiffed buffalo’s and if he’s farther away you just do another tiger shot to push him back again until you figured out his pattern then you can catch him, if he eats too many of these it’s dizzy > GGPO, but what Im getting at is you don’t necessarily have to aim to hit him as opposed to just keeping him at a range where you can option him out better and let him beat himself. Boxer jumping over fireballs isn’t that significant of a threat because he doesn’t jump far or fast, so it only becomes significant if he has managed to push himself at around two character lengths away, but then you just do what you normally do, not throw fireballs as much and wait for the jump ins/anti fireball move.
Don’t worry though, Im not disputing the matchup sucks, but I don’t think Gat has to guess much if he manages to push Boxer far away from him.
About Blanka: You can DP him out his jump ins consistently, just gotta put on your reaction cap. I played some scrubby blanka’s who jump in with j.RH and I beat it cleanly everytime, but again gotta react fast and input the DP as soon as possible.
About Chun: I can never DP her out of her jump ins, Im not sure what people are on but I never have any success with it, her normals seem to be so huge that they can stuff or trade against Sagat/Ryu DPes all day.