Sagat Strategies and Matchups

I guess i haven’t play/seen enought S groovers to rank properly, but I like Sagat in this order:


P-groove Sagat is just too freaking scary. especailly as the second ratio 1. You have bar, and you can instantly turn one of their attacks into parry, cr. fp xx super to turn the match completely around. Plus if puts alot fo fear in your opponents, especially after you get in one parry cr.fp. , then another parry cr.fp. Even the best of people are afraid to push buttons after that…so then Sagat can rush abit since they’re kind scared to do anything other than block.

I’m not sure how good infinite super is (i can’t believe i’m saying that), but lvl 1 Tiger Cannon is pretty ass since it has no priority. That’s the only reason i put C in front of S…it’s only on top by a slim margin.

infinite hot foots is really nice because you land that one standing lk and bam super!!!

And infinite tiger shot is nice because everytime they block a cf they have to then block and tigershot and take all that chip.

What I found to work real well against people who like to use A-Groove is to jump in with a high jump kick deep and when the activate, I cancel immediately into tiger uppercut. It always connects unless they Activate , Roll Cancel or Roll, but most of the time, they like to attack after that and so they get hit if they do a regular attack, OR both people miss cause of the invulerability for the first few frame of tiger upper cut and the roll cancel. The good thing in either case is that they either lose their CC, or they use up a huge amount of it.

Lol kcxj, just cuz Brandon beat you up with his s groove doesnt mean it’s that good. P Sagat better than C? Are you high dude?



C-Sagat is the best character in the game for several reasons, but one of the biggest is because he can convert ANY mistake at ANY time into huge damage. Stored level 2’s are way too good in his case.

N-Sagat is fundamentally a better Sagat since he benefits tremendously from the combination of run, low jump and roll. His level 1 combos are among the best too. However, those stored level 2’s are what give C-Sagat the edge.

K-Sagat is just plain out dangerous. Slop away, you’re probably still doing way more damage than you should. Sagat’s overall game takes a big hit without rolls though. His harder matches get exponentially more difficult, particularly A-Sak and Guile.

P-Sagat is well… Sagat. Just solid all around.

S-Sagat is great against other Sagats mainly due to dodge -> fierce. Against characters shorter than Sagat-sized though, those dodge moves really suck. Unlimited level 1 low tigers is nice when you have low life, but S-Sagat is pretty lacking before he gets into that danger zone. Unlimited level 1’s also isn’t even a factor against N-Groove.

A-Sagat might be the worst Sagat, but again, it’s Sagat. Still worth using, particularly as a battery. CC options are still decent though.

doesn’t lvl 1 tiger raid leave you at -7 frames? which pretty much defeats the purpose of infinite lvl 1 “hot foots”, though inifinite low cannons are good.

Ok Heres my chart for the best Sagat Grooves.


Ok, I know Im the first person to put N first, but come on. Sagats one of the best characters in the game. Combine him with a groove that has run, small jump, safe fall, roll, and counters and what do have? You’ve got a character thats unstopable in EVERY situation. Storing supers is great too for people who jump too much.

K is good too because you have JD, safe fall, Small jump and the all important run. Also, if you can give Sagat a stronger lv.3 in a matter of a few hits then… Well I think that speaks for itself. And lets not forget about Sagats compatability with JD.

C is good because you can store supers of any level. Thats very important with Sagat in my opinion.

As for P, How much free damage can you get on some predictable little scrub who gets parried on all day? Especially with a damaging character such as Sagat. Plus you still have small jump.

Dont get me wrong S Sagat is still great. You’ve still got run and Small jump plus you have dodge, which is great. If a Sagat knows how to dodge right then Sagat can tear anybody up. Plus you’ve got infinite level ones which are so good against people who think jumping will help kill Sagat faster.

A-groove Sagat just sucks!!! End of story!!! Not worth using. If you use A then just use someone else.:rolleyes:

C Sagat is good because he has lvl2’s, airblock, roll and counter attack! Level 2’s are dangerous, I don’t even want to think bout those!!!

A Sagat is good because he has CC’s, roll and counter attack. No point in using him because CC’s are hard to do, better off with easy QCFx2 motions.

P Sagat is good because he has parry and small jump. So all that predictable scrubby shit is free damage!!!

S Sagat has dodge! run and small jump too! You can dodge your way to victory with the touch of only 2 buttons!

N Sagat has run, roll, small jump, counter attack, counter roll, and safe fall!! Thats 6 things! That automatically makes it the numba 1 groove for this monster!

K Groove gets huge damage increase and we all know how much damage Sagat can do!!!

How many character posts have you guys seen like this? you know, someone essentially copying and pasting from the groove FAQ and then adding some nerdy homosexual comment at the end.

Wow, you must be personal friends with the guy to be on a first name basis. Oh nevermind, you’re just some kid who acts a like nerd all day.

N sagat is best IMO, to me sagat is up there with blanka, chun, iori, akuma, morrigan, etc in that he can use all of N-grooves features very well

the rushdown he gains with run and low jump is sick and his defense is flawless with his fast counter rolls. any big mistakes the opponent makes can be break stock -> shorts xx super always, and no one can jump from further than close range with the threat of break stock -> high tiger shot.

blanka’s crossup > chip electricity is out of the picture… sagat can listen for the elec mash and counter roll the crossup -> c.HP xx tiger shot

:lol: :lol: :lol:. seriously, until you’ve played dr. B in person, you don’t know the power of S-groove.

great to see all these replies. N-sagat IS really good, here’s my random tokido tip i saw…in the sbo2 finals, tokido vs mago, mago does something like roll into level 2 tiger raid, and tokido blocks it and does the counter backstep thing at a certain point in the super animation, and does standing jab into tiger crush. pretty cool.

random ohnuki tip from the evo2k3 dvd- run up and do crouching fierce, it’s too good:lol:.


I perfer not to call people by their s/ns when I know their real names. Seems kinda NERDY to me.

I guess most of our rankings are screwed up because of the grooves’ universal advantages…

i’m guessing kcxj has seen sick K/S-Sagat, i’ve seen some sick P-Groovers who use sagat, and then there are jap using Sick N-Sagat…

i don’t know if this is true, but N-groove is also the groove that builds lvl 1 bars the easiest right? if you think lvl tiger shots are good, then that’s another advantage to N-Sagat

C and N build meter equally as fast iirc. Then A.

no…that’s false…

N builds at the same rate A does. 2 dots in N-groove require the same effort as A-groove getting full bar.

C-groove requires less effort because it builds bar faster. It is fast because C-groove requires less “points” to fill a bar…you get points by doing stuff…

Here’s a tip:
If you tend to mess up on, s.lp, s.lp, xx super, just do, s.lp, xx super. I’d rather not get a medium kick worth of damage than wasting my super and not giving alot of damage.

I want to play Brandon/Dr. B one day. S vs S, it’ll be fun. I think there’s one other S-player in Texas besides me. Texas just shows no love for S.

If K Sagat JDs a random st FP vs Sagat does he get a free cr MK? I am pretty sure he gets a free hit if he JDs st MK.

well, you can’t punish a JD’d cr.fp, but i haven’t jd’ed enough st.fp to know if you can get a free hit or not…i’m going to guess that you can’t.

not 100 percent sure, but i think after a jd’ed st fierce you can standing fierce him back… so yeah i think c. forward would work as long as you’re in the appropriate range.

oh yeah, and n-sagat ain’t just for japanese people, just happens that they like the groove better.

uh more notes

sagat on sagat matchups, i think p has a clear advantage of being able to sit on super and just fish for high parrys from far away.

sagat vs. small characters. whenever i fish for a standing fierce, i have started buffering it into the high tiger shot super, the super takes off a whole lot more damage, and any time you hit a small character with standing fierce, they have to be standing anyways… thats an odd thing about sagat vs. sagat, although you have this godly standing fierce that he has to block, you have to do the less damaging super on him… just a thought

eh, if your sagat doesn’t feel like it’s getting the job done anymore, try mashing standing short more and see what happens

kcxj, stop talkin shit to people on here, i think you post nerdy ass cvs2 strats more then anyone on srk

popoblo, i wanted to play your eagle… i play nam’s “strider hiryu” eagle all the time and wanted to see if theres anything i haven’t seen. i use eagle too, good character but he dies too bad to gat

a good strat against P/K groove:

if you can get them into the corner, you can trap them by standing just outside of your st.fp range. It’s incredibly difficult for the opponent to get out.

if they jump/small jump, you st.fp and stuff them right when they get up (though p can anticipate and jump and parry right away).

if they try to walk foward, you can still st.fp since it’s sorta hard to walk foward and parry at the same time.

if they hit a button, the move will likely whiff, giving you a free…you guessed it…st.fp or cr.fp.

this works especially well against tallk characters that can’t duck the st.fp, so you can walk up abit and random st.fp. some times i just stand there in the spot and get a couple of free fp as they test out the waters to find a way to get out.

works against rolling grooves somewhat…just need to watch for the roll and throw them back into the corner. if they RC, well, there isn’t much you can do about it other than block -> counter.