Here is my new Ryu Vs. Cammy setups video. You can even use these ideas for your own character when fighting against Cammy. Please Like the video on YouTube and leave your feedback. I’d love to know what you think about what I found for you.
NEW!!! KaizenMaster’s Zatoichi Setups
P.S. Thank you to Darren Wright aka “SpadesDaGreat” for his help when training versus Cammy.
Now CFN replays are available I was 100% right about you, none of your stuff works properly vs good players and you lose every single match vs anyone decent in SFV, you don’t even know how to play footsies, what proper spacing is, let alone any combos or setups which are useful, your fundamentals of SFV is basically 0. I wouldn’t even bother replying to you again, but CFN exactly proved what I said,
you sir are the biggest BS talker on SRK forums
you don’t even know how to play this game and can’t even defend vs the most basic rushdown online in the 1-2k LP range
no surprise you dodged the FT10 vs me
but CFN replays exactly showed what most ppl were thinking, you are just a beginner who tries to make yourself look better than you actually are
stop bragging around ffs
Not really match up specific, but twice you put yourself in a losing position when you were already in the winning position. I would have backed off both times and either used quick jabs or or just waited for the mistake by the Cammy player. Eat the throws if you have to.
Little bit greedy on the meter ( keeping it) and some dropped combos cost you damage.
Overall I don’t think you’re doing anything drastically wrong here, just some bad decisions and some rough hit confirms. Not sure about the neutral jumps, but a lot of players do that in this game.
You played quite solid overall, just unforced errors.
That fist match could have been ended with a HK tatsu instead of a LK one. Always keep in mind how much life your opponent has left and adjust accordingly. Solid Ryu play, keep it up.
Thanks guys. I’ll try to not be so conservative when it comes to meter. Outside of combos I tend to hold on it. I tried the “less is more approach” the neutral jumps where to bait out Cammys vskill in those distances where I might have thrown a fireball.
There’s not much need when you can just punish it grounded before it reaches you, the thing when you neutral jump, is that you lose control of your character for that period, allowing them to do something else.
A good Cammy will eye ball that and start AA you with a DP or an air trade.
If you hold ground you can AA, poke , whiff punish or block - when you neutral jump you can only punish.
yep, the OS will only activate if block animation happens. it has nothing to do with contact being made.
this ONLY works with Ryu so command grabbers can’t take advantage of this. i fully expect Capcom to patch this out as i believe this is a game breaking OS
The scrub is right. There is never any reason to not block the ex tatsu, you have such a long time to punish with a crush counter combo. If you wait for him to land first, you can land much more damaging combos
Somebody asked for this, thought it might be fun. It’s quite hard to do these things without spending 20 mintutes on one match so I’ve sort of kept it to a few key moments and the general feel of the match. I’ll do part 2 and 3 if you guy’s think this one is any good. If anything check out the match stats at the end for an interesting insight into Tokido’s and Daigo’s alternate play styles.