Ryu thread (how to not defeat sheng long)


Can someone break this match down to me? In favor of RYU?

Ryu has a faster fireball and a superfireball that work well against Ken. You should use your fireball game to keep Ken out and bait him into jumping at you. It’s probably not a good idea to play a ground game (trading low attacks) against Ken, since he is fast and has a standing roundhouse that out ranges you.

Most Ken players are aggressive and willing to take some risks to get a big damage output somewhere along the way (cross-up or crouching short into super). Ryu can play mostly conservative and punish each time Ken takes a chance. It’s inportant not to get predictable, as your limbs will be dp’d, nor should you freeze up, as you will start getting ticked too death. Any offensive shenanigans should probably be in the form of Ryu’s rushing fierce punch followed by sweep/throw/super; otherwise stick to Ryu’s boring fb trap game and win most of the time.

There was a great set of videos with Daigo/Aniken playing about 12 Ken/Ryu matches out there somewhere, but I couldn’t seem to find the link. If anyone finds it, it would be a good post for this thread.

So, any good general strats? Or even better, specific match ups? What would be a good strat against T.Hawk?

Daigo vs. Ani-Ken:


P.S.: Merged “RYU vs KEN” thread with the Ryu thread. No reason for them to be separate.

Good question. I’d also like to know a good strat against Hawk.

I guess no one on SRK plays Ryu. :sad:

any strats on Chun?

Well, let’s face it; Ryu uses basically the same strategy for almost every character, unless it is generally unsafe to throw fireballs (Gief, Claw, Sim, Sagat, etc). In those cases, he is forced to play footsies, air hurricane shennigans, charge super and bait/tick, or whatever else you think will help you win those tough matchups.

T Hawk is an easier matchup compared to Zangief imo. Since Hawk doesn’t have the lariat, he takes a little more fireball abuse, usually forcing him to jump in/dive with guesses. A solid Ryu who throws fb’s when it’s safe and baits jump in’s will do well. Also, Hawk’s ground moves are quite pathetic compared to Gief, so footsie games also seem to be in Ryu’s favor. Is there some secret tactic against Hawk? I doubt it. Fight it mostly like you would fight Gief and you should be in great shape.

Chun’s fight revolves around her super mostly, since her biggest weakness is your ability to fireball her a lot. When she does NOT have super, you are free to throw fireballs to your heart’s content, as long as you aren’t stupidly obvious. Your major concern is to get her into a corner and keep her there as long as possible, which usually results in the loss of a lot of her life. When she has her super, you must suddenly be extremely careful with your fb’s, as she can super through any of them and cause 50%+ damage if she gets through one. It’s normally in your best interest to try to bait her into using her super so that you can go back to abusing her with fireballs; this is usually best accomplished with hurricane kicks, whether they are in the air or standing on the ground. Jumping back (especially in the corner) and jumping into Chun (when it’s not a cross-up) while she has super is a death wish, so don’t get stupid with your super baits. The other problem you have to deal with, besides her super, is her rush-down game, which usually involves a meaty low attack or roundhouse flip kick followed by standing strongs or whatever else she wants to do to keep you in block stun. If you start dp’ing to get out of this sequence (which is lazy on your part), she’ll wise up and punish you severely. Your best options out of her rush are counter throw/soften throw, hurricane kick (since it gets you off the ground and is at least invulnerable for a few frames) or else crouching forward into fireball. It’s usually Chun who decides (by which moves she uses) what is your best course of action against her rushdown, so learn exactly when you will be out of block-stun and choose your best option depending on how far away she is from you.

Thanks. Another question:

What’s are some good pokes against Hawk, this kid I play at the arcade must be fking pyschic because he dives a split-second before I throw my fb and I eat it whenever I try.

cool, thanks. Good info.

You have to be careful against T.hawk, however, if you throw Fireballs too close to T.Hawk. He can easily DP + Jab and go through the fireball and nail you in the face. So it actually is very similar to Zangief in that you can’t Fireball as much when close-up. However, baiting his DP allows you to punish it eaiser than Zangief’s.

T.Hawk is actually not a gimme for Ryu. Good T.Hawks can eat up Ryu’s pretty badly mostly because the fireball isn’t as effective against T.Hawk as it is against many other characters.

Ryu has 2 basic fireball strategies: fb from basically anywhere on the screen or fb only very close or very far from the opponent. Mysteriously enough, fights that are easy for Ryu fall into the first category, while his tougher matches force him to use #2.

T Hawk has 2 fireball counters: his dp and his air dive. For his dp to work, he has to be relatively close and must anticipate quite a bit. This means you should be faking or doing crouching forward into fireball whenever T Hawk is half of a screen away or closer. If the T Hawk can do a walk-up 360, then you are under more pressure to commit to a move sooner, but it’s pretty rare to fight someone who can do that consistently; so bust out your crouching forward and your close-fb game. If you are getting hit by T Hawk’s air dive consistently, then you are most likely fb’ing too much or at the wrong times. A meaty fb when he’s getting up is a good idea, but then start putting in your pauses and fakes to force him to take some risks. Most importantly is to stand in the right place. Similar to Gief, you won’t find it extremely easy to keep T Hawk in the corner; most of this fight is about spacing. If you continually throw fb’s from the same spot, you are giving your opponent an advantage; keep it your’s by changing the timing or the spacing.

Yes, T Hawk is no walk in the park, and I am always secretly scared of being beated by this giant Mexican monster (please not the pink one), but Ryu has a LOT of control in this fight, at least until Hawk gets in close enough to 360; but you only have to get out once and you go back to having control of the fight.

Some Ryu things to ask:

When is the best time to use his :r: :hp: ? I use it mostly as an advancing maneuver to move across the screen quickly. However, I also sometimes will use it meaty on a character because it seems like that’s the only time I can get it to connect with the 2 hits. If I try it too close I’ll usually get a throw. I love the move because of it’s frame advantage but in order for it to hit you have to be so close, and you’re open to reversals.

So what are some good applications for this move, if any?

Good looks. Appreciate it.

Very few people I know actually use it to hit the opponents. It’s a great move for positioning and surprise attacks. Let’s say there is a distance N in which N is the horizontal length of your opponent’s Jump. So if you are at distance N from your opponent, you are at optimal anti-air DP range.

Let’s say you have the opponent knocked down and you are standing at distance N away from the grounded opponent. If you throw a Meaty Fireball, you will recover from your Fireball delay as the opponent gets up and is still in Block Stun. But the Fireball has pushed your opponent away from distance N, so you are no longer in optimal Anti-Air DP range. So while the opponent is still in Block Stun, you want to get back to N and throw another Fireball. Best way? Towards + Fierce. Meaty Jab Fireball, Towards + Fierce, Fireball. Opponent can’t really do anything about that and, if they try jumping over the second Fireball, you are in perfect distance to DP them.

Another example? When you throw a Jab Meaty Fireball at an opponent getting up in the corner with you half a screen away. After they get up and block, you can go for mind games by doing Towards + Fierce while they are in Block Stun and end up right next to them. From here, you can Throw them or do a Crouch Roundhouse as they stand up to try and stop your Throw.

And so on and so forth. It’s definitely something that shouldn’t be abused, but think of it as a way to make Ryu dash quickly. You can use it in some situations where you intend to hit (after Cross-ups, though you can be countered before it connects) or after doing a point blank Super Fireball the opponent blocks, but for the most part, it’s used as a Dash.

As James said, besides just moving a short distance forward faster than you would walk, it’s mostly used for Ryu’s pressure mind game.

After the rushing fierce, you have 3 basic options: throw, sweep/dp, or super. Abusing your opponent with this tactic is not easy, however, as he is not in block stun; so this is less of a “do the perfect end-of-block-stun timing” trick and more of an all out “force your opponent to guess and out-guess him” trick. Needless to say, you’ll see players like Daigo use it very often, while almost everyone else who doesn’t have a very strong in-your-face Ryu will not use it at all.

If you want the nutshell version: try doing rush-throw once, then do rush-very slight pause-super next.

What about Ryu vs Chun??? This is a TOUGH match imo.

I wonder who this T.Hawk player is? Do you play at CF? :wonder:

Whenever doing a far low kick into fireball against hawk, it’s most often better to use a jab fireball. Hawk can easily soar through a fierce fireball with a DP, but a slow jab fireball will often catch him in the ass during the DP.

Also, you can try using short hurricane to get out of his ticks. You can still get hit, but some find it easier than a jab DP and you might catch him by surprise if he’s trying to bait the DP (or using negative edge). Go CE Ryu. Never use higher strength hurricane though, as, like Zangief, he can easily hit them with crouching punches.