if sagat got fucked then everyone got fucked. why? because instead of making the rest of the characters strong and fun to play, they nerfed everyone to guile’s level and shit just got more boring. less combos, less strategy, more blind jump ins. if anything needed balancing it was the system not necessarily the characters (although akuma’s lp~hk loop was dumb it was fun to do). we all got fucked over, not just sagat players.
anyone can tell me if sagat can still Tiger knee cross up on like ryu?
But if you mess it up, and even if they blocked it cross, free punish for them, not worth attempting anymore. Yay.
Uh okay, but thats not what happened at all?
The fuck?
Yeah this was kinda my problem with what they did at first. Then I realized they weren’t going to change the system because that would require too much work in a 6 month time span and it would piss off a lot of the casual fans who do like the mechanics of the game as they are. Casual fans having to relearn much of anything about the way the game’s system worked would be a huge turn off if it’s not a new number in the series.
Personally I think the game is smarter at least. DP’s don’t take all your life away anymore and a lot of the dumb stuff is just simply less done. Lot more of just people fighting each other than sitting on ultras that take all ur life away.
Sagat is still nearly top tier. He won’t go anything below high mid on a US tier list or A tier on a Japanese tier list.
Sagat is still top 5 easy. From a match-up sense only a few chars have it better. He has more losing match-ups sure, but other chars have more losing match-ups then he does which will keep him up there.
did they change the properties of tiger knee? i thought it was just a damage nerf
The two hits of tiger knee have changed order, so now, the second hit was the first hit in SF4. The second hit in SSF4 is terrible, its weak, very little chip damage and almost no blockstun at all.
Sagat is terrible at this game. Nobody use him anymore. He is to weak. AA standing HK do 40 damage. wtf?
l2p some would say
so well spaced lk and mk tiger knees are now neutral, positive or negative on block?
Still positive. Just not as much as before. And now you need to be absolutely perfect.
and I say fuck you bitch
cool, thx for the snappy answer. barely played the game yet so just trying to get my head around the changes before i sit down to play when i get home
yes is terrible !
he loss good combos !
HK + tiger shot ! . In this ssf4 only is HK + Ex tiger shot
Ex tiger shot + tiger shot ! . In this ssf4 is only Ex tiger shot + Ex tiger shot . fuck you capcom
Tiger uppercut only 100 of damage ?? and loss priority ,dudley jump HK can break the tiger uppercut . dudley uppercut ?? 160, 150 , ryu ?? 150 ,140 , ken ?? 150 , 160, akuma ?? 150 , 140 yes all free , sagat ??? only EX or angry scar …
EX tiger shot in sf4 150 has damage and in this ssf4 only 120 !!!
HK in sf4 has 150 and in this 120 !! and the fucking zangief with HK 140 damage !!! 220 , 200 ? with spinning piledriver?
The second hit of tiger knee sucks !! only 40 damage ??
The HK lost priority , if you execute HK and your oponnen a HP or HK in the air , you take the full damage and your oponnent only 40 -.-!
pros :
LK with two hits with 40 of damage ??? jajaajaajaj
angry scar
YES capcom is a shit , sucks ! but long live the kind , now i am a akuma player , sorry sagat =(
I’m sure you’ll be missed.
Sagat is still awesome…
what the fuck you know ignorant asshole?
lol he knows more then vitatoon, mostly due to him being able to speaka the english