Sagat strategy / combos / discussion

Any tips on how to handle Blanka and Kuma?

I know that high shot hits Blanka’s ball attacks, Jab TU can mess up close lk combo to bite, but other then that this match up seems really tricky to me.

And Kuma, good lord, short of landing the double knee (for MASSIVE damage on him), im not sure how to deal with his maddness.

Im still not 100% on the properties of all of Gats knees, you know, what works best in what situation, etc.

Any tips?

is the double knee juggle a glitch? any ways i miss his tiger uppercut 5 hitter lol

Dbl knee is intended, as is the change to the TU.

Luckily I haven’t faced any good Akuma’s yet… the few I have played have been fun, since one mistake by them leads to a ridiculous 70%+ combo.

As far as the TKs, I’m still experimenting with them, especially for anti-air. This was brought up a bit in the last page, but any other insight would be great.

its all about tiger knee connecting 3 times. omg…so good

VS Blanka, what I like to do is use Low and high tigers to try to get rid of his ball/take away his ground game, and then see if I can bait out a jump for a Tiger Uppercut. I mean, it sounds vanilla, but honestly you just got to out space him and keep him from getting in.

I too am looking for some help VS Akuma. I haven’t lost to one yet, but I just want to be prepared. If Akuma jumps at you, he can throw an air fireball to either make a TU trade or get flat out beaten. Of course if it trades you win, but if you lose you’re potentially looking at a lot of damage. I like use jumping strong if I anticipate an air fireball, but if he air hurricanes, I believe you’re gypped. I’m going to try to study this match up some more. Anyone got anything else?

Hi every1. I’m beggining to play w/ sagat ( and sf too :sweat:, sorry but I always was 3D player) and i have some questions and problems.

how can beat the ken’s DP?? if he miss the DP i punish him w/ TK combo, but in corner his DP is safe and rape my TU from the floor.

and I want to know what’s mean “AA TK”?? and after a knockdown, what i must to do vs DP from the floor??

Thank you :looney:

Yeah…I was on the receiving end of one yesterday. :shake:

Those knee juggles are ridiculous.

AA TK= Anti Air Tiger Knee.

And ok, Kens DP, the one that ends up BEHIND you in the corner is suprisingly easy to deal with, I usually just move back as soon as I turn around, let them whiff a DP/Sweep/poke/tick throw attempt/whatever and punish, or jump/TK over the FB. (gotta be real good with the TK and have the right spacing though, risky move, use with caution) They might hurricane out at you, that can turn into quickdraw DP from both of you. (or a variety of stuff, if you see this coming, its pretty neutral)

And just bait the wake up DPs move in with a quick TK after the knock down and block, if they are jumpy on the DP they will get punshed for it, usually with a couple o’ knees to the face.:lovin:

Im not really sure how this matchup will offically break down, but I think Gat just has the right tools to mess up Ken, but has to watch out for the DP o doom. (kinda close, most likley in in Gats favor by a bit.):wgrin:

Ryu is a bit trickier I find, that can turn into a twich spacing/projectile battle very easily.:looney:

And Kuma, well aside from very paitently baiting for a double knee (MASSIVE hurt for Kuma) I dont really know yet, Kuma. Horrifies. Me. ALOT.:sad: (I’ll figure something out… I hope.)

Something simple I like doing after a knockdown, when not in range for a crossup:

Safe jump-in with forward, low forward XX low tiger

j.forward works better than roundhouse because you can walkup throw, which sets them up to get hit with the low forward combo (crazy stun damage!).

Come to think of it, low forward XX short tiger knee might be better. I would imagine it should combo into the juggle, and when blocked you probably have options after the whiffed TK.

But yeah, I really think this stuff is worth using on wakeup since you can’t throw tigers all day anymore.

EDIT: Something else worth noting is that the low forward-stand fierce link doesn’t combo into tiger knee on everyone. I know I’ve had the knee whiff from a crossup before, might have been on Blanka. Chun is skinny, perhaps she might make it miss as well?

x2/3 tiger knee is gdlk

Uppercut debuff saddens me still. :frowning:

Yes, its possible but its very hard! I did it twice in training mode and once online. The timing is weird.

I have been told it is only possible after a corner bounce.

You’re right, I only got it to work in the corner.

Sagat’s still pretty amazing in HD Remix from what I can tell. I haven’t played him much, but enough to dual-main him with Cammy for sure. I just wish I knew how to time Tiger Knee juggles of death. rapes me… help me…

Yeah, Cammy too.

yeah, same for, after crossup. doesn’t work against chun. against fat chars however you can do tigerknee even off of a normal jumpin.

edit: does not miss on cammy afaik, she’s one fat bitch.

Sagat Questions???

So I’m pretty new to street fighter, although I’m a fighting game fan (Tekken, SC, Guilty Gear, etc.). I’ve been having difficulty with Sagat lately. I can land his damaging comboes in training but in a match not so much luck =/. What moves should I be using? I’ve been trying to tiger from distance, force them close, then mix-up a bit with c.MK and j.HK into s.HP TK TK. Not really working so great =/.

Part of my problem is that Sagat’s throw always gets teched when I use it, does he only have the one throw?

Other is, how should I properly do mix-ups? I’m kind of running into a wall with jump, into a low move, and then confusion. Can I do anything besides jump again? My friend plays guile and he has a nice round-house that hits crouching blockers. As is with Sagat’s throw being teched and no decent mid my play is quite predictable =(. Thoughts?

Also everyone is saying TK is good AA, but everytime I launch it opponent is already jumping (naturally) and is above me, so my hitbox goes beneath. Should I just stick with Tiger uppercut and use TK for juggles?

Sorry if this came off as whiney, I love Sagat and his combes are sweet, but these are just some problems I’ve been having. If someone could help me out I’d appreciate it, thx!

Having trouble with TU priority. I throw it as an AA and sometimes my opponents beats it cleanly. Is this just bad timing on my part, or is there certain characters i should watch out for? Help is appreciated.