Sagat Combo Thread

Here are a few updates for the combos.,, c.lp xx tiger uppercut
203dmg 4hits

tiger uppercut, fadc,, ultra
622dmg 12hits xx low tiger shot
160dmg 2hits

lk xx low tiger shot
110dmg 2hits, xx TU
346dmg 3hits

j.hp, mp xx TU
377dmg 3hits, Ex LTS
290dmg 3hits, ultra
500dmg 11hits,, Ultra
594dmg 12hits

lk, LTS, FADC,, TU
287dmg 4 hits

Counterhit c.hp xx TU
333dmg 2hits

I’ll get the rest of them soon.

don’t know the damage but no one has mentioned

c. lk, c. lk, c. lp, EX TU, Ultra, timming is strict for ultra, and opp has to be aboce sagats chest, 16 hits

It’s good but if I get a hit confirm I would substitute the c.lp with :tup:

As you see this thread has been stickied by one of the moderators. I asked them politely if they would sticky a combo thread for us. Obviously their answer was yes :slight_smile: Thank You!

Keep the 1st post updated for us please so we don’t risk losing our sticky.

I know you have some cool combos so share them with us please.

i know the two ex TS work but does the whole thing combo? cuz i cant get the jab ST to combo to the first EX TS

Nice! 186 damage… now try

cl.jab, cr.strong xx low tigershot FADC cr.strong xx fierce Tiger Uppercut

351 damage! 165 extra damage for the FADC

Or if they’re almost dead and you really need to land that ultra…

cl.lab, cr.strong xx EX low tiger shot FADC ultra. 530 Damage, this could win matches but probablyy not your best option for ultra.

Gotta be quick (and a little desperate :rofl:) to pull this off in a match. But hey, if it gets a KO then it’s worth it. If they block it then throw or start other mixup instead of ultra., s.lp,, HP TU_Super
Pretty good damage, flashy. Super was by accident,,,s.lp_c.lp, HP TU_Super
Just an extension that works and again, super was accident I think,, LTS, FADC, mp, TU, FADC,, Ultra
Although took me a while, I believe it’s possible to do any jump in.

after a low rh ts fadc combo, close mk also works after the dash, in addition to cr mk and cr fierce. you can link after the close st mk as usual and combo after the cr mk, but too far to link after cr fierce. cr mk xx fierce dp is better after a fadc ts than cr strong because the cr mk moves you forward and does more damage than cr st. there are ranges where the fierce dp would whiff after cr strong, but not with cr mk.

cr fierce link cr jab xx tu also works on sagat

cr fierce link cr jab xx rh tiger knee works on boxer

cr mk xx fierce dp is better after a fadc ts than cr strong because the cr mk moves you forward and does more damage than cr st. t

Wrong. They do the same damage.

Though yes the added range is good but remembre that it comes out 2 frames slower, so you have to be tight with the cancel. does the most damage, but even then it’s about 7 or 8 damage more and not worth it.

There are a handful of tigershot FADC combo variations all with their own uses.My Tigershot FADC thread goes into a bunch.

Jozu, maybe you could post a link to this post with the variations of the tigershot FADC combo on the first post, I’d say it’s pretty relavent

I was just playing around with this a few days ago in training, and I feel it’s worth taking the time to really nail the timing. It’s:

F + LK, cr. jab xx HP Tiger Uppercut, FADC, F + RH, Ultra

This is a one-frame link. As with any of Sagat’s combos, if the first hit is blocked, end your string in a LTS.

This combo allows you to extend the range of your HP Tiger Uppercut and safely hit-confirm an Ultra combo without having to go fishing with risky kara Tiger Uppercuts (I feel like I’m selling this combo to you in an infomercial :razz:).

These are great combos guys. Thanks for the effort.

Oh, to revise one of my previous combos as well, you can also do:

Cl. jab, cr. strong xx EX Tiger Uppercut

For a whopping 290 damage. This combo is useful because you can hop over your downed opponent afterwards with LK Tiger Knee and mix it up like a mother fucker.

Cl. jab, cr. strong pushes you back so far that HP Tiger Uppercut whiffs, and if you end that combo with a LTS, it pushes you out of st. LK range. Good string. USE IT.

Check out this ultra setup from FULL screen. You can toss this out when in a fireball battle and you got 3 bars and ultra meter.

From full screen away, you can EX LTS, FADC, Dash to mid screen, Ultra… even though you only land 7 hits on your ultra, this is still good for about half of ryu’s life probably 35-40% when he is low on health

Go to training mode, push Ryu to one corner. Look at the floor, and put two squares between you and Ryu. Get your foot behind the line of the second square farthest from Ryu and throw a jab Tiger Shot. The timing is pretty strict because you have to throw the EX Tiger Shots as soon as the Jab Tiger Shot connects, but it works, I promise.

In the corner:

HP TU, FADC, Ex HTS, Ultra.

Bags you just over 500 dmg. :looney:

j. mp, cr lk, cr lp, LTS, FADC, cr lk, cr lk, cr lp, hp TU, FADC, high step kick, ULTRA

19 hits, difficult to pull off uses all of both meters and just a little over 300 damage.

Hooray for damage scaling!

I’ve been using ex ts fadc into ultra as well. If you land standing short at any distance and you got 3 bars you have an ultra. The furthest distance requires EX HTS from what I’ve played with in training, LTS will be blocked. It’s about 520 damage in the middle and around 390 in the corner which isn’t bad coming off of a decent ranged poke. I don’t like getting attached to it, losing 3 bars for a small amount of chip damage kind of sucks.

Sorry if it’s old, I didn’t see it posted in the combo section.

If you have the meter, also consider trying cl.jab, cr.strong xx LTS FADC cr.strong xx HP TU

You seem to really love this combo :razz:. I think I would only do this if I were guaranteed a dizzy at the end, if it would win me the round, or to get the crowd hype. Other than that, it’s just too much meter.