His tiger knee in general seems to have very little priority, which is a good thing. Sometimes it will beat Gief’s lariat, but I think that’s because it hit Gief while his arm isn’t extended.
And I sometimes use short tiger knee up close because it is faster, thus giving the opponent less time to react with a throw/DP. It’s also much safer on block since it travels a shorter distance.
TK can beat lariat? hmm sounds risky but I’ll try it out.
Capmaster already posted how and he’s right. An argument can be made for either one having a very slight advantage but it’s a roughly even matchup that can go either way, it all comes down to who has better spacing.
Would you mind telling us specifically what about bison jr is giving you trouble? and something to keep in mind that I sometimes forget; rainbow roll goes over low tiger lol.
J short into bite is gay and it’s so easy for him to punish high tiger with j rh since now he has shitty n.gat’s arm hitbox after fb’s. Gat’s fb’s take away bison jr’s ground game making him completely reliant on jumpins so just do your dp’s very early and even if it trades it should be in your favor.
I don’t know how you play him but I feel more comfortable playing gat semi-aggressively so I make good use of his tk but in this matchup it’s a real liability because the closer I get to blanka the more deadly his jumpins become but after you eliminate his ground game with fb’s st hk is pretty good in this matchup.
Too bad you don’t have 360 the mullah, halfdolla, and especially real decoy are all very good bison jr’s to get experience on. On psn the only good one I’ve played is shinblanka but he plays him very differently then anyone else instead of getting fancy with shenanigans he plays a much more basic OG game but he makes you know cr fierce is no joke.
Trading is honestly my only beef with this match-up.
I hate how I can’t just react with a dp or a st.rh. I have to predict the jump-in and zoning isn’t super effective either and a tiger shot at close range is basically a free jump in AND it’s not like Sagat can win at footsies consistently since Blanka has some really solid pokes AND the slide. All that honestly makes me feel like the match is in Blanka’s favor since he doesn’t really have to think.
If he plays on reaction he will do fine for himself.
I’m having trouble against good Bisons (dictator). I know half of the problem is my timing with the tiger shots, but can you guys give me some general tips for this match ups? I can’t deal with his jumps and lockdown very well…
Psychic dp’s in general is 50% of sagat’s game (the other 50% being psychic fb lockdowns) so if you can’t learn to step up your psychic dp game you should stop playing him altogether and choose someone who isn’t so dependent on prediction.
You want to corner bison.
Try not using too many fb’s because he can punish from full screen with da or hs but if you don’t use them enough he’ll safely scissor chip you to death so find the right balance. LOOK for hs/da’s and punish with fierce dp to keep him grounded then LOOK for scissor/torpedos and punish with jab dp so after knock down close the distance with tk’s and once you’re up close reversal becomes his only option.
Everyone says Sagat is top 3, but I’m not seeing it!!
Every Sagat player I face I end up beating them, and every time I pick Sagat (and I practice with him too) and do a lot of the strategies posted here, and I still get my butt kicked!
Is there vids up that shows how good Sagat can be on HD Remix?
haha, i haven’t gone mad. akuma may or may not be the best. hes still a fairly new character and people are still having trouble getting around his air fireballs and stuff. i think as time goes on, people will find a way around him.
i think sagat is the best for a few reason. who really beats him cleanly? the only character i can think of is dhalsim and that match has gotten better.
the tiers haven’t changed much. most characters have gotten slightly better but in the end, sagat still beats them.
i think the biggest problem with sagat is his play style. hes a complete zoning character and not many people nowadays can zone well. just look at the choi match during evo 2k7 (i think it either 2k6 or 2k7), he got booed for throwing 63283729372932 tiger shots with sagat! people are all about rushing that shit down nowadays and big combos.
i haven’t played any shotos so far that can zone well. 90% of them rely on random/guess/psychic dp for the majority of their gameplan. make that 99% for ken.
sagat is more textbook than ryu. he rely on zoning/dping on reaction than ryu.
Well…I’m soooooooooooooooooo SORRY that my Ryu can’t zone your faggot ass Claw. I mean it’s not like he gets FREE jump-ins EVERYTIME Ryu throws a hadouken!!!:annoy::arazz::mad::shake::arazz::sad:
But seriously, I highly doubt that Sagat is the best in the game.
He got nerfed the second most out of the top tiers imo. Claw and Rog are still mostly intact as far as I can tell and they are braindead easy mode. Sagat isn’t.
haha, dont get mad, i’m not saying you suck. besides, its not like you go for fireballs much. seems to me you like to rush down and dp.
i think sagat was never that easy to play with even in vanilla ST. yeah, it looks easy to spam tiger shots all day, but i think its even easier to use rog or vega or even chun li.
yeah you can’t just sit back and throw fb all day vs vega. all i know is there is a sweet spot that is hard for vega to do anything vs the fb. i don’t wanna give away any anti vega strats. :bgrin:
even when i use chun li (match is definitely in ryus favor), i managed to kill most ryu’s most of the time cuz many ryus dp at the wrong time and fireball at the wrong time.