Well even Tyraidman said that his stick had a short in is Down back, But no excuses Nas played a good match. Nuff said
PS: I’ll never use anyone else’s stick again
Well even Tyraidman said that his stick had a short in is Down back, But no excuses Nas played a good match. Nuff said
PS: I’ll never use anyone else’s stick again
Down fierce that shit !!! And just Charge it Up!!! hahahaha whattup KCXJ and no doubt madd love to B-MoreChun…whassup playa???
Being in the hospital I have quite a bit of spare time…I’v almost completely read Campbell’s tip of the day thread…he had a great strat with Sagat VS Cammy…so here’s what i remember…(can’t find the post)
Sagat vs Cammy strat (Most of which is taken from Buk’s thread)
Sagat should be throwing “smart” tiger shots. This will stop Cammy’s from spamming spiral arrow’s. This also proves to be effective because of her roll can be punished by just about anything. Take advantage of this. You want Cammy to stay outside of her s.hk range. However when she does…Sagat’s game becomes:
-60% s.lk’s
-10% hp’s
-20% tiger shots
-10% of what ever comes to mind
The s.lk’s will either trade, but mostly stop Cammy’s s.hk. The tiger shots need to be played to be used as a zoning tactic…remember that you must throw “smart” shots. The hp’s are to be used whenever you can beat out a whiffed s.hk that cammy does. The whole “other” part can be things like tick throws, run away, rush down, etc.
Well hopefully this has been proven to be effective!
Hi av X-per,
i m quite new to CvS2.
i just read through a few threads of Sagat in 100 days, and this as well.
quite tire to read other…
i m actually looking for Sagat crush guard in one move, does it exist ??
i’ve recently discovered a relatively bad matchup for Sagat…and it’s Guile. That loser just spams backfists (:r: + :hp:) me all day.
It’s hard to punish since it’s pretty fast, plus it stuffs alot of stuff that you try to do. You also don’t have the luxury of ducking under it. I can get around it abit by JDin, and i think you can lvl3 tiger cannon after blocking, but that’s all i know you can do. is there anything else you can do for this match up, especially if you don’t have JD/parry?
Don’t bother trying to roll, i’m pretty sure guile recovers before you finishing rolling…
Sagat vs Vega (claw)
Vega’s d.MK has range comparable to your s.LK. It’s a fast whiffing move that’s almost completely safe throw out as well. It’s always at least +1 whenever Vega makes contact with this move.
Vega’s d.MP outranges you by a lot. It’s only 33 frames total as well, so you can only roll in against this move if you had totally anticipated.
Vega’s most common attack pattern I noticed is d.MK, then d.MP. He can do the d.MK from max range and still be in range for the d.MP. The relatively tight gap of only 3 frames between the two attacks makes this tough to do anything other than block. Pretty much any attack you swing out after the d.MK will be cleanly counter hit by Vega’s super fast and superior ranged d.MP.
A gap is still a gap though, so use your psychic dp!
Either Sagat’s LP or MP dp is good. Both are very much invincible to almost all ground normals. Risk/reward? You do a HUGE chunk of counter hit dp damage, big stun, and get the knockdown. Vega will now think twice before hitting buttons without thinking first. What if you whiffed? Vega gets to slide you for a scratch worth of damage. Definately a worthy risk to go for dp’s in my opinion.
RC low tiger shot can be used to counter the potential Vega d.MP after the d.MK as well. However, I REALLY don’t recommend this as there’s huge lag for Vega to exploit if he had jumped after the d.MK rather than use his d.MP.
-Sagat max range s.LK, d.HP (probably whiff)
If Vega swings after the s.LK, he’ll almost certainly get counter hit bad your high priority d.HP. If he purposely waited for your d.HP to whiff, he can d.MP you in your recovery. If he had JUMPED however, this is where it gets fun.
Sagat’s whiffed d.HP recovers in time to do a deep dp+HP against Vega’s jump-in. If he jumps straight up instead, Sagat recovers in time to use his high tiger super. Practice this.
-Sagat meaty d.HP, s.MP xx qcf+HK
Always be ready for the jump-in after this blocked string. Impatient Vega’s love to jump in after being forced to take all that guard damage. Duck down, deep dp+HP. Practice this a lot as well. It’s important.
The follow-ups after an anti-air dp+HP include:
-roll, super jump LK (ambiguous cross-up, land in back)
-roll, roll (go behind)
-roll, dash (stay in front)
The first two follow ups I listed set up your low shorts very nicely. Dashing in the front sets up a meaty d.HP perfectly. I’m sure there are more things you play with as well (empty super jump, go low; walk back a split second before you roll to stay in the front; etc…).
Always press LK EARLY when you’re going to j.LK. That way Vega can’t jump forward and air throw you, since you already have a move out. You can still combo after you land too.
-(j.LK), d.LK, d.LK xx dp+LK
Two-in-one timing on the cancel (ie. be quick)
-d.LK, d.LK, dp+MP
Hit confirmation on the shorts, link timing on the dp. Must be point blank to go for this combo. If further out, always try for short, short xx super or short, short xx tiger crush instead.
Well? Get practicing!
You were talking about Sagat vs Guile earlier in this thread.
So no further advice is needed.
haha, i’m so good at keeping track of strats! hahaha. but what about for non-k/p groove sagats?
C-Sagat vs A-Sakura
This doesn’t make sense to me since Sagat is a big muscle guy and Sakura is a little girl, but Sagat is badly out-matched up close versus Sakura. Out of all the character matchups in the game, I think Sagat versus Sakura is the only one where Sagat wants to stay AWAY, rather than be at mid to point blank range where he’s usually dominant. That being said, I strongly feel that half-screen is where Sagat wants to always be in the match-up.
At half screen:
-s.LK will just barely whiff, but it effectively keeps Sakura from walking in on you and will stuff the startup of her far s.HK.
-Sakura’s far s.HK will whiff, which you can punish with Sagat’s one-hit far s.MK (although I really wish you could do far s.HP xx super…).
-Sagat’s d.HP will cleanly stuff Sakura’s far s.HK for big counter hit damage at this range, although Sakura can walk forward and easily kick your recovery if you whiff yourself though. Use with slight caution, but yeah, I love that reward for whenever you are sucessful.
-Sakura’s RC qcb+HK is no longer an active threat. Sagat can roll, s.HP xx High Tiger Cannon on reaction every time. Since Sakura is out of range for the first hit of her qcb+HK, Sagat can actually dp+HP on reaction as well.
-Scrub tactic of jump forward, Sakura dive kick can be dp+HP’d on reaction.
-Sakura RC qcf+HP can be rolled on reaction, punish with d.LK, d.LK xx Tiger Crush/super. It doesn’t matter what strength Sakura uses. All versions of her qcf+P moves are 53 frames total on the whiff no matter what.
-Sagat can take a step back…
At half screen plus one step back:
-Sagat can jump up and down with j.HK and Sakura can’t do anything about it.
-Sagat can jump up on reaction to the scrub tactic of Sakura RC qcb+HK from over half screen away, come down with j.HK, d.MK xx Tiger Cannon. Oh shit… Sakura died.
-Sagat can not only build meter by whiffing d.MP’s, but if Sakura presses far s.HK, Sagat’s d.MP will cleanly counter Sakura’s kick.
-All jump ins and dive kicks are easily DP’d on reaction. At this slightly far range, Sagat can even High Tiger Cannon on reaction with great consistency.
Moves I haven’t taken into account yet, but I’ll work on it next time I decide to post:
-Sakura’s RC qcb+MK
-Sakura whiffing far s.MP
-Sakura baiting your DP’s by doing jump straight up, whiffed dive kicks.
Get practicing you scrubs…
-Recognize and be able to find sweet spot versus Sakura at half screen position. Corner Sakura and do meaty d.HP, d.MK xx qcf+HK. That sets up the range you want your Sagat to be at perfectly.
-Far s.MK when Sakura whiffs her far s.HK.
-Roll, s.HP xx High Tiger Cannon when Sakura does RC qcb+HK.
-deep dp+HP versus both Sakura jump forward, dive kick and half screen RC qcb+HK.
-Roll, d.LK, d.LK xx Tiger Crush on reaction versus Sakura half screen RC qcf+HP. Also practice roll, d.MK xx Tiger Uppercut (mash on button to the rhythm to get more damage) for no reason as well.
-Jump straight up, falling j.HK, d.MK xx Tiger Cannon versus scrub Sakura’s half screen RC qcb+HK.
Sweep and d.MK counter Guile’s d.MK. d.HP counters Guile’s f+MK and his f+HP. You can s.MK against Guile’s whiffed f+HP. Even though Sagat’s roll is fast, don’t bother rolling against Guile. All his moves (including f+HP and Sonic Boom) recover in time to throw you during your roll.
Most of the time Guile is pressing f+HP, is because he’s anticipating your jump. Guile’s f+HP is one of the best anti-jump moves in the game. Poke Guile with far s.MK (that should beat everything he has), stick out your sweep to trade with him if he wants to mash on d.MK, and jump at him from far with j.HK. You want to make sure you’re out of his f+HP range anytime you’re going to leave the ground, so really establish your range game using your far s.MK (Guile’s roll is too long to hurt you).
If Guile is walking back and throwing repeated Sonic Booms, let him. Walk forward and block the Booms until Guile puts himself into the corner. Just watch out for advancing s.HK and a random super jump cross-up j.LK attempt. d.HP, d.MK, d.HK, and far s.MK should take care of the rest.
Guile’s probably one of the best counters to C-Sagat. Gotta be patient if you’re going to beat him.
ok hey guys my sagat sux ass alright. lol. and i need help agnst any A-groover im transferring from mvc2 to cvs2 n i need help agnst yamazaki [hate that ugly fuckhead] anyways his hk or mk that faggot kick he does pisses me off goes in n out to fast and if he has meter and i try to jump in hk. he does dat special move from ground to air pushes me on the floor well any help would b appreciated thx in advance
When you’re out of range, Sagat d.HP and far s.HP stop the far s.HP (ie. “faggot kick” ). You need to press the button after Yamazaki presses his. The advantage of far s.HP is that you can combo the high fireball super after for big damage, but you leave yourself open to rolls if you’re using it randomly. Only press the far s.HP on reaction to Yama’s s.HK always. Fake with your jabs and whiffed d.HP’s as bait to get Yamazaki to hit far s.HK.
Practice high fireball super against Yama random jump back and jump straight up MK, especially when you have him cornered. A lot of people don’t know how to do this well, so that’s why they’re always losing to and complaining about bum Yamazaki.
Random rolling discourages Yama from using random saa!! saa! all over the place.
Learn the range and punish Yamazaki’s roll always.
saa!! lol that makes me laugh he sounds like a retard lol well thx man for da tips imma beat this guy today then im out late
what do you look for when you’re doing a k-sagat vs K-sagat match?
I don’t think anything too special applies here, although I don’t get to play many other K Sagats. Just watch out for low jump mixups and try to corner him. Corners are much more annoying for K groovers than most other grooves.
i’m not really a sagat expert(but he’s not hard to use anyways) so here’s what happens during my K-sagat vs. K-sagat matches
-if we both are airborne, whoever throws out the rh first wins.(or whoever can psychic JD that shit
-dont’ get hit by s.fierce when going for small jump rhs
-dont’ jump if other sagat is raged, unless you really want to JD that high cannon
-throw a lot when raged
-s.short is pitiful damage imo with K vs. K sagat, esp if you trade with any other normal
-c.fierce a lot
-dp between block string
do you guys find yourself doing most of these when you play K-sagat vs K-sagat?
it’s really random with who wins. (like it’s really dependant on who has the better execution/reaction when raged)
outside of Raged moments, doesn’t seem very important.
hopefully, i’m missing something really important that i should take into account when playing this matchup.
If you find that you’re both in the air a lot and can guess fairly well that he’ll jump, try straight up jumps and early rh or fp. Should beat most forward jumping moves. St short isn’t about the damage, it’s about controlling space, and it usually won’t hit anyway at the range you’ll be at. Don’t forget about st mk either, since he can’t roll.
Also, if your super is running out and it’s not looking like you’ll land it, try to whiff a st fp and then super, hoping his punish attempt whiffs. It’s pretty scrubby, but then again so are most people so they’ll probably get hit.
stupid question
how do you pronounce sagat? is it [suh-got] or [sag-it] lol j/w
i think it’s suh-got…
but i say sag-it,
but it’s not liek people get confused whichever one you say.
Hmmm first of all you’re gonna have to get Vega to the corner…
What about Vega’s options? His RC moves tend to help him get out of a lot of stuff (the rolling attack, jumping to another wall), and he might even be able to roll underneath a vertical jumping attack on reaction(which is great for crossups) and regain momentum with Sagat in the corner and Vega outside.