SA1 Oro - Kishin Riki

I’m starting to explore this super more primarily against Yun and its going really well so far think it might actually be the way to go against him. Might try it against Chunli also I can see it having some advantages there as well.

Any opinions or people already using this super extensively?

Using this super kinda destroys the point of playing Oro altogether, cause you’re probably just using the EX version for the crazy damage, and his yagyou unblockables and tengu combos are a lot better for damage output. I don’t really see the use of a super like this when his other two supers are very very good.

SA1 = bad

I don’t know who you are experimenting on with this, but if it is going well, they can’t be good. You can jump very easily out of EX version and just block the regular one. It doesn’t do the damage that the other supers can do. It also doesn’t have any pressure use of any kind, and EX version is not a reversal by anymeans.

ok yeah, SA1 is his weakest super by far, but you can’t block it. How long has it been since you played with it?

And it is too a reversal super, you can react and “reverse” a poke with ex riki, if they can’t escape I think it qualifies.

SA1 is fun.

its been along time. but you cannot reverse a poke unless you anticipate a fierce or roundhouse of kind. There is alot of time to jump out of the EX version. ALOT.

I was actually having a bit of success using is at an antiair against divekicks. also if they drop me during a genei jin i can burn it. even if they jump out of the way at least it negated the time on their genei jin.

heck yeah, then you uppercut them. It’s easy enough to charge an uppercut during the super animation.

You can do what necro does with slam dance when you have somebody in the corner where you just use it as a sort of reset to do another chicken combo. Its not as effective but it works sorta the same way.

So after a chicken combo in the corner, reset with cr. hp, wait a bit, then do an EX Kishin Riki.

If they dont jump they’ll get thrown, if they do jump, they’ll most likely jump straight up and try to attack on the way down, by this time oro has enough time to parry and do another chicken combo as a counter.

But again its not very effective and may work on a person that doesnt expect it.

ok so about a 50% chance to a throw out of an entire bar? I mean anyone can just jump forward and super when they land. and jumping straight up gives them plenty of options to mess up you up. EX has horrible frame everything.

Okay, so I was screwing around with KR yesterday, and quite honestly, it sucks hard. The EX version can’t be comboed, and the only decent way of landing it is either after a reset (but they opponent has a HELL of a long time to get out of it) or off of block stun (which is kinda stupid IMO). This is the only really decent combo that I found:

MP->QCF+MK, MP->QCF+MK, MP cancel to KR (non-EX version), superjump and grab them in air. It actually doesn’t do too bad damage, and afterwords you can throw them again by either chip throwing or baiting a jump.

In conclusion… EX=horrible (only like 50 damage too… not worth it)… normal=okay in some situations. Overall, though, his other supers beat the shit out of KR, so therefore I HIGHLY advise that you stay away from this super.


Didn’t work when I was doing it… unless the opponent is blocking.

yeah it does work, put’s them into a throwable state just like akuma’s far st. roundhouse does. I guess if you could hit confirm that combo the super wouldn’t be quite as bad. However I don’t know how much the damage scales when you combo into it. Actually I’ve just convinced myself to try that out, i can’t see it being confirmible but it’s worth a shot.

It works. Really.

The combo into vanilla SA1 is not that great. It’s just a case of “you got the meter, might as well”. THe guaranteed damage in itself isn’t really worth it. You just want the mixup after. Vanilla SA1 is good for mixup only, really. If you do a straight activation you’ve got a fair chance at landing two. It’s largely risky though, nowhere near 50-50.

EX-SA1 is awesome, in terms of it’s ability to blast through alot of stuff. But its lack of comboability hurts it seriously. It’s easy to avoid unless you blasted through something slow (good on predictable players, I admit) just by jumping. As it’s not instant, the fact that it is a grab will never come into play.

So it’s just good for setups. And SA2 does that batter, and you get better combos with it. And EX meter.

Use it to embarass people :stuck_out_tongue:

You have to be point blank for it to actually connect so it’s pretty useless.

Well I know SA3 is Oro’s best, I’m pretty good at Oro. But against the twins you can’t juggle them for shit so that negates a lot of SA2 and SA3. They’re also short making SA2 even harder to pull off well. SA1 seems like it may be a good alternative just for them. Theres plenty of setups, pretty much anything that would lead to a nice tick throw can also be used for regular kishin riki. As for comboability yeah its lacking but it does combo off crouching fierce. Can also do karacommandgrab through a lot of attacks. All I end up doing to beat Yun’s is block and karathrow since it outranges him miserably. Seems with that in mind SA1 might be a nice alternative for them. The only real loss is a regular tengustone chip dmg but against good players they’ll parry and throw you anyways.

It’s got a longer eange than throw eange, so it’s still useful. Not useless. It’s not as good as SA2 still thoug.

I mean the cr. fierce xx super combo.

also i didn’t know you visited this part of the forum dude, well done at SvB!

3rd fucking edit! The fact that you can’t chicken combo’s the twins doesn’t mean much, you can still st. strong xx ex tengu. plus if you activate SA1 then your opponent immeadiately knows you want to throw them so it isn’t going to happen. You can look for the good points of SA1 all you want but it’s still his 3rd best super, lol.

On the other hand, in casuals, I’ve random activated normal SA1 and just thrown them with it while they blocked. It only works when your opponent doesn’t know what it does, but it’s pretty funny when you pull it off.

I started playing around with sa1, its pretty fun.