I understand it is of the utmost importance not to get into that situation but if it does happen i wanna be trying something no matter how long of a shot… Better then just accepting the spd right.
For some reason I can’t get the c.mp and c.mk to connect at all. I’m assuming its because I don’t know what link is, anyone care to enlighten me?
SRK Wiki Glossary. I suggest you start with Chun, because she has links with somewhat forgiving timings. Select her, get close to the enemy (in training mode or against a 2P doing nothing), then do cr.strong. As soon as the move recovers, do cr.forward. Eventually, you will get the timing to make those combo (the 2-hit combo message will show).
Anyone else besides me having some trouble with T. Hawk? It’s tough to fireball trap him since he can hawk dive over your tiger shots, or even rising hawk through them. Also, his dives come out really fast sometimes to uppercut on reaction. Anything I’m missing here?
dunno if anyones posted it but
cr up mk cr.mk st.fierce xx high tiger shot = instant dizzy and PRETTY easy to do
From what I read a lot of people are having issues with :d:.:mp: > :d:.:mk: link. Try :d:.:mp: x’s 2.xx TK juggles.
It is harder to pull off but once you get it down you can do the other juggles no problem.
Also Sagat’s cross up has to be done really late unless the character has a wide hit box, Gief, Sagat, Blanka, Honda are a few.
TK Juggles from hardest to easiest I’m not listing the cross up cause Sagat shouldn’t be jumping anyways.
cr.mp x’s 2 xx TK x’s 2
cr.mp > cr.mk xx TK x’s 2
cr.mp > st.HP xx TK x’s 2
Also, I didn’t really see it, I just kinda thumbed through the thread. But after TK juggles if you want to get some space, walk back about 2-3 steps and launch a LK Tiger Shot. It’ll over lap them them as they wake up so they can’t wake up jump and are forced to either block so you’ll be able to shave some damage off of them or take it to the face. You can usually throw an hk tiger shot as well to shave some more off but in case they try to jump after they recover switch it up with a HP tiger shot.
Sagat really seems to play well as a turtle character. Get them to jump via tiger shots or block strings(Example: St.lp x’s 2, cr.lk, cr.mk xx hk tiger shot), wait for the jump and 2/3 TK Juggle them.
Use mp fb when you expect him to jump in it’ll catch him every time.
Like I posted before all you have to do is wait for his arm to retract back before inputting the cr mk anyways his big crossup combo isn’t practical for tournament play so it’s not worth mastering in the first place.
There’s no reason to use crmp into tk’s when you have the much better cr mk:tup:
True he’s a better turtle then anyone else next to akuma but part of his strength comes from the fact that he’s just as good at rushdown (valle).
im new to sagat and i was wondering. what defines a rushdown and how does sagat accomplish this? im assuming its different for each opponent. but is there a general way to rush someone down?
Move forward and attack a lot.
I’m sure ‘rushdown’ is in the Wiki, also, but, for your convenience…
Rushdown, simply defined, means rushing your opponent down. Aggressive play that keeps your opponent pinned down. With Sagat, rushdown would be poking at your opponent with his kicks, cancelling any crouching kicks into Tiger Shots, watching for the occasional foolish jump afterward and Tiger Uppercutting them, and, in particular, using his low jump to jump in on them and combo or throw them. Rushdown works particularly well when your opponent is cornered and they can’t breathe!
Bottom line, it’s aggressive. If you can be agressive with one character, you can figure out what rushdown looks like with everyone.
What oj said it’s basically getting up close and putting the opponent in the corner.
The best sagat player in the US (or 2nd best if you think choi is #1) look at how he always advances forward using tigerknee because it’s faster then his forward walking speed and look at how he puts pressure on the corner.
As for myself I don’t really turtle with sagat nor do I rushdown valle style I’m more of a harasser or careful aggressor staying at midr ange and looking for those openings to get in and get out quick.
YES YES!! I didn’t type that but I meant it! Slow Tiger Shots and then dash forward with the short Tiger Knee and…“Hi, my name is Sagat. What’s yours?” “Umm…” “Wrong answer! Your name is THROWN!!!” (Of course, that only works on people when you instill THE FEAR! Otherwise, we all know Sagat’s got horrible throw range.)
My SNES SSF2 Link FAQ revealed to me the joys of rushing down with the whiffed Tiger Knee…and you can still do that in ST. Lovely.
Yes, folks, I live for offense. Hey…your opponent can’t hit you back if they’re knocked out, right?!
I really love what they did with Sagat and main him but I honestly have a lot of trouble with the shoto characters
Basically when i try to do any reversal or try to hit them with a tiger uppercut they override it with a shoryuken (since of course it has more priority than the tiger uppercut) but what should i do against shoto characters? I don’t really enjoy playing the projectile game with them
also when is the best time usually to throw in a tiger knee? sometimes it lands for me but other times I end up having bad trades by hitting people with 1 hit tiger knees
For me, Tiger Knee is my #1 wiff/mistake punisher, and I also like to use it advance forward in an effort to further push the opponent into the corner.
thanks for the pointers guys im gonna start practicing / implementing it. =] hopefully i can enhance my game with that. :china:
The shotos are characters you have to use Tigers with to their full advantage. They outdo anyone but Akuma overall, so use them a LOT, YOu control the zoning with tigers and override them trying to zone with hadokens.
TUs are only useful against hurricane kicks, or whiffed Shoryukens. But I like Tiger kneeing after whifs for juggle potential.
But no, the shotos are all about fireball games. Except Akuma, in which case it’s not that great of a matchup (high tigers are better there to try and keep him out of the air).
Can we figure out how Sagat can deal with a good Dhalsim? it seems in this game with the longer Tiger Shot recovery and not being able to cancel his standing short, this is now even more REALLY hard.
whats the best way to consistently buffer a TU from a crouching poke?
the two ways that I’ve been tampering with is
i think the first way would be easiest, but i sometimes get the uppercutwithout a poke coming out. Should I just learn it the first way?
Not sure if anybody cares, but I played a few Deejays and I found that standing HK works well against their jumps. I hate TU due to its low priority (doesn’t mean I don’t use it) but standing HK beats Deejay’s low jump in my experience.
How many people have landed X3 knee more than once? I’m guessing the first knee has to hit at an exact point when the opponent is in the air?
I only got it to go once vs. somebody’s dictator. Oh yeah and I mean once per impact lol (like when you tiger knee, it hits only once. Then again, once. Then lastly the final knee)
I’ve only got it once. I was attempting the third knee to close the distance, but it actually landed. Not sure what the properties are on that