Ryu's Punishes after block

Reversal EX-Tatsu can punish a huge amount of stuff where the opponent is pushed too far out, it’s literally Ryu’s longest ranged attack that doesn’t have to travel.

So true, I was getting pissed about Karin and Chun players always getting away with max range sweep against me. I tested to see what I can do. Although you can punish with your own sweep or st. LK the timing is tight and I almost never land it in a real match. But I found EX tatsu to be a breeze. It always reaches and you have plenty of time to punish even without the frame buffer.

I say Ryu players should look into burning meter for this against those two until you become consistent with punishing it with sweep or st. LK into EX Hadou/tatsu.

I think I should clarify, against Karin you can punish with sweep or st. LK > EX tatsu/EX fireball/Super. With Chun, I think all you can do without meter is st. LK by itself. With meter only Super works. Canceling into EX tatsu will whiff and canceling into EX fireball won’t combo. I tried to punish with sweep so many times but I can’t get it to work. So unless I’m mistaken, you need meter to punish with EX tatsu to really discourage Chun players from throwing out sweeps without fear.

With Karin, the punish with sweep or st. LK is kind of tight. It’s not like a SF4 1f punish, but it takes some getting use to. I’m still pretty bad at it so I’m sticking with EX tatsu for now against Karin’s. One other thing, if you have full bars doing raw super to punish those two characters sweep does slightly more damage than st. LK > Super, or st. LK, V Trigger, Super. Plus I think it’s easier to just pump the super by itself rather than canceling it with a st. LK that might whiff.

M. Bison

HP- If you block this move while Bison is not in V trigger then do reversal Critical Art. If he doesn’t cancel it then critical art will punish. If he cancels into something that creates a true blockstring then your critical art won’t come out. If Bison cancels into something that isn’t a true blockstring then worst case scenario is that you trade super with his move which will be massively in your favor. If he cancels into critical art himself it will eat your input allowing you to block or use V reversal to avoid chip. DO NOT do this while he is in V trigger though. During V trigger he can cancel into headstomp without down charge which will make critical art whiff.
cr.HP- At max range EX tatsu or sweep. At point blank target combo is the best meterless damage I found.
cr.HK- At the very tip the slide is safe, but still negative. If you block it from the edge of its range use a confirm combo for safety. From anywhere 2.5 blocks or closer use max damage punish combo

MP -> df+HP target combo- This one is hard to spot because if looks the same as regular df+HP, which is completely safe. But if he does the target combo it’s punishable with MP xx HP DP

Psycho Blast (projectile)
LP version done at point blank punishable by critical art, but Bison cancelling any normal into this will push you out of range to punish. Effectively safe. All other versions completely safe on block

Double Knee Press (scissor kicks)
LK version can be spaced for safety. If Bison is at exact max range of cr.MP and cancels to this version of scissor kicks he is safe from reversal critical art. If he is any closer then Critical art will punish. If LK scissors is blocked point blank MP DP will punish.
MK version is completely safe against reversal critical art, but can be punished with LP DP or EX DP. Can be spaced for safety, but if they cancel into this from cr.MP it will always be punishable.
HK and EX are safe on block.

Psycho Inferno
All meterless versions punishable by EX tatsu at any range. This move can be spaced to be out of range of sweep, so if you block this at the end of a blockstring be cautious about putting sweep out there. Bison can hurt you very bad for whiffing it. At a range of 1 block sweep is best meterless punish, if you have a full bar HKxx critical art will add a bit of damage over reversal critical art. From point blank start your punish with HK for best meterless damage or cr.HP xx V trigger, HK if you have it and want to spend it.

Critical Art
You’ve got all day to punish this one. Move in close and use your max damage punish.[/details]

You mean cr.HK

It’s not even a true target combo unless the st.MP gets a counter hit. But the Psycho Axe is still -5 when they try using it as such.

Also, just a tip: while you currently might not be seeing it much, st.HP can be cancelled into any Inferno at near max range, and you cannot punish that with a sweep. EX tatsu still works though.

Made a couple of changes to the post on Ken based on some stuff from Winter Brawl, so maybe give it a second look.

Thanks for the input, I’ll fix that up now. Got kinda sloppy on this one.

Seen this? One for Ryu would be sick. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMjPO5x9RCAeQUoZ7kAdhI3-6lfVt8_JEct78XtG4l4/edit#gid=233501443


f+LK- At the very edge of it’s range this moves leaves Nash +1. This happens at about 1.8 blocks. From 1.5 blocks or closer reversal LP or EX DP will punish, but you better be sure you’re right. At 1.2 blocks or closer you can start with MP and confirm into max damage punish.
f+MP(overhead)- LK xx MK tatsu punishes at any range. At point blank MP, LK xx MK tatsu is the best meterless damage I found. It leaves Ryu at an odd range where cr.MP and cr.MK connect after their first active frame and will be blocked, even when done with correct timing.
cr.MK- Safe at max range. From .5 blocks punishable by critical art and from .4 blocks punishable by LK xx EX tatsu, but considering the short blockstun and the unlikelihood of the move being used at those ranges I wouldn’t go for it unless I noticed a player had a bad habit of misusing this move.
f+MK- Safe at max range. Punishable by LP DP or EX DP from .6 blocks or closer, which is a range you’ll probably never see this move at.
f+HP- At 2.1 blocks completely safe, even from critical art. At 1.9 blocks Critical art punishes. At 1.3 blocks EX tatsu punishes. At 1.2 blocks sweep punishes. At 1.1 blocks can punish with lk xx MK tatsu, HK linked into critical art, or HK xx V trigger, sweep. Due to odd pushback punishes remain the same from 1.1 blocks or closer.
cr.HK- EX tatsu will always punish. Sweep punishes from .8 blocks or closer. At point blank pushback will cause MP, cr.HP to whiff so go straight to cr.HP

V Skill
From max range only critical art will punish. From .5 blocks LK xx EX tatsu will punish, meterless tatsus will whiff. From point blank cr.MP xx MK tatsu.

Target Combos
LP -> MP- If for some reason they don’t cancel it you can punish with cr.HP. I don’t see this coming up much.
MP->LK- They’re unable to continue into the HP ender of this target combo on block leaving you with a very easy max damage punish.
cr.MP -> f+MP- same as blocking the overhead by itself, same punishes apply.
MK->HK- Another that can’t be continued on block. cr.HP will punish at any range, even at ranges where MK will only connect against a standing opponent.

Sonic Boom
At point blank LP and MP version are punishable by critical art, but when used in blockstrings this move will generally be spaced to be safe. HP and EX versions safe.

Sonic Scythe
LK version- At max range only punishable by critical art. At .9 blocks punishable by sweep. At point blank start with cr.HP for the most damage.
MK version- At max range safe against critical art. At 1.8 punishable by Critical art. At 1.4 punishable by sweep. At 1 block punishable by cr.MP xx MK tatsu. Pushback on block puts Ryu out of range of shorter range normals even at point blank.
HK version- From max range HK, LK xx MK tatsu will always reach. At point blank max damage punish.
EX version- From max range walk forward slightly into cr.HP. From point blank max damage punish. Recovers crouching so don’t try to punish with HK. Does not have crush counter state on recovery as it is not invincible on startup.

Tragedy Assault
LP version is punishable by LK xx MK tatsu
MP and HP versions punishable by combos starting with cr.HP
EX version is extremely punishable. If you block the second hit you have time to walk in to point blank range and use a max damage punish. If you block the first hit point blank then Nash will pass over you, immediately jump toward him and you will be able to come down with j.MK as a crossup into max damage punish combo.

Critical art
Same from any range. MP, cr.HP will whiff so go straight to cr.HP or use HK.[/details]


cr.MK- Safe at max range. If not cancelled critical art will punish at .5 blocks, but at this range if they cancel into DP it may whiff under him. At point blank LK xx EX tatsu will punish if they don’t cancel, but if they do light stomp it will counter hit your LK so I don’t recommend it. At point blank I found no downside to reversal critical art, if they cancel into a true blockstring it won’t come out and moves that aren’t a true blockstring will lose against critical art. I don’t foresee that being an especially common situation though.
cr.HP-Same story except you need to be point blank to punish at all. Make sure you don’t mistake standing HP for this move since that one is safe on block, they look fairly similar. Again at point blank I see no downside to reversal super and again I don’t foresee this happening too often.
df+HP- Safe against Critical art at max range. Punishable with Critical art at 1.1. From .8 blocks or closer LK xx MK tatsu will punish.
HK- At max range safe against Critical art. At .9 blocks critical art will punish. At .7 blocks or closer LK xx MK tatsu will punish
cr.HK- Sweep and EX tatsu will punish from all ranges. At point blnk max damage punish.

Target Combo
MK->HK- At max range MP->HP->HK target combo is the best option I found. He can cancel this into V Skill, but that’s slow enough that it will just get counter hit. Because of this I also like using Ryu’s HP->HK target combo for the sake of a potential crush counter, it doesn’t lose much damage compared against starting with MP and creates interesting combo opportunities by cancelling the HK into V trigger if you have it. At point blank combos starting with cr.HP are ideal.

The Disc’s Guidance (anti-projectile charge)
All versions punishable by LK xx MK tatsu at any spacing. At point blank MP, cr.HP will whiff so go straight to cr.HP. Keep in mind it’s a tight window and the move has oddly long blockstun, punishing feels awkward and I drop it way more than anything else I’ve tried in this game. If you’re having trouble maybe stick with LK xx tatsu, less damage is better than turning your punish into their punish.
EX version gives you much more time to punish and pushes closer in so go for max damage punish.

Raging Light (DP)
Max damage crush counter punish. Nothing fancy.

Valiant Rebellion (stomp)
LK version safe at max range, about .9 blocks. Punishable by critical art at .6 blocks. Punishable by LK xx MK tatsu at .4 blocks.
All other version safe on block.

Critical Art
Pushes into point blank from any range, max damage punish.[/details]

R. Mika

MK- Cannot be punished with critical art. At point blank can be punished with LP DP or EX DP.
HP- Safe at max range. At .5 blocks critical art will punish. From point blank cr.MP xx mk tatsu.
cr.HP- From max range completely safe on block. At .7 blocks LP DP or EX DP will punish. At .6 blocks or closer MP DP is best meterless damage I found. LP, LK xx EX tatsu foes a bit more for 1 bar or you can punish with critical art.
Uncharged HK- At 1.1 blocks safe against critical art. At 1 block punishable by critical art. at .9 blocks punishable by LK xx MK tatsu.
cr.HK- Punishable with cr.HP from max range. From point blank can punish with max damage punish.

in air d.MP- max damage punish
LK->MK- At the edge of its range one hit or the other tends to whiff. If the second hit whiffs then sweep punishes, if only the second hit connects it might be safe against critical art. At ranges where both hits connect I have always found that critical art punishes. From the range you end up at after blocking charged HK followed by this target combo LK xx MK tatsu will punish.
f+MP->MP- the move by itself is safe on block but if they do the follow-up on block it will cause a whiff animation that can be punished with cr.HP

Shooting Peach
All meterless versions can potentially be spaced to be safe if blocked crouching. I was unable to find a space that resulted in being safe against critical art after blocking the move while standing. If Mika cancels into this move from a normal it will never be spaced safely and you can use combos starting with cr.HP to punish.
EX version stops after 2 hits, can use max damage punish.[/details]

Wow! this is amazing cheers man

You can punish Bisons Psycho Inferno s.hk, s.lk xx hp.srk / mk.tatsu

I pretty sure you can punish Cammys Ex Spiral Arrow with c.mk xx hk.tatsu

Thanks for all this effort man. Much appreciated


cr.MK- impractical but from point blank can be punished from point blank with LP DP or EX DP, not critical art.
f+HP- punishable by LK xx MK tatsu, if you have full meter then MP DP xx critical art is highest damage I found. Going through the V trigger whirlwind doesn’t make the move any safer, though the whirlwind can interrupt your punish and trades will not go in your favor. If the whirlwind is close behind Rashid then MP DP xx critical art is a solid option. The critical art will lose a few hits as it goes through the whirlwind, but will usually juggle Rashid as he comes back down and still do reasonable damage.
cr.HK- EX tatsu at any range, Sweep from 1 block or closer, max damage punish at point blank.

Running Spinning Mixer
He can mash the button more times after the initial input to extend the move.
Level 1- Hits 5 times, completely safe on block
Level 2- Hits 9 times, punishable by LK xx HP DP if you want max meterless damage but I suggest mashing out MP DP. It’s drastically easier and the damage difference is very small. If you have full meter then add critical art after the DP
Level 3- Does 11 hits, punishable by combos starting with HK or cr.HP.

So if it hits more than a few times do the reversal DP punish when level 2 would end and if they did level 3 you have time to notice that you’re still blocking and respond with a larger punish for the more unsafe version.

If he begins the spinning mixer before he passes through the V trigger whirlwind it does an 11 hit version that is completely safe on block.

Running Eagle Spike
Dash forward, cr.MP xx HK tatsu will punish at any spacing I can manage to establish in training mode. LK tatsu usually will not reach so if you want to add critical art do dash up cr.MP xx critical art.

If he does it through the whirlwind his recovery will push him back behind it again and I can’t find any way to punish on block in that scenario.

d+V-skill-> kick- This rolling attack is safe against critical art at 3.1 blocks. At 3 block critical art will punish. At 2.5 blocks or closer punish with cr.MP xx EX tatsu.

Spinning Mixer
He can mash buttons after the initial input to extend the move.
LP level 1- Does 3 Hits. Completely safe on block
LP level 2- Hits 5 times Can be spaced for safety from meterless options but critical art always punishes. From 1.5 blocks LK xx MK tatsu will punish, from 1.4 cr.MP xx Mk tatsu will punish. At point blank MP, cr.MP xx MK tatsu will punish. MP xx HP DP xx Critical Art is probably the most damage you could get here.
LP level 3- HK and sweep will both punish. At max range HK has no meterless follow ups which makes sweep the better choice if HK linked into Critical art isn’t an option. At point blank HK, LK xx HP DP will be max meterless damage.

All levels of MP version are very punishable, but he can choose to mash it to different levels to stay in the air longer after passing over you.
Easy answer: Critical art if you have it, HK tatsu if you don’t. Both of these options punish all versions of this move with the same timing.
Hard answer: Watch for them to drop next to you from the level 1 version, if they do then max damage punish. If they keep going up dash forward and watch for them to drop from the level 2 version. If they drop then use target combo for meterless damage or HP xx critical art if you have it. If they keep going up then dash forward again and again use target combo for meterless damage or HP xx critical art.

HP version goes straight up and is very easy to punish, just walk up and do max damage punish.

EX version cannot be mashed to extend his arc on block. It is in a crush counter state during recovery so max damage starts with HK, but HK has a tendency to whiff on this move. It hits reliably if you hit the button right as Rashid hits the ground but a tiny bit earlier or later will cause it to whiff. If you’d rather not deal with the possibility of missing the punish standard max damage punish is still going to hurt him plenty bad.

If Rashid does any meterless version of spinning mixer into the V trigger whirlwind he does a special version that is safe on block. If he does an EX mixer into the whirlwind he does a special version that fully extends on whiff. If you block this midscreen then dash towards him once and then jump in to punish with your jump in combo of choice. If you were in the corner he’s considered to have passed over you while he’s in the air so block away from the corner if the whirlwind is about to hit you.

Whirlwind Shot
LK version- From .5 blocks or closer punishable by Critical art. At point blank punishable by sweep.
MK version- From point blank punishable by Critical Art, otherwise safe.
HK and EX versions safe on block.

Eagle Spike
Dash forward LK xx Heavy DP punishes all meterless version from all ranges. Reversal HK tatsu also works for a bit less damage. If they do it through the V trigger whirlwind and end up back on the other side then I don’t know of a punish.

EX version is an interesting case, the closer you are at the start of the move the safer it is. From within 1.5 blocks Rashid is safe on block. From 1.5 or farther Critical art will punish. From 1.6 or farther sweep punishes. From 2.5 to max range you can use max damage punish.

Air eagle spike
If Rashid bounces back into the air away from you then you have time to dash forward and begin a combo with cr.HP. If you’re confident you’re close enough you can use the max damage punish. At a very small, specific spacing Rashid may connect with the divekick while landing directly on the ground. If this happens he is completely safe on block. This applies to all versions including EX, regardless of whether it was done during his regular jump or his V skill jump. Going through the V trigger whirlwind with this move makes it move faster but doesn’t make it recover any more quickly, though having the whirlwind in the way makes a punish unlikely.

Critical Art
Rashid is able to move himself around while the tornado is up so this is a bit tricky. If you block it point blank then he has some time to back up, dash forward and start a combo with cr.HP for a reliable punish. If Rashid starts the super from a distance and moves into you near the end of the active period then instead your most reliable option is to start your punish combo with f+HP. [/details]

This one is a doozy.

Awesome thread dude, I’m impressed with the insight.


cr.MK- From anywhere but point blank range this move is completely safe, and there’s no reason to use this move at point blank range so this isn’t really practical. At point blank range if they don’t cancel this move it can be punished with LP, LK xx EX tatsu. Light DP or EX DP will also work. However if they cancel into fireball then LP and Light DP will both get stuffed. So if someone has a silly habit of doing cr.MK fireball from point blank range then you can do EX DP as a punish regardless of if they do the fireball or not.
f+MP- Punishable by LK xx MK tatsu. If you’re far enough away that only one hit gets blocked then you’re too far away for LK xx LK tatsu into critical art to work. If both hits land I find it works reliably. At point blank range best damage is LK xx Heavy DP with critical art added on if you have it.
cr.HP- Cancellable, but slow enough that if for some reason they don’t cancel it you have time to recognize that and punish. Very punishable, but lots of pushback and crouching recovery limits your options. Sweep and EX tatsu always punish. From point blank cr.MP xx EX tatsu is the best reliable damage I found. If you want to get fancy then after blocking this at point blank range you can spend a few frames walking forward and then punish with your own cr.HP for better damage. All of this is based on the move being blocked in its early active frames causing Ryu to remain crouching, it’s possible to block the later active frames while on the ground and Ryu will follow through into a standing position. I wasn’t able to find a way to replicate this to test the situation but I bet you could probably still sweep him.
cr.HK- If you block his sweep then yours will reach. You can also use EX tatsu if you’d like, and if you’re at point blank range when he does it you can land max damage punish.

Target Combos
MP_>HP->HK- Everything after the medium punch is extremely punishable. I’m gonna split this up into several scenarios.
You block all three hits while standing up- At max range cr.MP xx MK tatsu, at point blank max damage punish.
You block the first two hits crouching then they whiff HK over your head- combos starting with cr.HP will always work here, at point blank max damage punish works also.
You block the first two hits and they don’t press HK- From max range HK, LK xx MK tatsu. From point blank HK, LK Heavy DP. You’ve got a lot of time on this one.
You get hit by the first two hits crouching and the HK whiffs over your head- HK, LK xx Heavy DP from any range
You get hit by the first two hits and they stop- Critical Art is your only punish from max range. From point blank sweep will punish.

HP->HK- this is very similar, the HK is punishable on block by cr.MP xx MK tatsu, if it whiffs over you then you can punish with your own HK regardless of whether the HP was blocked or hit you.

If done at a range of .8 blocks or closer punishable by critical art. At .5 blocks sweep will punish. At point blank cr.MP xx MK tatsu will punish. EX version completely safe.
Now, the important part. If used to end a blockstring midscreen fireball can vary widely in terms of safety.
If they cancel cr.HP into a meterless fireball sweep will always punish.
MP xx fireball is safe against critical art at the extreme tip of MP’s range but will punish if you’re any closer. The spacing is small enough that making it safe on purpose would be difficult. At point blank sweep will always punish.
cr.MK xx fireball is completely safe when spaced near the end of it’s range. The spacing is much more generous, you can expect them to reliably space it for safety. It is not a true blockstring so you can potentially interrupt between the cr.MK and the fireball. When done point blank it is punishable by sweep.
cr.MP xx fireball is also safe against critical art from a reliable chunk of the edge of its range. Unlike cr.MK xx fireball it is a true blockstring at all ranges I’ve tested, so once you block the cr.MP you’re blocking the fireball no matter what. If done point blank punishable by sweep.

Important note: When a fireball is used against a cornered opponent it causes no pushback. As a result if you are cornered by your opponent any blockstring of a normal cancelled into a meterless fireball is punishable by sweep. So if you have your back to the corner and you block any normal cancelled into a meterless fireball you should punish with sweep. If you have your opponent cornered then make sure you don’t let them block a meterless fireball. Either hit confirm and don’t throw fireballs on block or spend the meter on an EX fireball to make it safe.

V Trigger fireballs with no charge time- During V trigger Ryu’s uncharged fireballs become a very slight bit safer on block. This tips the scales and makes them safe against your sweep causing a major difference in your ability to punish them at longer ranges. cr.MK is your longest range normal than can potentially punish fireballs during Ryu’s V trigger. The spacing does not seem to be changed so if cr.MK would work against a regular fireball it will work against a V trigger fireball.
V trigger fireball, level2 charge- When charged enough to cause 2 hits instead of one Ryu’s fireball is -4 on block. This means that at point blank range critical art, medium DP and LK can punish, and anywhere beyond point blank range they are completely safe on block.
V trigger fireball fully charged- If you block one of these it will be you getting punished, not them. These cause guard break.

Dragon Punch
Max damage crush counter punish. Pretty simple.

Hurricane kick
All meterless versions can be punished by max damage punish if blocked standing. If you’re crouching the move will whiff over you. As it does so you can use the crouching DP shortcut to hit them with a Medium DP. The crouching DP shortcut is down-forward, down, down-forward and punch. If you do the regular input you risk standing up and getting hit. If a Ryu player does a MK or HK tatsu from full screen then you get the most damage by standing up to block it and then punishing, but be aware this comes as a bit of a trade off since MK and HK tatsu both do a significant amount of chip damage on each hit. The extra damage from a max punish combo is definitely worth it compared to just a DP, and doubly so if you have either V trigger or Critical art available.
EX version can be punished at any range by critical art or walking forward and sweeping them. At point blank the best meterless damage I found was f+HP xx Heavy DP, the best stun was walk forward HK, LK xx MK tatsu.

Critical Art
The best punishes for this move involve not blocking it, so if you’re far away enough to avoid it after the super freeze I suggest you do so. Unfortunately from 1.5 blocks or closer you don’t have enough time to jump out of the way, you’ll get caught on your way up. If you block it from withing 1.4 blocks reversal critical art is your only punish that I’ve found. From .9 blocks or closer you can reliably walk up and sweep, or with meter you can walk up a bit and use HK linked into critical art. From point blank f+HP, cr.HP xx Heavy DP is reliable.
If Ryu is in V trigger as he does his critical art he will use a Denjin Hadoken instead. This move will break your guard, so if you block it you’re the one getting punished, not them. If you’re too close to jump out then I suggest EX DP, even if you aren’t close enough to hit them you’ll have enough invincibility to pass safely through. If you time it correctly so that you do EX DP on the first frame after the super freeze and you whiff then you’ll actually be +4 when you recover, so if you’re in range you can punish him with LK xx MK tatsu or another EX DP if you feel like it.
If you don’t have meter you can parry it, but he still gets guaranteed damage. You spend so long parrying that he has time to recover, walk up and throw you out of your parries. It’s less than you’d lose to chip and a hit after the guard break though.[/details]



f+MK- Vega’s overhead is safe against critical art when blocked at the edge of its range. If blocked at point blank you can punish with LP, LK xx tatsu or reversal critical art.
cr.HK- If it’s spaced to hit on its last active frame it’s still -4, so this move is always punishable by reversal critical art or medium DP. From any closer than the max range max damage punish will work.
Claw On cr.HP- at max range safe against critical art. At point blank punishable with cr.MP xx EX tatsu. Mostly an anti-air as far as I know so I doubt you’ll see it much.
Claw on f+HP- Critical Art punishes at any range. From 1.8 blocks LK punishes but on follow-ups available. At 1.7 blocks Light DP punishes. EX hits as well but the second hit will whiff so don’t waste the meter. At 1.6 blocks Sweep or Heavy DP punishes. MP and cr.MP also punish at this range. but the only way to combo off of them is to already be in V trigger and use EX fireball. From 1 block or closer combos starting with cr.HP will combo.

Target Combos
Claw on HP->HP- At max range sweep and reversal Heavy DP punish. From point blank combos starting with cr.HP punish. He doesn’t seem to be able to cancel into V skill on block so don’t worry about him messing you up with that.
Claw off MP->HK- If you block the kick standing then it’s safe at max range. From point blank punishable by light DP and EX DP. If you are crouching and the HK whiffs over you you can respond with the max damage punish combo, even if the MP hit you.

V skill- From max range critical art is your only punish. From 1.1 blocks EX tatsu will punish. From 1 block sweep punishes. From .6 blocks cr.MP xx tatsu. From point blank cr.HP. Having the claw on or off seems to alter the range of the move slightly but doesn’t seem to alter how Ryu punishes it.

Crimson Terror (rolling attack)
If you block one of the rolling hits of the attack then reversal heavy DP will punish. The blockstun on the last hit is extremely short so you have to do it quick. If only the final hit is blocked then it may be spaced so that DP will whiff. In that case the only reliable punish I’ve found is critical art.
EX version is completely safe on block

Aurora Spin Edge (claw on only slash attack)
In a practical sense all versions of this move are safe on block. The LP version that slashes low is technically punishable by critical art if Vega does it while literally pressed directly against Ryu and completely safe from a pixel farther.

V trigger
The crouching version the throws the rose upward will whiff if you’re crouching giving you a chance to punish as Vega sits there. If you block it standing then you can punish with Critical Art. If you don’t have meter then dashing forward and using the medium punch target combo can punish but your timing has to be perfect.
Other versions are completely safe on block.

Critical Art
HK, LK xx Heavy DP works at the spacing that you’ll be left at from blocking this move. It might be possible that a slight walk forward could get you in range for a better punish but I didn’t find anything easy.



MK- From point blank light DP or EX DP will punish. Shouldn’t come up much if ever.
cr.MK- From max range critical art is your only punish. From a little bit closer in LK xx EX tatsu will punish
f+MK- punishable by reversal light DP or EX DP, but given the tiny blockstun it would be really hard to do it unless you’ve got a read that the f+mk was coming and you’re sitting there watching for it.
Uncharged HP- from point blank Light DP or EX DP will punish. Shouldn’t come up often.
cr.HP- Punishable by critical art and medium DP. It’s an anti air though so you probably won’t block it on the ground.

If you block the initial hit at the start then you can dash forward for the max damage punish. If you block the last hit then sweep will punish. If it’s whiffing over your head and he doesn’t bakc up then you can start a combo with cr.HP

V trigger
If Zangief just taps V trigger to suck you in and you block then it’s punishable by the max damage punish combo. You can also just mash hard DP if you don’t mind less damage for easier execution. If he holds it so that it hits you then it’s a true blockstring so there no downside to mashing here as long as you stop once it’s obvious he’s holding it and you’re blocking.

That’s it for Zangief, the rest is just throws. Jump/backdash out and punish.