Sup. Well, if both players do it right, Sagat will be forced to jump. His projectile now has a startup that is 1 frame slower than Ryu, and the recovery is also 1 frame slower. It means if both throw projectiles at the same time, Ryu will be able to throw another one 2 frames before Sagat. That with no kara-cancelling from Ryu. The information is from Sirlin’s blog.
There has been a bunch of arguing about Sagat’s changes. I will reproduce what Sirlin has posted on his blog, which is a bit more lengthy than the changes list on Jimmy Rey’s blog, which SRK blog linked to.
Note: in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, there are two versions of Sagat called Old and New. Old was more powerful but had no super move. HD Remix Sagat is based on New Sagat, meaning he does have a super, he can tech throws, and he does have New Sagat’s very good cross-up with jumping medium kick.
Control motion changes[list][]Tiger knee is now f,d,df+k (dragon punch motion).[/list] Balance changes[list][]Fireball recovery is better than New Sagat but worse than Old Sagat. Here are the startup and recovery times for the short, forward, and roundhouse fireballs:
Version Startup Recovery (Short/Forward/Roundhouse)
ST Old Sagat 11 38/38/38
ST New Sagat 13 46/48/50
AE Sagat 11 46/46/46
HD Sagat 13 41/42/43[]Tiger knee always knocks down and it juggles (but NOT into a super, except in combo videos)[]Tiger knee damage and dizzy reduced because of new juggle property.[]Super has more range and always knocks down if it hits.[]Super can be done as a reversal.[*]Stand strong can cancelled into special moves still, but second hit of stand short and second hit of stand forward cannot be cancelled into special moves.[/list]
I play Sagat in HDRemix and I agree a really good Blanka can shut down Sagat cold :sad:. I think I have a decent sagat but I need more idea on how to beat a really good Blanka and while at it, Honda/Guile that knows what their doing:rofl:. Stuff I tried so far:
-Sagat’s standing quick punch CAN stop an incoming blanka ball but not an incoming Honda hb(or maybe I’m not tapping it fast enough?)
-TK/Super doesn’t hit after a blocked BB.Is it punishable with any Sagat’s move/normal at all?
General Tip to Aspiring Sagat: There is more to him than Jumping FK:rofl: Seriously,alot of the Sagat player I fought online rarely use any other normals besides FK. Standing MP has an awesome range and recovery for example! Chun qk or mk owning your ass air-to-air? Try a jumping quick punch-- u either trade hits or hit first! Balrog’s rush punches smacking u/forcing u into a block stun? Do crouching qk taps–> possible setups.This forces Balrog into a block and if he charges, there is a high chance it stops him in the track!
An opponent in the corner is where Sagat really shines imo-so many setup possibility opens up. Standing MK,quick kick–>qk fb,mk fb,Standing mp poke, jump-in qk—> MP throw(my favorite:lol:), crouch FP etc.
While near a down opponent, a mk/fk TK will drop u on the other side of the opponent char. I normally mash standing mp afterwards or a crouching fp 2x.
When it comes to crossups, you’re basically hitting the top-rear corner of your opponent’s vulnerable box with the bottom-rear corner of your hitbox. Go into training mode and turn on the hitboxes and you should be able to see how crossups work. (Man…where was this feature back in the day?!) Fortunately, HD Remix makes figuring out stuff like this a lot easier with this one feature.
If you couldn’t look at the hitboxes, I’d have to try to explain that when you’re crossing up, you’re hitting your opponent’s back shoulder with the tip of Sagat’s back leg. Being able to look at the hitboxes should make this very easy for you to see.
But, truthfully, crossing up is one of those things you have to get a feel for through actual play. It’s not enough to do it in training mode.
please help me learn how to beat vega/claw. shit is mad annoying since sagat is SLOOOWWW. I keep getting wooed by the flying around grabs. the spammy roll. etc.
help a player in the xbl streets HAHA.
You’re incorrect because anyone who spent 5 seconds with gat can clearly see his fb’s are still noticeably faster then ryu’s but if you don’t think that’s true make a video proving it.
It’s not that bad it’s roughly even and while having your fb’s punished with jlk or jrh is annoying keep in mind that since your fb’s shut down his ground game those jumps are all he has to win and they rely on reacting to what you do. Just play your usual zoning fb game and dp the jumpin like you would against anyone else but just be extra aware of how easy it is for the blanka to punish your fb recovery and you should be fine.
Here’s a post from graham wolfe and although it’s about o.sagat it’s still applicable in remix:
do a fake fireball, when he jumps and loses 1/3 his life from a tiger uppercut, he will rethinking jumping in on you when you throw a fireball.
when he tries that ground game close, just block and when it seems like he is poking alot you can jump at him and do a roundhouse, either he blocks or gets hit by it, but its a good way to hit him since he cannot anti air you if he is poking, also jumping straight up works if he slides alot, you come down with a roundhouse into a combo that can dizzy him or just jump roundhouse, low roundhouse, either one hurts alot and scares him into not poking, which is when you do a fake fireball to make him jump into more damage.
If you make that :lk: Tiger Shot meaty, you can get a guaranteed :hk: Tiger Shot (or a guaranteed :hp: Tiger Shot if they’re standing for some reason). In the corner, if they try to reversal Flip Kick through it and mess up the timing, it’s a 2-hit combo. Mix up between the two and use :hp: Tiger Shot if you think they’ll jump. You may even get them to land on a Tiger Uppercut that way. (Don’t rely on that against Claw, though. His jump is way too fast for that.)
I’m still getting used to the spacing and zoning, but a matchup I can’t seem to learn is the DeeJay one. It feels like all my Air abilities get stuffed, and his ground game is far better. Any suggestions?
DJ is a charge character so you’re going to be controlling the match and dj will be looking for the right moment to jumpin rh and tag your arms on fb reocvery so just look out for that and don’t let him get in close enough to cross you up. Anticipate the jumpin and punish with rh tk juggles to push dj back to the corner and make him work to get to you all over again.
DJ seems succeptable to low tigers - one of his main techniques tends to be pressure by J-RH, max out, low slide, and your low tiger stuffs his low slide after his maxx out and ruins that whole technique. He doesn’t have Blanka throw range, so you can basically just play defensive with him.
MY problem is with the really good Zangiefs. They WILL get close inevitably, which creates this weird deep jump in combo (since your tiger uppercut trades with it, that doesn’t stop the jump in) where if you block, you’re ticked into a SPD (even if you try to reversal DP), and if you don’t block, you’re comboed. If I can’t reverse out of a tick SPD, it ruins anything I can do against him.
Blanka is a gigantic annoyance since he can punish anything I do without even thinking, while I have to psychic anything he can do.
wow thanks for all the great info, its really nice you quality players are taking the time to help us new to super turbo out, i have learned Hella. BLESS. I am not sure if it wins clean but a tk reaction to giefs green glove works great for me. My biggest prob against gief is stopping his jab jab jab spd ticks…do i try TU reversals after every jab, or last jab? do i have 1 frame advantage on landing my own throw? pls anytips would be appreciated . ONE
Sagat doesn’t have a throw frame advantage over a SPD, plus the SPD has twice the range of your throw, so most likely a strong punch is what would come out anyway when you’re fighting a good Gief.
Sagat’s choices when fighting Gief are; don’t let him in.
Tiger Uppercut has deceivingly wide horizontal range. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve tried to bait the reversal Tiger Uppercut and punish, only to have it nick me while I block and push me out.
It might be possible to do ONE of the Tiger uppercuts (or maybe all of them) out of a SPD tick, but you’re dealing with 1/60 frame there, and TUs are less invincible than Dragon Punches so the timing probably has to be perfect. I’ll load up practice to see when I get home, but in personal experience, I’ve been grabbed OUT of Tiger uppercuts on startup, so I make it a general rule to make sure he never gets close.