if you’re close enough use st.rh instead.
I don’t think this works well on a blocking opponent because they’re likely to hit you before you recover from the Tiger Knee. While there’s certainly a high reward factor for landing a Tiger Knee, I’d take landing cr.:mk: XX :hk: Tiger Shot over that because it’ll only take one or two good hits to dizzy your opponent after that…and it does decent enough damage.
But…if you know it will hit, then go ahead and combo into the Tiger Knee. Myself, I prefer either following in :lp:/:lk: Tiger Shots with the Tiger Knee or doing a :lk: Tiger Knee all by itself…both in hopes of catching a delayed punish with the Tiger Uppercut. I don’t use that shenanigan too often, though.
Probably one of those things you throw in once in a while to keep your opponent on his or her toes.
What makes sagat so fun and unique is that you don’t need in-depth matchup knowledge or any ability beyond yomi and reaction time, if you have that you’re unbeatable. Obviously knowing your opponent’s tolerance for chip and when they’ll jump is much easier said then done but it’s not something anyone can teach you it’s something you naturally learn, IMO sagat is one of the easiest AND hardest to use:rofl:
For example lets say you’re playing vs dj you and you throw an rh fb which he blocks now after that do you think he’s scared of your dp enough to delay his jump by engaging in a losing fb war or will he hope to beat it clean with j rh? If you know exactly how much chip your opponent will take before jumping in and you can keep him honest at least once with a dp then the real game begins and you can get away with exploiting your opponents fear by getting away with even more chip.
The more you use sagat the more and varied fb mixups you’ll pickup first you start with a simple lk fb, hk fb then you start to move on to lk fb x2, fp fb, and then before you know it you’ll be able to get away with hk fb, dp, lk fb x3, hk fb X2, dp.
Choi and Valle always beating any jumpin clean and never trading has more to do with spacing the dp so the top of the first hits the tip of the jumpin more then the actual timing of when the dp is done. I use to trade a lot but after a while if you stick with him you start to stuff what before you could only trade with, other then blanka I find myself being able to beat cleanly just about every jumpin as well as shotos.
TK is not safe on block and cr mk, hk fb is not just safer but does more pushback:wonder:
I got a TE stick 2 days ago (sooo lucky my local gamestop has literally nearly all of NY’s entire supply to himself since it’s the only gamestop that orders dierectly from the warehouse) but I SUCK on square gate =/.
Hit me up for some games (had some VERY close matches with peter last night the best sagat I’ve seen on xbl.)
I just saw it in a video and it made me think of kick rush throw with Boxer. This is what happens when you go posting in another character’s thread. : (
I guess i’ll be in this thread more often, finally decided on an alternate and it is sagat, since my bro(actual brother) is a sagat fanboy. You’d like some cornflakes?
Well that was OT, does anyone know how to combo two tiger shots without the first one being a meaty?
Yeah, you’re definitely right about practicing the spacing and the timing. I’m sure if I really stuck with old one eye, I’ll be able to get the hang of his Uppercut timing vs jumpins. But as a mainly Ryu and Ken player, trying to pick up Sagat is not fun. I’ve been spoiled by the more invincible Shoryukens. :razzy: Going through fireballs on wakeup or while walking forward is the biggest thing I miss when using Sagat. And also not trading with some grounded meaties. But yeah, Sagat is a great character, and is definitely a dangerous asskicker in the right hands.
Just want to say thanks to zoolander with the sagat tips tonight. They were especially helpful for fighting Blanka. I also took your advice and tried to find some sti1ffpeter videos and I found one with him fighting against bluetallcans blanka. Talk about intense.
That was a good fight right there. Best Sagat action I’ve seen in HDR.
Based on that video alone I’d say St1ffPeter plays a very good Sagat. There’s a new name to add to the small list of Sagat players. Not just anybody can beat BlueTallCans’ Blanka.
Can someone give me some strats against Bison please? I played Dekor and he literally threw me like a rag doll. And why is it he can do a scissor kick or psycho crusher and follow up with a throw? Sagat just seems very slow compared to Bison in terms of speed.
First rule of this match…do not rely on Low Tiger Shots except in combos. Dictator has too many ways to avoid it.
Second rule…do use your High Tiger Shots! The only thing Dictator can do reliably against it is crouch and block. I think :lp: High Tiger Shots are a good way of locking Dictator in place. From there, start some Tiger Knee mind games. Don’t do a :mp:/:hp: one unless you know it will hit, otherwise he’ll just duck and then hit you. From fullscreen, he can actually anticipate and counter any Tiger Shot with the Headstomp and Devil’s Reverse, so be careful.
Other than that, you’ll need to try to get Dictator to come to you without having to block what he throws out. Keep him out with pokes and try…somehow…to make him get hit by your Tiger Uppercut.
I would honestly suggest playing CPU Dictator and trying to zone him. See how long you can keep him out.
Oh…and check the frame data on Dictator’s Scissor Kicks. The :lk: and :mk: versions leave him with frame advantage on block. Solution? Tiger Uppercut or keep it away from you with a preemptive High Tiger Shot. You should be able to throw or even Tiger Uppercut after blocking the Psycho Crusher. Reversal timing is ideal.
I have a little more depth to add. You should be using low tigers from outside close range to just before mid range. It is harder to get over and gets you chip damage. You just have to worry about the mighty leg, so throw one after a whiff. High tigers can be good to catch a head stomp from this range as well, but once again be cautious of the leg. Fresh forgot to mention that high tigers can still be DR through, so don’t get excited. Also, ducked high tigers don’t do any damage, so try to position yourself where you can do a move that does. The real strat is to back bison into a corner with tiger pressure and some fancy footwork. Bison’s jump rh, forward and strong lose some of their power in this position, so you can start jumping at him and going for mixups. And it becomes easier to maintain that nice, not so close, not quite mid range for uppercut setups. When Bison is on the offensive, and he will be trying, you need to land some nice reversal uppers. Be careful of delayed combos from bison baiting whiffed uppers. And always be wary of the throw because it is coming. When Bison has super, Sagat’s preferred range becomes really dangerous, so back out just a little and bait the super.
- Pete
Corner bison seriously that’s it.
How do you do this? What I do is use lk fb’s sparingly to get dic to use his charge wither by hs dr either way you can choose to block then setup a wait then go back to lk fb pressure (mixed with an occasional rh fb or you can start to lk tk to bait hd which you ccan then dp.
Once you have him in the corner do not let him off the hook so you WILL need to have your psychic dp down perfectly while also pressuring him with cr lk, cr mk, j lk into throw or into another jump but rh this time to beat out any dr. St lk into rh fb or rh tk into throw are good options to ust as long as you keep him afraid of jumping and dr’ing out of corner and exploiting that fear while also giving him credit for still going for it anyways by keeping him honest with the psychic dp.
I’ll say it a third time GET DOWN YOUR PSYCHIC DP…this is why the matchup is 6-4 or 5.5-4.5 in sagat’s favor the general rule here is far range dic has slight advantage close up you do.
streetfighterdojo.com: ST Sagat Page
I finally got the ST Sagat section up at streetfighterdojo.com.
The link is:
Yes, it’s ST and not HDR, but some of it is similar and I expect HDR players will get some use out of the matches and extras.
Vega (Claw) is next in line.
Alright guys here are some videos of me playing as Sagat. Please critique and let me know what I can do to improve and how to play matchups. I hope to have more by the end of the week. Thanks
Way too much random super. I don’t about the Sagat Ken match up, but random super against Boxer is not a good idea. You risk not only free damage but spacing as well. And in my experience, the match dependent on whether Boxer can get in or Sagat or Sagat can keep Boxer out side of low jab rush range.
You did a really good job of mixing up and delaying your tiger shots. It’s obviously a lot harder for Boxer to get in when he has to think about the how to react to tiger shots.
Yep, you are correct about being too eager in wanting to use super. I just need to play more with Sagat and hopefully that will cease. And thanks in regards to my play. I’m trying to get better.
In the boxer match, I agree, you kept out rog well in the beginning but becareful of him getting in your face. Also, tiger knee to throw mixups often catch people off guard for those who don’t look for it.
That’s a pretty bad boxer, a good one will will get you in the corner fast so you have to be VERY crafty in your fb mixups and using tk’s against boxer is almost never a good idea. Only use super if he jumps in which a good boxer won’t or at least against sagat won’t have to thanks to headbutt invincibility and speed of rushes so the key to this matchup is to bait headbutts, punish your opponents fear of using headbutts, and then once again punish when he starts using headbutts again.
Keep in mind most good boxers will headbutt at the start of a round or wait for you to throw a fb and then headbutt so punish with cr hk and if he waits bait him with cr lk (to pretend you unintentionally whiffed an fb) and then punish with hk fb. I noticed you jumped in at the start of round2and against any half decent boxer that usually means you dug your own grave because you leave yourself open to be knocked down and then deal with being rushed and/or baited on wakeup NEVER jumpin against boxer. However jump back rh is great to punish an anticipated super and if he’s rushing you a lot jump straight up hk is a good substitute if you’re not 100% confident with your instant psychic dp’s.
I noticed you stick out a lot of normals like at the end of round 1 do not do this unless you’re 100% sure you will not be headbutted but never stick out random normals when he has meter that’s inviting him to super you. Sticking out random normals vs ken is ill advised most of the time as well because a good ken will dp you, remember to cr hk whiffed lp dp’s and the occasional cr mk into hk fb is fine but beyond that watch what you stick out up close. TK priority isn’t that good and it’s unsafe on block so don’t do it at the start of a round unless you’re 100% the opponent will jumpin, also tk is good for punishing far jumpins with, you tk and against any good opponent that will usually mean a quick death. I will repeat this TK IS NOT SAFE ON BLOCK so use it sparingly.
Do not jumpin vs shotos you’re sagat you have a better fb make them jumpin otherwise you giveup his biggest advantage which is to control the tempo of the match, only jumpin when you make the opponent committed to an fb and your in range to punish with jrh combo.
Bottom line: Stop doing random supers, jumps, tk’s, and dp’s do less of all that and more fb’s I hope taking a look at a few of my matches helps notice in the first vid how I use tk to hop over fb though excuse my shitty play I was on a 360 pad at the time.