Sagat Match Ups and Video Thread - Ultra

I use U2 for only Dhalsim, Gouken, Blanka, and depending the style, Ryu, E.Ryu and Seth.

Rose you’re best off with U1 IMO because of the damage difference and the fact you can always pressure Rose. Seth depends, A lot of the good Seth players I play use a very effective turtle style, where they take a lead then just use Cr.fierce , booms and wall jumps to lame you out for the whole match whilst using his own full screen Ultra to counter your fireballs. It’s really effective against our slow ass walk speed.

Poison you want U1 again IMO, her fall animation means you can link EX upper to Ultra even if you hit it Grounded and her fireballs most of the time recover too fast. Same with Guile (with regards to the recovery). Gouken is different in the fireball war because he’s easy to juggle since he has no EX fireball that will counter our own. Ryu and E.Ryu both approach with their own fireball and try to push you back, so reaction through is easy but these two you can go either way. I just prefer the utility of having something to stop them using their own plasma too much.

The only obscure match I’ll also use U2 is Guy, because it shuts down the fake out elbow drops completely.

Oh shit I never even considered that about Guy, good to know.

I’ve been using U2 against Adon because he flips out of U1 juggles a lot and the fact that I can super>ultra blocked jag kicks for big boy damage. Did that in a match the other day and the guy was mindfucked lol

U2 is pretty good against Adon since he can’t fake wall dive ( a usual Adon strat to bait a reaction uppercut)

I just have this thing where the damage really counts in matches I find tough. You should watch vesper arcades GF analysis of Bonchan vs Luffy if you haven’t. He really explains a lot about the breakdown especially with regards to Ultra choice. It made me change my mind because I always used to flip between ultras in the rose match.

good looks on the vesper arcade suggestion high. I used to watch him when i was trying to learn the basics of SF4. will look into it.

Hi guys,

Sorry I’ve not done any vids for a while, with X-mas and generally being busy for work it takes a lot of work. I’ve got a small option select vid and the M-Bison match to upload when I get time which will probably be another week. Another reason was waiting on patch 1.04 to see what goodness we can expect from the dicks at Capcom which was predictably… nothing.

I think after the Bison match instead of my usual annotations at the start describing the counters, I’ll just talk over the footage. I’m finding that’s the part that takes a lot of time and is probably unnecessary for what we are trying to achieve other than making the thing look good.

Merry X-mas all.

Thanks Highland, and yes…was actually about to suggest that (although we appreciate the work you put into the bells and whistles) the videos could be beneficial without them.

Nice one and keep em coming.

Option select video added , top 10 tips coming after that. Then back to match ups.

nice one highland. Haven’t watched it yet but posting the link here for the lazy bums who’re too lazy to go to youtube or dont know about the channel.

link for Sagat option selects:

Have to say, playing a couple of high level Elena players, it’s easily a bad match for Sagat. I initially thought it might be bad, but the more play time I get, the more our options are just not available.

The main two points being her Ultra regeneration ( think Rose, but you have to beat her twice in a round) and her strange box that doesn’t really allow any TK pressure.

Our walk speed and poor backdash is really apparent too, where it’s hard to pick the correct high/low all of the time due to pure odds

I initially thought Elena was going to be a little easier for Sagat due to her ridiculous jump arc, but yeah…good elena players seldom jump. And her high and low mixup game is ridiculous…what’s worse is that she easily combos her overheads. I havent gone against a seriously good elena, but from playing a few of them online, i did see where she could pose problems…and that was without her using the healing ultra.

I really do think they ought to address the mobility of Sagat…either give him a decent backdash or improve the walkspeed a little…with things as they are, he’s almost a sitting duck unless you predict and react perfectly.

Thing is , even if you get a life lead against her , she can even it up by using the ultra , which means no shots to obsorbing and no shots means mid range ( where she can’t activate), but that means you’re in range of slide or mallet smash. It’s sort of damned if you do or don’t.

I watched Santarou play Sako and he still looked as hopeless as I think it is.

Only advantage we have is that almost all of her shit is punishable, some are really tight though and spacing dependant. One of those scenarios where the data is not necessarily full proof.

are there going to be more updates to usf4?

Not that I’ve heard of…it seems they are concentrating on SF 5 for now so it’s pretty likely that this is the final iteration of USF4.

Going back to Elena…Highland…have you tried looking into bonchan’s matchups with her? He doesnt seem to struggle and i recall reading an interview with him a while back where he seemed to think elena was an easy opponent…something about “all i have to do is stand block all the time” if i recall correctly…it was a long time ago, but it was one of the articles on event hubs.

I think that was before Elena got about 80 changes in version 1.04.

oh, right…the patch. Forgot about that. Her, hugo and rolento had a lot of work done on them…not sure about what the changes were but from the looks of it, seems pretty significant. Pre-patch, Bonchan was mauling Justin’s elena.

Just ran into this online when checking out high level sagat vs chun li. It’s old (2013) so its AE, but this is Leslie (gat) vs Tommy (chun).

I was checking out these matches because i seem to have hit a snag with the matchup once chun gets ultra 1 and i wanted to know how players dealt with that. I know about not throwing shots when she has charge etc. but closing the gap while she is charging means that we get up close into her strong suit (pokes and faster normals) where she would still have the advantage. Is there anything that leslie could be doing better in this matchup?

There are various things you can do, but really it comes down to dropping shots and getting comfortable with spaced normals and getting a nice little lead.

There is one technique you can try krimzn, it involves getting Chun to activate the ultra at the half full point deliberately, taking perhaps 250-300 damage early doors allowing you to then play free the rest of the match. I’ve done this a few times. Basically when she gets the half bar ultra , keep going with your zoning, eat the ultra then the match dynamics are no longer about the Ultra killing you, but gaining your zoning back. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to get into a better position.

Next time I play a good Chun player I’ll record the whole set.

Nice one HF. Actually did that a couple of times just out of sheer frustration. I tried the sporadic Tiger shot route too, but i dont know if im not being sporadic enough or if the guy has good reflexes, it seems he is able to react to the shot because when he activates, the shot is basically touching chun’s face, so basically he has time to see the shot travel towards him and activate.

I found i had better success with TS in shorter ranges, but then theres the risk of jump ins, etc…this is the better strategy though because at least the likelihood of ultra is minimized by a lot.

Against a good player they will ultra your shots, you just can’t throw them, it sucks but that’s the way you have to play.

Just watched a first to ten with Ryan Hart vs valmaster and it was pretty bad…Credit to valmaster though, dude played phenomenally, but the matchup just looked frustrating as hell. I think this was a recent one…link below