To be honest, I shouldn’t be dodging at these distances where you can throw react. Maybe if I just dodge->nothing you can; but it’s so easy to see that you’re moving forward and just use fast dodge attacks like Bison’s punch to hit you on reaction.
Unless you’re using Cammy, Chun or Bison it’s barely worth you’re time to try this. Besides, getting thrown for wiffing a dodge a couple of times is nothing compared to what happens if you wiff *anything * against Chun li’s, Cammy’s and Sagats in this game.
Come down to ECC and you’ll see me there.
I’m sure my points would help with videos…I’ll try and get some up. You’ll see that I’m not playing scrubs by no means…
no no hehe. You’re starting on the 3rd page. There are 2 pages before that that should have a big picture of the character and some random info, like roll data.
Hmm. I am looking at tetsyue’s scans and he seems to be lacking those initial pages…for all of the characters…:sad: Smoothcat’s original scans had them, try to get a hold of those
yeah, until I got my paper copy book a couple of days ago I didn’t realize how much stuff I was missing from the zips I grabbed from supermin.
It’s gonna take a while for me to scan up all that stuff, but I’ll get it up eventually. If you need specifics, I should be able to field those questions now that I know what I’m looking for.
Thanks a lot man.
I don’t mind waiting…I’m just glad it’s in the book. I have scans of the character data on my comp from a while back but I must’ve missed the first couple of pages…
Hmmm…I guess my idea of the thread merger isn’t gonna happen, so I’m just gonna shoot out something.
Yamazaki and his snake arms/s.RH give me some problems while in S-groove. I can’t get close to him. The only option I have is to DP his snake arms on reaction. My team is S-Ken/Sakura/Cammy2. What else can I do? Should I give up trying to get in and just zone him until he dies? It seems as if Yamazaki is better suited to that kind of play anyway…=/
I would have liked this groove to play like Ex Mode on KoF 98. But without the air special normals which you could sort of abuse with them. Atleast they kept the Dodge and Attack part of it in. I agree with the other people that say this Groove is fun. When I dont play serious I usually play as Vice on this Groove.
s groove has to hit you too many times to win…no easy access to cc lvl3’s or lvl2’s lead to you having to hit the opponent more than they have to hit you. doesn’t that suck? not to mention your guard meter i think is the worst outside of k and p.
i do not think this groove sucks and is utter trash (cuz i mean dr.b almost beat diago at some point around 2k4?)
i think s-groove is a groove that really limits what characters you can use competitively though (like p-groove somewhat does with needing characters that can do great/major damage off one parry such as kyo and sagat)…as to what characters, I am not sure.
I am pretty sure cammy and sagat are two of the best in s-groove due to great pokes (which helps against people trying to break your guard as you can break their guard and/or keep them at bay and prevent baiting you into dodging to get the throw at close range). both have uses of their level 1’s. and it may sound stupid (and be stupid :-p) but both have dp’s which imo really helps s-groove out.
another thought i always had about s-groove is the ability to generate quick counter attacks. any serious s-groovers care to talk about this?
Dang I would have liked to play you. This will be the first year since 2k3 that I have not gone to EVO :sad: my job won’t let me =/ So I guess I will await your response after EVO…