Hey guys, I was hoping for some feedback with the match up and my play in general. Thanks in advance.
I only watched three matches. You need to work on your basics -
AA - almost non-existent - get good at AA and other parts of your game will improve
If your going to neutral jump to catch a rush punch, might as well make it a heavy button not medium kick, just leaving damage on the table
You use almost no V-reversal or V-trigger. All those times you were eating counter hits in the corner or using reversal Dp’s - just wait for Rog to do a Rush/turn punch and V-reversal that to relieve the pressure - it’s free.
HAVE to punish basic things like blocked sweeps or unsafe rush punches. You’re letting the opponent here get free mistakes.
Overall youre playing a zoning game without any fireballs and without any AA, that’s going to be counter productive. For this particular player next time you play him -
Use fireballs close to him but not far - don’t use any normals unless you are in range to hit the opponent.
Try to get AA down, even use back HK if you are not confident
Just block low ( against this guy) He’s using the same target combo gimmick
When you get cornered use V-reversal OR air tatsu escape
Use more sweeps to keep the player honest
Use your Super early - you’re keeeping it for that magic moment - just try and land it.
Also learn counters to Rogs rush punches - mostly st.lk xx tatsu.
You are on the right path though, you’re not recklessly doing things much. You just need to work on really simple things.
Thank you very much for the feedback! I’ll definitely work to implement it. I clicked on your profile link, and it’s a treasure trove, i’m diving into those videos as well.
hey guys wondering if you could give me some feedback? im gaijinsmash and im playing against a really strong ryu who i met on discord. He gives me some pointers but would love even more, cheers! https://youtube.com/watch?v=ccHo2v0aXZU
Solid Ryu mate, both played well. The mirror is an absolute bitch and probably one of the harder ones to see where you’re going wrong because Ryus buttons actually work in the mirror.
Couple of things I noticed -
Sweep. You gotta keep those cr.mk in check, you took far too many on both block and hit which means you’re probably standing a touch too close. Make sure you’re whiffing it just in front, remember sweep has a better range than cr.mk. You will CC the start up. With V trigger it’s even better, almost spammable. Also a lack of st.mk, good counter poke.
Surprised neither of you are not really using cr.mp xx fireball. True block string, better frame advantage and of course hit confirm - cr.mp - st.lk - tatsu.
You’re using st.fierce, not a bad button, but using it as your shimmy button and it isn’t the best. You might as well use St.hk for the CC combo or to counter fireballs at mid range. Ideally though you probably want cr.mp/Mk into tatsu or fireball.
Your frame traps are tight. That other player has rock solid defence and a good tech pattern. Try mixing it up with axe kick or solar plexus after a block. It’ll leave a bigger gap and is high reward. You need slight delays against players of quality. So instead of jumping in and continuing with lights, try an axe kick or instead of jab - mp , try jab - solar plexus. Ryu isn’t a character like Cammy or Chun who will try and interrupt your strings so you need bigger gaps.
Corner play - if you’re going to jump out, you might as well air tatsu out, better chance of escape.
Overhead? Keep that crouch block honest.
Overall you’ve got a solid Roo just from that one match. You’re at the level now where you need smart traps and baits against higher level players.
Good stuff!
As an offtop - Ryu mirror is my favourite matchup to watch. Very entertaining - very active, a lot of plasma flying. =)
@Highlandfireball firstly thanks for going through the time to watch this video, means a lot as your ryu is very impressive.
Going through what you said, we do use different pokes like cr mp into hado for instance, but i feel this is a match that i was on tilt. We played many before that which i feel may demonstrate what you said better. In fact i normally use st lk after cr mp to mix things up so i can fish for the counter hit.
What you said about sweep actually makes a lot of sense im definitely going to try that in training mode to whiff punish ryu st mk.
Im really happy you pointed out my shimmy game, normally i go auto pilot and go for st hp into the cc, i actually prefer that in the corner. But mid screen i think i will go with what you said especially st hk, because i do mix it up with cr mp into tatsu sometimes but always love that big damage
Those frame traps you suggested is really interesting, Ive seen someone mention on here the st hk that daigo uses and he also mentioned the solar plexus tick throw bait. Sorry i forgot his name but was interesting none the less. Your right higher level players are hard to open up and I normally rely too much on the shimmy. Need to incorporate what you mentioned.
Im so used to jumping out free against players which is a bad habit of mine. But now days i only play players who like to punish that which i like, because im always looking for someone to cross me up also.
Thanks again bud, Im very self critical even when i win haha always something i could of done better. I feel ryu is the epitome of clean solid play and i guess i always strive for that. Really good to get some feedback on areas i have overlooked! i may show another video in the future also @igogorek ryu mirror matches are my fave hahaha i cannot get enough of them always a showcase who has the better ryu.
Here’s an oki-oriented video I just made, which is centered around non-crouchable st.rh meaties:
Me vs. Snakeeyez? Or someone playing Ryu on his account. Either way, I’m not bad, but this Ryu is so good it makes me look like straight garbage. He was murdering super diamonds like nothing. PxGice the guile was in their getting raped too.
Nice matches dude, dont blow so much meter on EXFB, not worth it. At least not at them ranges.
Cause I suck lol. I’ve kinda slacked on SFV and rely on my fundamentals to win. I haven’t put in the time to consistently do the optimal things.
Very true. I usually don’t. I was playing a little nervous and got antsy cause I knew I was playing someone really high level. As a result, I didn’t get AA’s where I usually would have and didn’t hit optimal punishes. Partly that’s a credit to Snakeyez though cause he’s so good it kinda scrambles the brain a bit.
Ok just played a few matches that give you a better idea of how I play. This is a mirror with a more mediocre Ryu (no offense to this guy). Critiques?
Edit: Bonus really good Juri player I had a close set with.
Therapy For The Self-Hating Ryu Masochist
hi guys, i’m really struggling to get better at using Ryu and would really appreciate any feedback! My SF V “name” is:
- JulioSotomayor
and my “Steam Name” is the exact same: JulioSotomayor. Please, whoever wants to play, any time, any day, I’m always down so feel free to add me!
this is the first video it’s a mirror match between me and a friend’s Ryu and while it doesn’t display the highest skill level for either of us here (after this match he went on to mop the floor with me) we had already played like 20 matches before this video so we were mentally tired.
the reason I then specifically choose this one is because that’s when most of us make the most glaring “bad habit” mistakes and when our “wins”, like mine here, are really losses, and it shows both of us in “ryu autopilot”, which is where the most constructive criticism can come in handy.
The match doesn’t really show much, maybe I’ll take a look one time on your replay channel. The Ryu on the right (green suit) is particularly strange, had some decent knowledge of spacing but completely random shit just comes out of no where and can’t punish properly because he’s probably playing at 200mph, even on whiff he missed like 3-4 easy punishes or didn’t take the optimal combo. The EX Air tatsue over a fireball was particularly random, you could have just punished his landing.
For yourself it always comes back to fundamentals. You actually play really solid in the first round ( I thought you were better than him) but then despite having a nice life lead and control of the match, you seem to want to throw it away with random stuff. Play patient, control his movements.
You also have trouble with hit confirms and can’t seem to link off the st.lk. This is essential as Ryu and I’d consider switching combos or meatys if you can’t get that link down, although it could have been just the one match.
Neither of you can AA.
In the Ryu mirror it’s generally better to play a defensive footsie based game and there’s almost no reason to press buttons on wake up as Ryus throw will reset the situation back to neutral for minimal damage.
Overall, just slow it down and think more about your current situation - am I in front? Can I frustrate him? ( clearly yes because he can’t go 2 seconds without doing something). Is pushing the advantage a good idea here? Like you say a lot of it is auto pilot.
Thank you very much man! For taking the time to comment. You’re right p. much about all of your points. Lately what I’ve been training myself regularly is to develop a patient, economic “style” with my Ryu as I’ve been binge watching and studying in slow-mo match footage of the best Ryus playing SF V right now:
Abbao (probably the best defense of any SF V player; google his match versus Nemo’s Urien from a chinese tourney a few months ago… GODLIKE defense)
Sasaki (wow)
Otani (wow)
TriggerSFV (supposedly this is some dude who uses scripts to ‘automate’ his combos/punishes or whatever; but you know what? it doesn’t matter to me because watching his matches you can see how a Ryu player can win a match by always using/doing Ryu’s maximum punishes and whiff-punishes)
In fact, it was from watching TriggerSFV matches that I realized that Ryu’s sweep is his 2nd best (currently) footsie tool as it is fast enough to CC/whiff-punish the majority of the other character’s buttons; yes, the player in question is (supposedly) using tools/scripts to do this stuff but (sweeping a Bison’s scissor kick on like its 2nd frame of happening, lol), but if it wasn’t for this guy I never would’ve realized how great Ryu’s sweep is in neutral.
his cr. MK is borderline useless as it is so short (sweep reaches further) and it is so slow that throwing it out can literally get Ryu jumped-in on for free, and his cr. MP while a tiny bit faster than his cr. MK it is still way too slow to effectively whiff punish enemy normals, and and i had never before realized that his sweep is his farthest reaching normal besides st MK, and its CC priority means it will work versus normals that are mid and high (super dumb SF V priority system).
TriggerSFV’s Ryu-bot also showed me how amazing the cr. HP can be if used when you really would never think to use it, such as using it at almost cr. MP-range in order to catch enemy normals; to make it safe you can cancel it into an ex-fireball (leaves Ryu +1 I believe, might be +2), or into a regular hadoken (leaves him at zero? no idea).
i was watching a bunch of the Ryu-bot’s matches and he was using cr. HP 24/7 to whiff-punish everything you can think of and then cancelling into V-Trigger and he would do: cr HP xx V-Trigger xx st. HP xx EX-Hadoken (if opponent is blocking so that Ryu is plus; OR if opp is too far for SRK) or HP. SRK instead if this is on-hit.
Recently I been starting to use standing MP xx st. LK xx HP. SRK (because cr. HP whiffs now from too many ranges) and this combo is great, in my opinion. If they block this, then after the st. LK I’m doing: st. MP xx st. LK (this is on block) -> crouching LK and then a final standing LK and this pushes Ryu back far enough to resume neutral play and as a bonus the majority of opponents will then begin offense and the distance is perfect for AA SRKs or alternatively for Ryu to Foward-Dash and CC-sweep them or whatever.
Sorry for typing all this stuff here in the video thread. Feeling better about Ryu than I have in months.
Sweep is very good, especially with V-trigger. I’d actually like his sweep to be one frame faster so he becomes the “footsie” shoto. You can whiff punish with sweep but ultimately it’s a low damage option which is why I’d like it to be more powerful at whiff punishing.
Cr.mk is actually a good button but not in a defensive sense ( like it always was). Now it’s more of an attacking button buffered in to tatsu giving you a solid shimmy game.
Cr.fierce is good, but st.fierce is also good if you want to play footsies. It’s startup is worse but it’s recovery and block data is better. I think not enough Ryus use the trigger fierce xx fireball in footsies.
I don’t watch trigger but I did have the same idea as you. I watched to see how it would Space and which buttons it picked. A lot of that bots damage though is from impossible stuff like overhead jab xx DP or one jab xx DP (wut!).