Sagat Strategies and Matchups

Woah lets stop the hate you and get back on track…

Sagat Vs Sakura

Do RC Tiger Knees beat out Sak’s RC qcb hk?

Watch the whiffs that Sakura will surely pull against yur Sagat. From what i remember Sagat’s recovery frames are just a few frames less than Sakura, giving Sakura a slight disadvantage. However, if you also bait out s. mk, Sakura pulls out a s. rh, pull a lv 3 super right than and there.

What can Sagat do against guile??


sad but true, eagle does die to sagat. i wanted to play you too, but you probably would’ve had to request eagle cuz i didn’t play him in casual too much (for whatever reason). hell, anything that i do is in the eagle thread, i don’t mind sharing strats on eagle so more people pick him up.

Mickey D

why RC tiger knee? just jump up (or back) and kick sakura in the head with roundhouse instead.




I don’t really know i was just tryin to contribute to the thread cuz i notice that Kcxj contributes all the time and i know that he wants others to contribute^_^

I use P for goodness sake! I just parry that shit!

Sometimes when I get a knockdown I do short jump and an early rh to try to get them all confused and block high, but since it’s early it whiffs and then I get a nice hotfoot. Plus you can vary the timing so that if you do it a little later it actually will hit high. This is not limited to Sagat obviously and is probably pretty old news unless the majority of sf players are idiots, but I figured I’d contribute something.

I play K btw and it’s probably not worth wasting a super in other grooves.

what groove do you play? I think it’s easier if you’re playing k, so you just stay out of the st.fp range, and jump in and jd his anti-air then punish.

if you can JD well, guile has no counter against you jumping in. just have to watch out for anti-air air throws if you try to jd all the time.

also, of you got them to block your jump in, jump again. he can’t charge for the flash kick in time, and most of the time they’re too worried to try to cr.fp you.

Guile (my Guile at least) is weak to jumps. So try jumping in a lot. Max range jumping roundhouse is really hard to stop without having to resort to RC Sonic Boom. At any closer ranges, deep d.HP anti-air will always trade in Sagat’s favor.

*note: Yes, it’s possible for Guile to go under your trip guard with d.MK xx super, but that’s definately not something everybody can easily do. Never be afraid when you have Sagat.

Roll Super… Evil Style.

so, is it more wise to play offensively or defensively with sagat?

depends on the groove.
C-sagat can turtle and zone(i dont’ play C-sagat so i’m not too sure)
N-sagat can turtle/zone/rushdown
K-sagat can zone and rushdown, but he’s much better suited for rushing down

icic…how about P-groove? i usually use this groove too??

BTW… i’m still new to the termology, what is zone and rushdown??

i know turtle though…^.^

Buy this book.

You can get it at any local gamestore if you don’t want to order online. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s better than anything SF related you’re going to find in this CvS2 forum. You can learn footsies, zoning, mindgames, all that good stuff. Even double tapping and kara techniques as well.

Hey Kcxj…isn’t “the book” in Japenese? So how can people with out knowledge of reading japanese comprehend the book?

The book is a strategy guide for the new PS 2 game Street fighter Anniversary Edition coming out in America. Comes w/ almost every version of SF 2 and SF 3 third strike, so it’ll be in English.

kcxj, sorry for this stupid question, but the strategy guides give more then just frame data for SF 2 and 3? I never have actually read a fighting game strategy guide before, but can you give me an example of what it would say for someone like Sagat? I’m just curious because 30 dollars is an expensive book to buy and I wanna focus mainly on cvs 2 so if it really helps, I’ll get it

What can N Sagat do against a good C Guile. I hate this matchup…

do a bunch of short jump roundhouses (to go over sonic booms and when guile doesn’t have his charge so he can’t do a RC sonic boom as low jump AA) and standing shorts, with a few run-up crouching fierces.

also, if you catch guile doing patterns like crouching jab, standing strong, sonic boom OR close crouching jab, close standing fierce, sonic boom, counter roll through that and see if it’s punishable. i don’t have my DC to test it out now, but just experiment and see what works.

plus, make sure you can counter roll through a blocked sonic hurricane and do standing fierce xx tiger uppercut.


I have a question C Sagat vs Sagat C.

Maby BT88 posted it some where before… What are your options after Sagat does… a “level 2 hot foot” super blocked.

Is he safe. What can U do? Is counter attack the best option?

after blocked lvl 2hotfoot u can do st.lp into whatever else u want

R u sure. I can never get s.lp to connect. Either its blocked or I get hit by a tigerupper? What Iam I doing wrong. Are their better options?

Well it works because s.lp is a 2 frame move, and hot foot puts them at -3, so it’s a 1 frame window, but you CAN punish it.