Ryu Video Thread

Some matches any advice?

Advice on what? You wrecked that Karin player lmao

any mistake?

@FGC_Oni : you sure it’s daigo? he doesn’t move like that normally… heh maybe he was messing around? but yeah good match!

@Majoras : you got really good anti-airs! the two things i’d work on are:

  1. you really need to punish crossups. you let most of them through and that’s untapped damage
  2. make sure to do as much damage as you can from your openings. a lot of your combos are sub-optimal.

anyways, i put more matches up to 3800LP on my twitch. i got drunk around 4000 LP and started losing. AHAHHAHA. sorry.

ok thanks dude

It’s Daigo, lmao I felt hella accomplished after just barely breaking 1000 LP last night. I beat a Zangief the other day ranked 12000 worldwide. My rank is floating around 80000-60000 I can’t remember right now. I’m slowly getting better at this game. I’d be satisfied reaching Gold in the next few months. Platinum is a long term thing for me lmao


leading theory is that i went to neutral frame-perfect to get hit. :frowning:

i’ll try to post other examples when i can but i don’t know if that’s it.

Some of Daigo’s online matches.


uploaded by this person who has I’m pretty certain has most of the footage of Daigo’s Ryu we’ve seen so far, including the Lupe Fiasco exhibition lol

on block - which fireball is daigo / are you guys doing from close range cr.MK?

Daigo dosnt really use cr.MP xx Hado in any of the stream highlights or replays i’ve seen so far (he has canceled into dp/tatsu instead) but has heavy use of cr.MK xx HP Hado, never really uses medium Hado even in neutral from what i’ve seen and only use he makes of LP hado in neutral has been to cover his own approch esp against bisons.

Think this is a very interesting video! up until this point i’ve assumed that sim owns the long range vs ryu but maybe he dosnt, Valle only gets into trouble when he goes in way to directly, it might actualy be better to play it patiently and wait for a teleport to jab then scramble from that point for your damage.

Close range I don’t think it makes too much of a difference, as all Hado strengths have the same frame data? The only thing I can think is that HP Hado might give the opponent a slightly smaller window to DP through, but considering how no one is really DPing through the cr.MK xx Hado blockstring, I think it’s a marginal thing!

Just made a tutorial about using Ryu’s Parry as Anti-Air (like 20 mins ago):

I think HP hadou is better for sim, yes you might sacrifice a few frames on a teleport set up , but the idea of the fireball should not only be to punish limbs but to catch a yoga fire. Dhalsims never going to jump in so i don’t see the use of LP hadou in this match up.

It’s too hard to get that long-mid range damage from him. EX fireball KD and scramble pressure is one of the only ways I was getting in on good sims.


Sick parry video. All are setup in training but shows what is possible. 3:35 for EVO moment #37

I really don’t like this video, I don’t think it does a very good job of explaining how parries against air attacks works, and it gives a mistaken impression that parries are guaranteed anti-airs. You use the word “punish” to describe things that are not punishes, and tell people to do really unsafe things like parry an air attack, and then go for a DP without explaining that they’re actually unsafe.


Not affraid to say this but i’ve played zero good sims so far, so most of what i think of the matchup has been from watching youtube or twitch replays when at work.
So your saying that it isnt worth trying to setup a zone, are the fireballs to reactable with Teleport punishes? or whats the deal? i know that Valle isnt winning from the long range but unlike older entrys he isnt loosing eighter.

The match pretty much plays out like you’d imagine, apart from the fact you can never jump, you could often still jump over a fireball against sim in other games to at least gain ground, but because of the trajectory of the yoga fire, it makes it tougher than before.

What happens is you have to dash up sweep, HP fireball or just dash when he throws the fireball because that’s the only chance you get to close ground. Parry/DP is viable although it has to be a read.

I feel like in other games where you could really rush sim down after KD , it’s harder in this game because of the wake up timings coupled with the push back of normals, then stick V-Reversal and carpet on top and sim has way more options than before.

I think you have to rush him down, but more like a burst here and there. A guy in my area is ranked in the top 200 with sim . I’ve only had about 10 games against him though.