Yeah. whenever u up for it. I actually did pretty good at PZ in casuals against some high tier teams. beat like 3 ppl in a row with S- Boxer/Cammy/Claw. Vega (claw) has an exceptionally good dodge punch attack, has reach, and it knocksdown with no lg at all. Boxer’s dodge kick buffers ino special moves very smoothly.
I just choose Cammy, Sagat, and Rolento and pick any SNK Groove. They all work well in S, N, and K, so hoorah.
wOOt~ just came back from evo…lol yeah, s-groove is awesome; I actually beat kindevu with it in my pool at evo world…lol the crowd went WILD and john choi shoke my hand after I won; I felt really good at that moment… I am not joking btw…lol
good shit,
I’ll have to find that in the feeds
S > A Mutha Fuckas! kindevu went DOWN!
wow, please tell me you or somebody else has that on tape. and good shit, what team did you use? i’m thinking it had S-cammy on there somewhere. did he adapt to beat you in two more games or what happened?
I wrote a little summary in our thread:
but it was the best of one in the pools, and I really hope someone has it on tape…lol
Sup everyone ??? Here are a few S-Groove matches for ya !!! Btw if anyone has any questions for me about S-Groove or CvS2 strategies in general ask away…Id be glad to share my experiences and Ideas.
SHOUT OUT TO : JJJ <------------- NICE JOB beating KINDEBU with S-GROOVE !!!
-D R B
TRUE_TECH vs. DR.B ( EVO 2K7 )
DR.B vs. DAIGO ( EVO 2K3 )
LAUGH vs. DR.B ( EVO 2K7 )
DJ-B13 vs DR.B ( NCR 03 )
More Vids to Come !!!
I’ll tell you what…
Want to make S-Groove a worthwhile groove!? Put Q in this game…
Turtle all day…C&DB…charge up meter…put the fear in their heart!
and when they actually get around to doing enough damage to put you in the read zone…just spam his super on them…
Of course all of this means nothing if he doesn’t get to keep his defense boosting taunt…
Taunting sucks in CvS2, unless you’re playing as Rolento. I’ve found a couple of decent pressure strings that center around his taunt, most notably taunting the opponent as they wake up, forcing them to block, then run up and throw.
If that ever works on me, punch me in the face repeatedly. Or if it ever works on anybody, punch them repeatedly. They probably don’t have the reaction to hit you back before you’re already gone.
It’s a cool idea, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen ANY rolento player in ANY groove ever use that as a setup for a ch jab/throw. I’m definitely gonna work it into some casuals though
I know that S-groove isn’t really god-tier, but I find that I’m not improving much any more, probably lack of comp or me getting old.
so, anyway I’ve started playing S-groove just to have fun, and S-Vega/Iori/XXX is awesome. Just wish I could find an anchor I’m good with. guess I’ll spend another hour looking for an anchor
S-Yama is an amazing S anchor
what does S give Yama? Does his does punch cancel into the sand kick snake arm combo?
^i think so, that’s how JJJ rape the shit out of me :sad:
he dodges at the right moment when ppl jumps in and cancel into punch (?) sand kick and snake arm, i still havn’t figure out how to grab or counter him yet…SIGH lol
he DID beat kindevu afterall…LOL
I said not too long ago S-Vega is very, very good. Iori I haven’t tested. Someone said Vice I haven’t tested her either.
Here’s all the characters I think benefit from S-Groove without being too good or being too bad.
Vega, Haohmaru, Boxer (he can combo into a lot of nasty shit from his dodge+kick button. Has good reach with his dodge knockdown), Ryu, Ken (is decent : ). Chip shinryuken can rape scrubs horribly), Chang (somewhat good he has potential), and Honda. Honda’s knockdown dodge is very good, but the dodge+kick sux ass.
Cammy, Sagat, Yama, Bison, Athena, and Kyo are the best I’ve seen in S so far.
Geese is bad. Best thing is to combo from his dodge into deadly rave.
Yuri is bad.
Blanka is bad.
Ryo is bad.
Rugal is horrible unless you have full bar and manage to hit someone with either: Air QCF+P ->while stunned->QCF, QCF+Kick any level in corner or Close FP->QCF, HCB+Punch level 3-> on last wall slam->QCF, QCF level 1. With full bar Rugal can damn near kill a character.
Rolento dunno.
Akuma has some crazy turtle shit with his teleport in this groove.
Terry is newb annoyance. lol. spam buster wolves all day. those were the days playing casual when this game came out.
Eagle is actually decent.
Nakoruru sucks but she’s fun.
Guile could be nasty im not sure.
Chun-li is very good to me, and has potential just not better than her other grooves.
Dhalsim has some bs options to work with, but he might suck I’m not sure.
S-Iori’s Dodge-Punch = close fierce, and combos into rekkas and supers.
I’ve tried S-Boxer, and I like him, except that the range of his Dodge-Kick is nonexistant.
I think I’m going to end up anchoring Blanka, until I have S-Rock down. Dodge-kick into either rising tackle or elbow is solid.
giggles I don’t take it seriously either.
S Groove works best with characters with abusable supers or links into supers easily and that have universal ( dodge + punch or kick ) moves…Basically alot of patience at times and good rush down skills with well placed small jumping is key in my opinion.
-D R B