Sagat strategy / combos / discussion

Gald to see better players willing to help. I added you on PSN maybe you can show me a few things.

theo only problems ive been having so far is connecting on Tiger Knees i almost always get knocked out of the air by the other person’s attack. good info zoolander after reading what you posted it helped me alot, mind if i add you on XBL?

for the love of god, I can’t do this crossup combo. Heck, I can’t even link, I admit I’m not the best player around but I’m not a newbie either. I tried, without crossup and I can’t do that either. Do I just suck or am I missing something here? :sad:

you just suck :smiley:
but seriously, the only kind of secret here might be to do the at the moment you lend, after a few time you should get the rhythm. i’ll admit that this isn’t my best part either…
just sit in training mode at let you muscles get the timing, after a while you should be able to do it without even noticing it, anyway this is what i do now in order to improve it (i came from GG so the timing there is less strict…), and i feel it will take a while. after a week or so with daily training (20 minutes no more) i expect to see it with 70%-80%.
Practice makes prefect

(i hope i’ve got the phrase right =\ )

Until you can consistently do that combo just do j rh, st lk, fp dp a simple 3 hit combo for %50:wonder:

jumpins are hard in ST compared to other games. concentrate on the moment sagat lands, and if you still can’t link off of the crossup, try the crossup from varying distances and heights - the later you hit him, easier it is to link a move after you land, BUT the crossup gets increasingly obvious that way.

for, - make sure to wait long after the, the link is very late.

I have a simlar problem with linking the c. mp so i have been doing a variation of this combo. I do j.MK, st.MK, tiger knee x2 (I do it all with medium kick cus im new like that). Is ending with a feirce DP more damageing?

Yes it does more damage for example 2 hk knees does more damage and more dizzy then 2 mk knees.

For anyone having trouble doing the combo here are some simple steps to practice in training mode:

1.First do the crossup mk and if you do it too late but before he hits the ground then it just whiffs but if you do it immediately as his midsection touches the shoulder of the training dummy it should be EASY to combo the cr mp as soon as you land.

2.Now try this; stand next to the opponent and do cr mp and watch for his arm to fully retract and as soon as it does do the cr mk but if you do it too early it won’t work so you’re going to combo the cr mk very late.

  1. Now simply do cr mk into 2 hk tk’s.

Keep practicing these steps until you have them down perfectly which shouldn’t take long if even I can do it on 360 analog stick and then simply combine them all when you mastered them individually.

sounds pretty neat, thanks

My fav combo: crouch forward kick, standing fierce punch, high fierce tiger shot. Basically 100% dizzy. Good punish combo.

I might be crazy, but I think high tiger has huge dizzy. Low tigers in combos, I can rarely get to dizzy… switch to high tiger and it’s cake.

You’re doing something wrong then.

Any more advice please on what to do about Blanka? He is so hard to beat. If you shoot tiger shots he can easily jump over them and hit you. With many moves now being totally safe on block (far too many… not just blanka but yeah) people throw out his roll with releckless abandon with seemingly no way to punish it. Also does sagat have ANY moves that can hit Blanka out of electric attack from the air? The move is so so so easy to do now that ppl can just smash jap 3 times and have what seems to be the perfect unbeatable anti-air against sagat. With cammy i use jumping strong and it rips him apart- what sagat got? Short of being able to tiger uppcut his roll everytime on command what the hell can you do- i mean really? HELP!!!

Hey everybody. I’ve decided to play Sagat now and I’m just wondering what are some general tips. I’ve read through this thread and the main things that I’ve picked up are…

  1. Don’t jump a lot
  2. Always try to out zone your opponent

Those are the only tips I’ve picked up and I’m 99.9% sure the more knowledge I have of Sagat, the better I will be with him.

All thanks in advance.

I’m having trouble getting the timing down for this. S.HK xx Low Tiger seems to require extremely fast input, yeah? Would negative edging the HK into low tiger be a good way to go about this?

edit: recommended course of action when watching a hurricane whiff over your head?

sorry, double post. meant to edit.

If you read through this entire thread you wouldn’t need to ask any general tips on how to play sagat.

Alright. I’ll try reading through again and see if I pick up on anything.





i was messing around some today and finally was able to do c.strong xx super

but damn if its reliable at all :{

Even though geif got a lot better and sagat got moderately worse the match is still in sagat’s favor by a fair amount. Stay far away and throw lots of tigers if you anticipate a kick lariat then throw short fb which will hit him after it becomes vulnerable again and if he somehow gets close straightup j rh beats lariat.

Unless you’re a god at execution why even bother?

He has one of if not the very worst super in the game do it very early against jumpins and if you think there goign to do an fb then super through it and hit them on recovery otherwise don’t use it it’s too risky and does terrible chip.

I don’t see any reason to ever use short or forward tk over rh tk. I’m noticing it doesn’t have the greatest priority so it would be nice if all of us could compile a list of what rh tk beats cleanly, loses to, and trades with.